Allowing members to post pictures in their comments?
We can already post videos in comments, wouldn't it be nice if members (of a certain rank) could also post pictures from a reliable source like Sometimes a picture can be useful, sometimes it can be funny.
I've been wanting to post this one for a while now, it applies to many videos

Or maybe pictures like these are the reason picture comments aren't allowed
I've been wanting to post this one for a while now, it applies to many videos

Or maybe pictures like these are the reason picture comments aren't allowed

Embed this!
It's bad enough when people stick giant ascii art in their comments. If we allow pictures, please thumbnail or collapse them and let them be clicked to view.
I'm starting to think individual comments should also be abbreviated with a link to expand them the same way comments as a whole are.
In a word, no.
In two words, please no.
This will clutter the whole structure of the comments, where we already can include links to any images we want to share. Putting actual images in the comments would be a bad move, I think.
I think @xxovercastxx is on to something about abbreviating comments though - if a comment is over a certain length a mechanism like the ignore feature could be cool, so part of it was hidden by javascript and you didn't have to dredge through it if it's just statist rubbish anyway (or any other crap).
@lucky760 is this perhaps possible to do easily? There's a free *hug* in it for you...
Yeah, I wouldn't want random images breaking up the flow of the comments. Besides it's one more thing that could become dead over time (as images are taken down, or hotlinking is disabled etc). A link to the image is more than suitable for most people and situations.
At one point we could post images in our comments. I miss that. There's no reason why we can be trusted to post videos in the comments but not images, right?
Would be nice if we could at least embed in the initial post of a sift talk (all ranks).
>> ^imstellar28:
Would be nice if we could at least embed in the initial post of a sift talk (all ranks).
I agree with this. Well, all ranks but P.
I'm with the "please, no" faction.
I just say, 'no', to comment pics too.
Yeah, me too. Let's get rid of those damn avatar pictures!
No please as well. Links are OK.
I would like to see pics in comments. A picture can say a thousand words, and could have made that original EBM video comment thread much more succinct.
I like Overcasts suggestion - collapse them so we aren't sucking up too much bandwidth.
Idea: Make posting pictures in comments consume a power point. That way it won't turn into Fark.
This was discussed many ages ago and I'm still in agreement with the consensus back then: All the negatives outweigh the relatively minor fun factor that is the only positive.
1) It will slow page load.
2) It will make comment threads really annoying.
3) It makes video pages look like cheesy message board threads from the 1990s.
I shudder at the realization there are kids on the Internet now that have no idea what message boards from the 1990s were. I'm getting old.
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