Invoking *dead on videos

Not that it's a pressing issue, but how come any ol' sifter cant *dead a video? Why not have anyone, or at least a starred member, be able to call the *dead invocation?
Fletch says...

I think all stars should be able to dead videos, but I don't think "any ol' sifter" should. There is a potential for abusing it that should require at least some level of proven Proper Siftertude. Non-stars can still post a friendly message to the poster's profile, which can go far in establishing good graces and impression.

jonny says...

I agree with Fletch. And considering bronzes are able to fix deads, which requires more responsibility than just calling it, there's no reason they shouldn't be able to flag them.

choggie says...

Another way to look at the "any ol' sifter can" dynamic- is, abuse violations attached to the carte blanche power given to all, may land abusers a warning via a ban invocation.....I see it as another way to separate wheat from chaff, kernel from hull, a good gauge for a sifter's mettle to shine or sink. For instance, the fix must be revisited, by the original submitter, or someone who remmembers the post, to make sure the fix is not simply, related. Give the abusers the room to do so, and they may. I have fixed a few, that have been close I believe, but with no feedback to confirm.

oh, and everyone, ericalotta#'s really IS doing a kick-ass job, all those deads he's fixed with Spanish and German dubs?? (wait....did I do that?)

choggie says...

Better, let them all do it, but give un-starred sifters, a longer duration between allowed fixes-like the starred members get for promotes and saves. 7 days must pass for un-starred members, at least. 10 is better.

Oh, and WHAT, besides ignoring a user,(which I personally think is chicken-shit) who obviously is not here for the blog, other than to bring a bag of spray paint to comment with, can be done with those who don't post vids, but add their paltry 2 cents in the comments. After all-we post vids from other sites here, that's one of the ways to look into the window of the sifter's soul, w/o actually seeing their eyes, AND, a big reason we come here....I don't mind the quality comments without posting, too much, but fer crisskes mon, let's see a vidoe, besides the one that made you lose yer "P"!

gorgonheap says...

If you have a star it shows you have something to contribute. It's not that hard to get a bronze. I'm really apprehensive about anyone being able to create an account and start messing with things.

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