ant says...

Aww, I can no longer have my Web browser hold my inputs in its forms. I used to be able to fill out forms, results tell me I can't submit so I wait for 24 hours, and then send them in. Why can't I do that? I just don't want to close my Web browser and then forget.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hmm we thought we were doing a favour, putting the stop up front instead of after you get through creating the post. I think that is more frustrating, but if there is a consensus to go back the other way, we can change it back.

Anliz says...

My Vote: Let the queue die down for a bit and return back to its average 90-100 and then return the quota submission back to the way it was. This allows for the queue to die down a bit and also it doesnt unnecessarily interfere with anyones posting of good videos in the long term. Besides, I want to get my star dangit.

ant says...

Hmm, "Whoops! - You're over your submission quota. You are allowed 3 videos in the queue at a time. You can either wait for one of your videos to graduate from the queue, or *discard one of your previously submitted videos."

How do I check which ones are still queued?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Woah ant, careful where you point that [star]discard big fellah, you've discarded this thread. (down siftbot, down boy - undiscarding)

Anywho, you've gotten me coding on a Friday night after 3 beers, so that's something.
If you are over your queue limit, it will now show you what you have in the queue, so you can easily get to them and discard them. Ta.

Krupo says...

OMG, that was too funny - while reading this thread in order I was wondering about that wanton discard.

Also, I noticed this "workaround" which should make ant happy. It will, but that's not a good thing.

I ran a little test just now to see if this opens the system up to abuse, and um, oh nuts. Time to e-mail dag and James...

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