How to watch Comedy Central /MTV/ABC content outside US

Video Instructions here:

Firefox Addon "Modify Headers"

Install the Modify Headers addon
In Firefox, Go to "Tools"/"Add-ons" -> "Modify headers"
From the drop-down box on the left select "Add"
Then enter: "X-Forwarded-For" in the first input box (without quotes)
Enter: "" in the second input box (without quotes)
Leave the last input box empty, save the filter, and enable it
Click the "Configuration" tab on the right then proceed to check the "Always on" button.
Close the Modify Headers box and it should work.

For Hulu, it might still work but you also have to:
Block TCP and UDP port 1935.

I might use another US IP address because Comedy Central might stop accepting the IP address
This does NOT work with BBC iPlayer and a UK IP.

Check to see if it is working here by looking at the Headers your browser trasmits:
notarobot says...

Great post, @joedirt!

Related: How to set up modify headers.

Sarzy says...


Seriously though, this works quite nicely. I was never able to get it to work with Hulu, but other than that, good stuff.

radx says...

Since Grooveshark went dark for users from Germany today and Modify Headers hasn't worked properly for me in months, I thought I might as well add Tor-based anonymoX to the discussion. Never bothered with Hulu, but everything else works fine so far -- and it's easily configured to only trigger on a few select pages, like Grooveshark in my case.

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