Ever mix strawberry soda with whiskey?
I just did. It wasn't deliberate, mind you. Ugh.
This is why I need a significant other. Well, also to wipe my butt when I get old. And the occasional sex, I suppose.
Still, never underestimate the value of a clean anus. Or a drink without strawberry soda in it.
This is why I need a significant other. Well, also to wipe my butt when I get old. And the occasional sex, I suppose.
Still, never underestimate the value of a clean anus. Or a drink without strawberry soda in it.
You should try raspberry vodka and lemonade. My significant other calls it a gang-box. Long story, but she drinks that shit up. It's delish.
root beer and scotch.....mmmmmmm, mc nasty.
The Godfather. 2 shots of Scotch Whiskey and 2 shots of Amaretto, mixed together with some ice in it. OH GOD SO GOOD I CAN'T STOP DRINKING IT.
hahaha nice! Looks like my alcohol bill will be higher this weekend than usual.
a nice cold beer, mixed with some piss smelling leftover beer from the night before. and a lemon.
edit: of course, you have to be stoned prior to consumption
Like I tell my husband who pours 10 year old bourbon into a Diet Rite. "Stop that damnit! I'll go by you some cheap Seagrams for that!" All you're doing is ruining a good whiskey and a good soda at the same time.

Drink it straight MEN. Chase it w/ something else for the occasional ack ack aftertaste.
You have NO pride...
^It was an ACCIDENT! Here's what happened:
The light bulb in my refrigerator just burned out, and I hadn't replaced it yet. I didn't have the light on in the kitchen because there's just enough light from the living room to work with. Anyway I went to freshen my drink, and I had a can of 7-Up already opened in the fridge. However my son had left a half-empty can of strawberry soda in there too. So I grabbed a can, poured a splash into my drink, and then took a sip. That's when the horrifying realization kicked in, that I had grabbed the wrong can.
And swampy, when I'm drinking the good hooch like you describe I only use a little ice and a wee splash of water. But when I'm drinking regular, run-of-the-mill booze (Canadian Club), I add just a splash of 7-Up, or sometimes Coke. So please don't question my testicular fortitude when it comes to whiskey. My ancestry is mostly Irish, so thems is fightin' words. And don't think I won't hit you because you're a girl. I hit rottenseed all the time.
HAHA, I riled Kronos. 7-up is girly too

KP, replace all those burned out lightbulbs. Examine your reality. You had STRAWBERRY SODA in your refrigerator! What percent of that do you think ever touched a real strawberry?
You drink gay.
Kronosposeidon... the early years:
^LOL! I love you ladies! In a platonic way, that is. Because I'm gay.
AWW, we love you too Kronosposeidon! In a platonic way, that is.. because we're married, and you're gay.
(Crittter's married right?
I'm a straight up Bourbon drinker, but in the hot weather I've been having it on ice, in a tall highball, mixed 50/50 with sweet tea and a cherry. I recommend.
I'm a Long Island Iced Tea man, myself. No sense in screwing around, give me 4-5 hard liquors at once.
And I do love me some Pucker. Liquid Jolly Ranchers is always a good thing.
In my country they shoot you if you mix Vodka.
Actually Vodka with pickled cucumbers goes great.
Aw shoot. Now I'm gonna drink the rest of the day away.
^You make that sound like it's a bad thing.
>> ^Farhad2000:
In my country they shoot you if you mix Vodka.
Actually Vodka with pickled cucumbers goes great.
I wasn't aware vodka had much in the way of a strong enough taste to warrant such a devotion to its purity. Actually its lack of a strong taste is what makes it perfect for mixing, any normally tasty beverage can be alcoholed up without altering its composition drastically.
Then again I'm far from a vodka connoisseur, my last bout was with a large bottle of McCormick I was tired of seeing sitting around and decided I should finish it off to get rid of it... not the smartest thing I've ever done.
Huh. guess it's not working yet.
>> ^schmawy:
I'm a straight up Bourbon drinker, but in the hot weather I've been having it on ice, in a tall highball, mixed 50/50 with sweet tea and a cherry. I recommend.
I'll have to try that! My question is how does a British Yank know how to make sweet tea?
>> ^critttter:
You drink gay.
He also has sex gay.
^Don't make me donkey punch you again.
regular, run-of-the-mill booze (Canadian Club),
Silence! I will not hear another word against anything Canadian!!
Except that it sucks?
Rusty nails all around
Sorry I'm late to post here, but I just woke from my week-long hangover.
But seriously, I understand the plight of wrongly mixed drinks. I once mixed Four-dollar-fifth of gin with Diet 7-Up. I thought I was going to hurl BEFORE I was drunk. Which is a crime in Kuwait, I think.
A short list of great drinks that have made me do terrible things to bar stools:
AMF (Adios, Motherfucker)
Long Island Iced Tea (tip the bartender for that extra special Kelsey Grammer amount)
Cherry Bomb ("Bomb" is right. I think I invaded a sovereign nation while drunk on 13 of those fuckers.)
Rattlesnake (something involving Kahlua, Creme de Cacao and taking off my pants at a house party.)
However, the worst combination I have ever tried:
A six-pack of Bud Light chased with an entire pint of Jagermeister and a few swigs of Goldschlager. You don't even want to know the medium Jackson Pollock used in THAT bathroom!
Now it's time to get drunk on PBR and watch midget porn.
I usually just do the whiskey with ice, or gin with a lot of lime juice. It's not that I think I am tough or anything. I am just very very very lazy.
Also probably an alcoholic under most standards. But not mine!
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