Happy er.. SiftYear! (what are we, Smurfs?)

It's almost December 31st here in Aussie land so I'm going to jump in with the official New Year's thread. It's been a pretty amazing year for me. VideoSift has been a big part of it.

I'm looking for predictions for 2007. My great big dangerous prediction for 2007 is that YouTube will be surpassed by something better. John Kenneth Galbraith wrote about how incredibly red-hot the telegraph was. Money was pouring in to telegraph companies like crazy, poles going up - stations being built... and then the telephone came out.

I'm getting the same feeling about YouTube et al at the moment. Not to say that the personal video revolution is over, I think it's just getting cranked up. But I'm predicting something that blends the ubiquity of YouTube with the shared bandwidth of BitTorrent, and a peer-to-peer structure.

So have a Sifty, sifty SiftYear. We've got big big Sift plans for 2007, we're looking forward to sharing them with you all.

Also, in the "should old acquaintance be forgot" category, spare a thought for our fallen Siftrades who are MIA -Snake somewhere in LA or New York, JoeDirt, SFJocko (lost in red state territory, somewhere in AZ) and Fletch who removed himself via public comment lobotomy.

(moment of silence)

Now, let's hear those predictions/resolutions.
choggie says...

Hey, watch where you point that diamond, the freekin' glares curlin' my lashes! Uhh, choggie predicts he saw joedirt last night, so he's around-I predict I'm pretty pissed-went to bed with one viddie to go till fifty, and wake up to find a silver star, and TWO viddies to go till the gold...Now, predict which meatbot or siftbot has raised the bar, or which asshole decided the rest of the world could not see their precious "COPYRIGHTED" material....heh heeh copyrights, trademarks, HAA! We don't need no stinking intelectual properties laws....

LadyBug says...

happiet and safest of new year's to everyone ... even our fallen siftrades! i hope they know the door is always open for their return!!! i think the sheer brilliance of mlx's new diamond can light the way for them!

thanks dag, james, and lucky for all that you do every day ... for creating, maintaining and keeping the sift the best site on the web!!!!! i have never enjoyed my time on the net as much as i do when i'm here!!!

i asked my children for their predictions ... and this is what i heard:

my 9 y/o son's prediction: i might get a link (an award that he won last year at school).

my 8 y/o daughter's prediction: it's going to be normal ... like any other year!

my serious prediction: in light of the rushed trial, conviction, and hanging of saddam ... i predict that our gov't will use this as leverage in their plan to invade iran.

darksun says...

My Prediction: It's the end of the western hemisphere on tuesday, but don't worry, i've booked a hotel in Peru for every sifter, we're all safe.

Sift Tounge Twister: SiftBot Sells Sift Shells, By The Sift Shore.
The Sifts That He Sells Are Sift Shells Im Sure

Infact, what gender is SiftBot? I don't want to sound sexist here...

firefly says...

sing along everyone!..

There was a man named Mr. Lang,
He had a neon sign.
And Mr. Lang is very old...
So they call it Old Lang's Sign!

Happy New Year my fellow sifters. and be careful out there...!

Farhad2000 says...

Happy new year to all everyone! I wish you all the best.

My predictions, we will seem to be ever closer to the oblivion yet through the actions of the populace we will somehow generally make it through, albeit at the price of others suffering. But am a cynic.

Snake, Fletch, JoeDirt, SFJocky, Daphne... We miss you all.

Till then cheers *clink wine glasses.

Krupo says...

And Lucky added a little status box in the top left corner of the screen when the Sift is "doing stuff" - I love it! Happy New Year everyone.

And I'd like to confirm through indirect observation that rumours of Joedirt's MIA status are greatly exaggerated - welcome back inside from the Cold!

Speaking of the Cold, I'm heading out to Montreal tomorrow to celebrate the New Year - perhaps a mini Sift-Up will take place. To be determined!
(The second ever Siftup - how's that for a prediction?)

michie says...

HAPPY NEW YEAR fellow sifters, siftettes and siftons.

Hope you all have a wonderful 2007. My prediction is that I will have a headache tomorrow morning. Freakin Guru eh?

See you all in 2007 *raises flagon of ale*

joedirt says...

I posted a sifttalk explaining my absence and logged in at some point later to find out it never made it through the tubes of the internets, or maybe SiftBot ate it.

Or maybe it was the hotel free internets fault.

Anyways, I was out of town stuck doing this awful contracting for three weeks and didn't have time for sift. So I'm still around, just haven't been as chatty.

Happy Sift Year. Or better yet, happy Year of the Buckeyes.

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