Ban Parties Banned

C'mon admins, are you worried about hurting feelings??? Thought ya had a vision for this's a gang, AND a club, and bullshit need not apply, but need their being told not to as well and either, disappear from the sift talk as soon as their banned??!! What ever happened to heads on stakes??!!

I call for a 23 hour rule, to leave banned and not apologetic new posters/self posters, up for derision in the sift talk.......more fun sometimes, than watching stodgy posts.....anyone???

perhaps those truly chagrined and sincere, having to beg, that works for me too......
James Roe says...

choggie, before you jump to conclusions you should check the post in question. I returned your most recent one because i couldn't find any evidence of foul play. If you are having trouble locating them just look through your comment history.

for your convenience here is the video that no doubt sparked this post.

James Roe says...

also I left one up yesterday for just this reason, and not that many people have jumped on the band wagon. The main reason I have been killing them is that with 3 or 4 bans a day sift talk threads that are more important are being forced off the page at a prodigious rate.

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