An idea for a new channel...

After considering some of the videos I have been posting recently, I had a thought of a new channel, of course, I wouldn't be able to do it now since I'm silver and there is a possiblity that this could overlap with another channel...

What about a Nonsense channel- A channel that would be devoted to videos that don't make any sense...
lucky760 says...

>> ^flavioribeiro:
Could you give an example that wouldn't fit in the wtf channel?

I think this is a very good way to gauge if a new channel should be created. If lots of videos can validly be submitted into the proposed channel and not into any existing channels, then it's likely a good candidate.

mas8705 says...

yea right now I could easily say two examples...

As Aresenault said, my RE4 video would be one... Also look up Bert and Ernie rape your soul... That would also qualify as total nonsense...

Interesting though that Lucky said that "Nonsense" could be an actual channel... It would be an honor (to some degree) to headline such a channel (although this idea could easily be a double edged sword...)

jonny says...

>> ^lucky760:
I think this is a very good way to gauge if a new channel should be created. If lots of videos can validly be submitted into the proposed channel and not into any existing channels, then it's likely a good candidate.

Would you say the inverse of that is true? If lots of videos can validly be submitted into an existing channel as well as the proposed one, then it's likely not a good candidate?

xxovercastxx says...

I feel that a Nonsense channel would do more of what the Terrible channel has done: increase the amount of crap that gets posted here.

I don't know why crap is so trendy lately, but it's certainly not hard to find, so creating an epicenter of crap (one stop for all your crap needs) seems pointless.

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