A Serious Plea from a Fledgling Member

My purpose in writing is not the bash the Sift community, but rather simply because I want to be a significant part of it. However, I am having trouble attaining this goal, and it is due to a problem in the community that I have not been able to overcome. In two of the last three videos I posted, I received 4 votes on 4 and 5 unique views...fair enough, one of them is mine, but 3/3 and 3/4 is not bad! These videos, which I only wish to share, then get pqueued simply because they do not get enough exposure. Then, without any power points, I cannot beg or promote or get them any attention! And for those of us who do not know numerous people on the sift that we can redirect to our videos, we have no support base from which to draw the prerequisite votes needed to get our stuff recognized.

So my plea is this: please remember, a pr0bie or a n00b is not just for Christmas, unless they only get interested during their Christmas vacation and then forget to return to that "Videostuff...or something like that" site that they saw once a long time ago. Please help out your neighborhood unstarred members - I promise in exchange to only attempt to sift stuff that I think is really really really worthwhile...which, let's be honest, is all I do anyway.
dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

To be honest- I think the best method for success on the Sift is to integrate into the community through comments first- get us interested in you - and then we're more like to check out your queue/pqueue to see what you like.

rottenseed says...

Yea I agree with dag. Take some chances socially. It's not impossible to be known for only your videos, but it is a hell of a lot harder. And you don't have to be a loud "mouth" like myself or blankfist. You can keep a quiet cool about you. Just keep letting us know you're there, we enjoy your company!

ctrlaltbleach says...

Also vote a lot I specifically visit pqueues of peeps that vote up my videos. I don't always vote for them but I look for a video in there queue that I like and vote it up. Does anyone else do that? I'm sure a few do. It is really easy to miss videos sometimes because of when people do the posting. For instance I usually don't visit the site on weekends at all. I'm sure at night over here in the states there is a little dead time as well where fewer people are on. Depending on the amount of viewers that are on the other side of the globe, I'm not sure that there is a large membership in the Asian countries (could be wrong what do I know?). Hope that helps.

volumptuous says...

Yes, please do get an avatar. And post whatever you'd like to share. It doesn't have to be the most amazingest videos evar on the internets of all time forever. I mean, Blankfist posts absolute bullshit all the time and look at what a star he is!

ps: welcome to the sift

gwiz665 says...

The more eclectic and obscure something is, the less chance that people will watch it. The more eye-popping the title, the higher chance people will watch it. Some people don't want to think this, but that's the way it works.

Once in a blue moon, your super obscure video will catch a lucky break, stars align and the right people see it at the right time and it powers through - once you get over a certain number of votes, it's sorta self-reinforcing, usually.

An "ok" video, can be propelled to lots and lots of votes with the right timing, title and tags. Like @dag suggests, while we're technically not allowed to vote by member name, it does have an effect on whether or not you watch a sift. Some people you know have good taste have a larger chance of having their sift watched by you, people you have no idea about, you look at the title, thumbnail, number of comments and decide "am I gonna watch this or not". We all have an attention span of nanoseconds, so the stuff better hit well and hit hard, or people skip it.

Or you can just sift something with cats.

rougy says...

It is pretty hard to get a star here. Some people catch on right away. Others, like me, don't, but we still love the place.

Sadly, for the most part, the more silly the video, the more likely it will get votes, and the more serious or "useful" it is, the less likely.

Music vids almost never get point votes. Neither do long vids.

Short, silly, weird, that's what gets the votes. And nothing wrong with that, but if you're hot on getting your stars, those are the kinds of vids you need to look for.

burdturgler says...

Here's my advice. Don't worry about votes.

Don't sift for votes. Don't change your titles for votes. Don't sift crap for votes.
Sift because you want to share something. Sift because what your sifting matters to you. Sift because you found something entertaining, meaningful or funny.
But don't sift for votes.

Don't worry about rank or votes.
Be yourself, sift what you love, share yourself with us .. and that's it.
The votes take care of themselves.
... thank you for being a part of our dysfunctional family.

gwiz665 says...

I change my avatar with grotesque frequency, but people still know who I am.. I wonder why that is...


>> ^Sarzy:

On the "join in" note, get an avatar. I'm terrible with names, and there are a lot of people here I know more by avatar than by name alone. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

ctrlaltbleach says...

I agree with burdturgler look at my queue if they were all sifted I have a gold for sure already. I'm sure however that something in every video I post says something about me and I think the same goes for everyone else.

carrot says...

>> ^burdturgler:

Here's my advice. Don't worry about votes.
Don't sift for votes. Don't change your titles for votes. Don't sift crap for votes.
Sift because you want to share something. Sift because what your sifting matters to you. Sift because you found something entertaining, meaningful or funny.
But don't sift for votes.
Don't worry about rank or votes.
Be yourself, sift what you love, share yourself with us .. and that's it.
The votes take care of themselves.
... thank you for being a part of our dysfunctional family.

Agreed, wholeheartedly, and sound words. But, the fact is that votes -> more people seeing your stuff, which accomplishes the actual goal you set out to achieve...sharing something you liked. I make the request less because I would like more points (even though I have it on reliable authority that the people with the most points get into heaven), but more because I am sad at all the really good stuff out there that gets missed. It was more to ask the community to please look out for the fact that just because someone is not posting in volume does not mean they are not posting high-quality stuff that should be watched!

The statistic that a video got 4/4 votes is not to say, "Wah, I should get more votes" (I'm of course happy just enjoying the stuff the rest of you put up for me), but rather to make the point, "Look, I thought this was awesome, and the people who watched it thought it was awesome, and so I wish more people would see it." The beautiful thing about this site is that I get to enjoy all the wonderful stuff others put up without having to give back at all (and have been doing so for a couple years, without less vocal attempts to give back) - I was just begging the community to give me a better chance to give back because I want to!

And they have been very obliging. But there are still other probies out there who are not having success, and we don't want to scare them away from the community by teaching them that it is really hard the share stuff, and thus seemingly not worth their while.

choggie says...

It was easier in the past when there were fewer members. I began with a charter so's I could maintain more in the queue-This does not work anymore and it has everything to do with my reputation here of calling bullshit bullshit, with reckless disregard for keeping people's damaged, emotionally-dependent, psyches comfortable and undisturbed.

BF's correct, popularity contests akin to a middle-school pep-rally prevail. If there was a brownnoser's hall of fame here some of the top users with regard to status/votes cast would get a big gold star from the teachers/enablers.
For example: NetRuiner caters to the news-addicted liberal, whose only hope for significant change is on another channel that does not rhyme with "box" (the rude awakening comes much farther down the road, when all news is found to be no news at all, it all having been formulated and programmed for mass-hypnosis)

Or gwiz665, who feels compelled to comment or offer his two-cents on any and all subjects, erudite Ren-man that he fancies himself to be....His claim to fame? He has no life and put in ungodly hours to excel.

Now arvana on the other hand, has an eye for the ultra-unmundane-He speaks little, and finds some incredible stuff-His rise to fame here was nothing short of Hercules' quest for fleece and he did it without Jason, kissing-asses, etc. Perhaps we should all find a Tantric high-priestess and disappear to the far-north.

My advice? Talk more shit than you take, up the volume on your posts, and sift stoned.

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