I'm so mad I could spit

...at these idiots from Westboro Baptist Church. Ten of them are coming here to protest the funerals of the victims of a recent horrible school bus crash. Supposedly God punished the four teenagers from Lee High School who died last Monday, and the other 37 people who were injured. 14 are still critical. The bus ran off an elevated ramp, landing on it's nose after a 30' drop. It's been a tough week for us in Huntsville, Alabama. The Patriot Guard is said to be here, and alot of local people are planning to form a human chain to prevent the families from seeing everything. There've been alot of threats made...Anyway, it's hard for me to sit here when I want to be involved. My going down to the first funeral, which starts in about an hour, won't do anything but add to the frenzy. But damn, I want to spit, yell, throw rocks...just to get those bastards to leave these mourning families alone! Sorry for the rant...but I've got just to get it out.

lucky760 says...

As anyone who is familiar with those unholy demons would agree, your feelings are completely understandable and shared.

I hear her every Monday on Adam Carolla (he always smites and ridicules her) and for anyone who isn't familiar with the details of her beliefs, she and her kind believe that every single person who dies of unnatural causes in any form (in Iraq, car accidents, etc.) was killed by the hand of God because they are going to hell.

Anyway, I read about that bus crash and feel for everyone touched by the tragedy. Try to keep your cool, mlx, and if you or anyone else does pummel those devils with stones or even chainsaws, I'm sure you won't have a problem finding sanctuary anywhere in this country. They disgust us all.

mlx says...

Appreciate it, Lucky. I know these people feed off of the resulting attacks, even make money from the lawsuits against cities and the people who strike back at them.

But I've got to say that they're going into a part of town that doesn't take too well to this kind of thing, and alot of the local forums are worried about the possible violence that may occur.

I'm just worried, it hurts to see such turmoil and pain in my town.

LadyBug says...

i saw this on the news the other night and we talked about the accident with our children ... another reminder how fragile life is.

as far as WBC protesting today, just try and remember that they are not functioning at our mental level. they are sad, sick and twisted individuals ... try to distance yourself from that and don't give them the power to control that emotion, no matter how powerful. *big hug*

mlx says...

Sometimes I pick my children up from school, sometimes they ride the bus home. I picked them up last Monday...everyone was in shock. There were hugs then, too. Thanks, ladybug.

Wumpus says...

If you want to get involved I'd say do the human chain and keep telling yourself that its a far greater gesture of sympathy to protect the families from these freaks. Don't give in to the threats and emotions, the goal is to marginalize them and make their demonstration irrelevant.

And if it makes you feel better, try and let the air out of their tires.

mlx says...

Phoenix, these nuts say that God killed these girls (and others) to punish us for being tolerant of homosexuality. It's insane.

As for today, none of the local media wants to give these idiots air time so not much is being said. They made them irrelevant, too, wumpus. The police did a great job of keeping the WBC to themselves, blocked off by city buses from the church and counter-protestors as far as I can tell...

And I stayed home and enjoyed my family today.

Krupo says...

If it's any bitter consolation, those loonies probably have reserved their places in hell by being so hateful.

The irony of that idea is so thick it's almost hard to breathe around here though, whew.

Good luck dealing with the crazies.

pho3n1x says...

In reply to:
"Phoenix, these nuts say that God killed these girls (and others) to punish us for being tolerant of homosexuality. It's insane." - mlx

Do their deaths have any relevance whatsoever to homosexuality? I still don't get it. I can when (note: i definitely do not agree with these people) they protest a dead gay soldier. notice, i say i can understand the correlation, but i don't agree with it whatsoever, in any manner at all. but protesting a funeral that has no relevance to homosexuality is just going off the deep end. no take that back, these people have gotten out of the pool altogether, and are just behind the doghouse where all the poo gets collected. someone needs to up the pH on the gene pool just a bit. there's crazy bacteria everywhere.

lucky760 says...

Do their deaths have any relevance whatsoever to homosexuality? I still don't get it.
According to these maniacs, yes. By living in this country you are supporting homosexuality because there are homosexuals in this country, so you deserve to die. They, however, are perfectly safe because they were born with the divine right to enter heaven upon death; essentially, everyone's path after death is predestined in their eyes.

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