Break and Metacafe
I was just wondering, does anyone else have a problem when you play revver, Break, and metacafe videos? Metacafe won't fully buffer, so it plays in short increments. I have the same problem with Break. So far, nothing wrong with revver though. And it isn't my computer. I can watch most YouTube videos without having to stop in the middle to buffer. Anyone else have this problem?
With metacafe I sometimes cant get rid of the big play button in the middle, or they just wont load 'til I refresh about 5 times. Nothing up with break or revver... yet
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Break works find for me. Metacafe does that buffer thing for me too. I assumed it was my crappy connection, but maybe not. Does it work well for any one?
Yes, and I am using ethernet, not wireless.
Also, my computer always starts freezing up when I try to pause or stop a Metacafe video.
Everything works fine for me. I'd say check your OS for spyware/malware perhaps? Or download Firefox 2... that would usually fix everything...
No spyware here...using a Mac.
I will try Firefox 2...
now I just wait for the video to buffer completely and thwn watch
Works ok for me. Maybe you need the FlashBlock FF extension. That is cool, cause you have to click on flash to enable it, then you can click play.
Dag, have you tried those flash players from a standalone page, ie. the story.php?id=3434123 version, so there isn't multiple flash players on same page.
I don't know about Break, but MetaCafe is definitely buggy/annoying-as-hell. Even if you have a lot more buffered than you're playing, it doesn't play smoothly until the entire video is downloaded. This is the case 100% of the time for me from two entirely different high-speed connections (T1 and 7mbps cable).
I've noticed that for this reason I tend to avoid MetaCafe vids like the plague unless it seems to be extremely interesting.
Thats exactly what happens to me.
Another problem with Break and Metacafe, for most of thier videos I can only see about half of it 'til it just stops playing. Of the GTA player hit by plane I can only see it up to the driving part, no plane smash
And on How to crack a combination lock it cuts off at around 5:20
This is very annoying, they seem like good videos
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