Ive been asked to remove a vid., due to not having permissio
I received this post to my profile today. I assume I can ignore it, but Id like to know if I need to deal with this in some way.
You have uploaded my panda video: http://www.videosift.com/video/Panda-prison-break#171519
Please remove this as it belongs to me and you did not seek permission.
You have uploaded my panda video: http://www.videosift.com/video/Panda-prison-break#171519
Please remove this as it belongs to me and you did not seek permission.
Inside your panda thread they provided a link to the original. I would just *discard it but not worry about deading the video. They need to contact youtube to get it pulled.
On a side note their copyright seems dubious as it is probably actually the zoo's property because it was filmed there.
Discarding this post (discard called by gold star member intangiblemeg)
damn, so that above post, again was me....
and *return cause I'm a chump.
This post cannot be returned because it is not a video. (James Roe must be confused.)
curse you sifty, making me use my super secret admin powers.
Didn't have his permission??? Is this guy related to the crazy lady who started talking about copyright on her dog barking at a laptop? That vid is ALL OVER the internet! I've seen it everywhere, and he comes to here to get off?
....but Eric didn't upload the video. I don't get it?
cross-dresser meg.. the actual copyright is the videographer and whoever made the digital video that got uploaded to the internets. The zoo can go pound sand, but possibly can sue you if they have rules about filming on their property.
stick flowers in their gun barrels
I'm no cross dresser. I'm just using meg's computer at work and she has the sift set to remember her. So if I reboot firefox and hit up the sift I feel like I'm logged in, and then I'm not. I could manually hack the db to change it, but well it's a pain in the ass.
James has been spending a lot of time at Meg's lately... is there something you want to tell us?? I don't believe we APPROVED of this relationship!
The day I start asking an internet community to approve my personal life is the day I end it all Karaidl.

Bah! You should have sifted it first. I'll bet we would have upvoted it to the front page anyways...
Let's all start blogging this vid!

I'll start;
ehh I don't think the sift should be supporting that sort of stuff, im gonna kill this thread and the original post.
Discarding this post (discard called by gold star member James Roe)
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