spoco2 AU

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Member Since: August 21, 2006
Last Power Points used: June 7, 2012
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Comments to spoco2

cricket says...

Thanks for the promote.

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
This is great. I love listening to someone who gives out info like this for free, doesn't try to hold their 'tricks' to their chest.

Of course, he's advertising himself, but it's great nonetheless. I'll *promote this way of vastly improving a shot in camera rather than trying to fix it all afterwards.

PlayhousePals says...

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Hey there!

I hope that the truly bizarre welcome you got to the sift doesn't put you off, it's a great place for discussion.

I'm from way down south of Oz in Melbourne, but I've been to Byron Bay for a wedding, and it's a lovely place.

In reply to this comment by PlayhousePals:
HI there, thought I'd introduce myself. It's my first week anniversary sifting here ... I see you are from Australia. I had a chance to visit during a whirlwind tour back in 2001 [My friends were headlining the Byron Bay Blues Festival that year, so I got to tag along] ... didn't get to spend NEARLY enough time in your country, but was impressed with how beautiful it is and how GREAT the people we met are. I hope I can go back some day, it was absolutely one of the most memorable trips I've ever embarked on, HoyHoy

Thanks! It was a bizarre introduction to the site, but hey, who doesn't like a bit of drama [when it's warranted that is]. I really enjoy it here [now] =oD

The band played the Mercury Lounge in Melbourne and the Metro in Sydney before popping over the Auckland for a show at the St. James Theater. It went by so fast! I really wish we'd had longer than ten days down under. My favorite little town was Nimbin in NSW ... my kind of people!

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PlayhousePals says...

HI there, thought I'd introduce myself. It's my first week anniversary sifting here ... I see you are from Australia. I had a chance to visit during a whirlwind tour back in 2001 [My friends were headlining the Byron Bay Blues Festival that year, so I got to tag along] ... didn't get to spend NEARLY enough time in your country, but was impressed with how beautiful it is and how GREAT the people we met are. I hope I can go back some day, it was absolutely one of the most memorable trips I've ever embarked on, HoyHoy

JiggaJonson says...

Indeed, it's easy to mock "Don't taze me bro!" but even in that situation it was 5 cops vs one student.

It all boils down to lazy police work where tazing is a first resort rather than a last one.
In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Again, this is some tiny portion of a longer encounter, but it looks like there's no reason at all to be using the tazer.

Man they are just being used way too often these days.

jonny says...

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Thankyou Dag and Lucky, and all the members who spend ages doing housekeeping, for creating a site I visit every day.

I love the site, and it's the only one I've ever felt the urge to meet people in real life from.

Thanks guys for a place of interesting discussions and funny cat videos.

To the Future!

The link about the Melbourne sift-up made me curious. Sounds like a good time, but your video has been blocked - "This video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it from display on this website." Sounds like an overly aggressive copyright hunter.

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