I love stats?

Pulled out my slide rule and some vice grips and came up with these stats:

Average number of videos sifted per month. 42
Average numbers of votes receive per day. 49
Average number of votes per video. 35
Average number of videos I vote up per day. 9
Average number of comments I make per day. 8

Anyone else care to chime in with theirs?
Any other numbers we can come up with?
maatc says...

Average number of videos sifted per month. 13
Average numbers of votes received per day. 14
Average number of votes per video. 32
Average number of videos I vote up per day 5
Average number of comments I make per day. 3

Additional numbers:

Average number of videos submitted per month: 27
Sifted/Discarded ratio: 1,1
Average daily profile views received: 36
*quality SiftTalk posts ratio: 0,4

What I would also really like to know is the total number of votes to views, but that would be a bitch to figure out manually...

Edit: Here is a nifty little tool that lets you figure out the number of days between two dates.

choggie says...

Average number of videos altered per month. 12
Average numbers of carpet burns received per day. 4
Average number of pokes per video. 35
Average number of videos I become ill after watching per day. 46
Average number of comments I make per day. 232 dx = b3/3

Farhad2000 says...

We used to have general stats on the side bar with the previous iteration of VS, that is gone. The geek inside me craves for proper Stats section on VS.

That is something I really love in Steam, Valve's occasional reports on Hardware surveys across 300,000 or so users or like the recent Episode 2 completion stats (which showed that on average everyone finished it in 5 hours, the 6 month development window seems disproportionate now doesn't it?).

MarineGunrock says...

Average number of videos sifted per month: 25
Average numbers of votes received per day: 21
Average number of votes per video: 27
Average number of videos I vote up per day: 19
Average number of comments I make per day: 17

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