Another Friendly Reminder....It Is Still Broken

Zeph seems to have solved the issue of my bitch, which was that the floating arrows on youtube were a conspiracy to rob traffic and piss me off, personally.

Now I'm back to fuck-all, no, it is still fucked up, and Zeph, it appears this does not always work........
dag says...

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Choggie is referring to how sometimes the arrow in the middle of a YouTube video doesn't go away when you press play. I agree it's very annoying. I can't believe they haven't fixed this yet. I mean, what are we paying them for anyway... oh wait.

lucky760 says...

Lest we forget, we should also complain about how the playback is broken. The video freezes then the slider starts jumping back and forth and the red "downloaded" bar floats off into space. They've also apparently made it so the video will only download when the slider reaches the end of the current buffer.

choggie says...

I am convinced that the youtube folks, have done this puposefully, some lame geeks trial tactic to keep traffic on their you folks really expect it to go away???? Surely someone there reads these comments.....this is much lamer that Comedy Central's ugly player, or pop-uppers, or meteacafe's trickery to send you packing there......POO TOOBE!

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