choggie US

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Member Since: July 28, 2006
Last Power Points used: May 1, 2010
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Comments to choggie

lucky760 says...

How about you simply note the reason you did the hobbling? You provided no explanation for the hobbling and I had no idea he posted that video.

Please just explain why you hobbled on the profile of the hobbled next time.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
The compelling reason is found in your FAQ sheet-what is porn? I'll gladly take 2 weeks off for y'all to figure it I am gone for 5 hrs or so after calling this out and into the mix after all the shit I have had to suffer??...again, you guys figure it out...see ya innna couple a weeeks

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Why did you hobble brain? Please have a compelling reason so we don't have to do the banination dance all over again...

Until this is figured out, you're hobbled.

lucky760 says...

Why did you hobble brain? Please have a compelling reason so we don't have to do the banination dance all over again...

Until this is figured out, you're hobbled.

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by choggie:
question is, should
I down vote this simply for fucking with my head like you have?

In reply to this comment by enoch:
should i put an obscure tag on this band?
i saw them three times and they fuckin ROCK!
pop it's cherry please kind sir.

are you flirting with me?
thanks bud.i love triumph but it seems they have gone the way of the dodo.

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by choggie:
hey should load google chat perhaps, i'd like to scream bloody fucking heavy metal murder at you!

I upvoted a shit load of yer P Q...a fan of Paul Di'Anno are we???

yer a rare breed ya wanker

hell yeah.
i do everything backwards though.i bought number of the beast (good album) and was blown away.
so i went to the local head shop (they have those anymore?)and picked up:
iron maiden,killers and maiden japan for like 5 bucks.
number of the beast took to the shelf and killers i played like non-stop for a week.
dickenson did his thing and maiden made some good albums with him,mainly:number of the best,piece of mind and powerslave.
i saw all three concerts but never got to see di'anno and that just bloooooows.
i had a chance to see his solo project in jacksonville but we got called to ship out three days early.
so...i have never seen di'anno perform live.
and my life is less because of it.
that man could belt!
thanks for the upvotes man,always appreciated.
and i have to give ya props on being the best and most imaginative TITLE creator EVAH!
peace brother.

qualm says...

Not sure why you're mythin about me being a "rabid atheist." I never wade into that subject, unless it is to point out that Pat Condell is a bigoted plapf of dookie. (Pat Condell is a clam; he's exactly as big as his mouth.)

Jonny had just blew a 100 amp fuse when I dared to tell a little joke about the Grateful Dead - the most over-rated band ever:

Q: What does a Grateful Dead fan say when the LSD wears off?
A: This band sucks.

Here's a good song for when you're feeling holy. (By Canadian leftist and guitarist/songwriter extraordinaire Bruce Cockburn -- pron. Coe-burn.)

Throbbin says...

I see. Ima have to try cooking with you vid sometime.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
Beerfest is a great flick......learned to cook by hanging out in the kitchen with a huge Italian family...the men were racist redneck pricks, the women talked better shit and had skirts to look up and titties that, i spent my time in the kitchen helping the ladies and lusting after cousins....

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