Deano Doubles Gold!

Yes, Deano is now a 100 gold sifter! Thank you for participation on the Sift. And now I turn over the festivities to the other sifters . . .
gorgonheap says...

Deano you rock, why don't you ever call me? Was it because of the dead squirrel I left on your doorstep? Cause that was a gift for you, I thought you would like it. Well time to go back to staring at your hair doll. my number is 867-5309...

Deano says...

Ta everyone and to whomever else posts!

Getting that 100th post has been really, really tough. Thanks to Eric for his timely message that got my Dexter clip saved by Lucky.

Don't know if I have the energy for a diamond, think I might stick to watching more video.

And gorgonheap, thanks for the squirrel, it was very, very tasty

choggie says...

Yee-ha....the Club Dread...just don't die like the last 3 hundreds did, 1 tragic knife-wielding accident, and 2 are a marked man/woman/hermaphrodite/thing now. Use yer gold powers like a super-soaker fulla petrol!

Deano says...

Hey mlx, that guy is the bane of my life! You swap his two names around and you get mine. Boy the amount of jokes I have to suffer. Still, that means it's virtually impossible for me to have an online identity under my real name. My hair is reasonably close to this though.

I guess I can add my handle explanation while I'm here - as Dean is my surname, I always got called Deano as a nickname.

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