rottenseed says...

They'd better have some evidence for it's damages before they put somebody in jail...

To think, mothers across America fill their kids guts with high fructose corn syrup enriched meals for breakfast lunch and dinner and yet live free.

rougy says...

"A mother has pleaded guilty to the knowledge that her 5 year old son was smoking Marijuana.

A Judge has sentenced her to 5 years in prison"

I know some people are going to think ill of me, but that's fucked up. Those prosecutors are fuckwads.

That child will suffer 100x the harm of having to be raised without his mother, and with her in prison no less, than the marijuana smoke caused him.

Giving a kid a hit off a joint is really not much different than giving your kid a sip of your beer or wine; it's not right, but it hardly deserves five years in prison.

Sagemind says...

>> ^rougy:>
That child will suffer 100x the harm of having to be raised without his mother, and with her in prison no less, than the marijuana smoke caused him.

I agree entirely, No one ever thinks of the trauma inflicted on the kids when the courts step in. Sometimes the solution ends up causing more damage than the issue.

rougy says...

Even if she's only in for one or two years and gets out on parol, that's a long time for a five-year-old. Those are formative years, starting school, defining yourself, being defined by others.

Can you hear the taunts on the playground? "Hey everybody! Guess whose mommy is in prison!"

swampgirl says...

Is there more to this story? Is the woman doing more than just this? This is pretty damn harsh punishment for the crime. Did she just get 5 years for possession of pot?

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