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Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Project Blue Beam Whale Hologram in School Gymnasium

FlowersInHisHair says...

Yeah, no, a CG whale comped into a shot of a non-responding audience isn't a hologram. The video linked in Gratefulmom's comment is just AR, not a hologram - they're looking at themselves in a video monitor that's got CG animals overlaid on the feed. And the Vancouver Expo video is probably an example of the Pepper's ghost illusion, like the recent "hologram" of 2Pac, rather than actually holographic.

And good call on the "Project Blue Beam" bullshit.

Vancouver - Expo 86 - Part III- GM Holographic Exhibit

Project Blue Beam Whale Hologram in School Gymnasium

newtboy says...

Sadly I'm going to have to call 'fake'.

First, "project blue beam" is a conspiracy theory idea that claims things like the planes that flew into the twin towers were really holograms, or that there's an alien invasion program creating odd holographic images to confuse humans, or aliens are using holograms to present us with a false messiah/Jesus/Gawd/4 horsemen of the apocalypse. Uh...yeah.
Second, I notice that only a single person in the background audience has a reaction that might be attributed to seeing a whale jump at you, the rest just clap casually.
Third, there are many clear artifacts at the whale's edge where they photoshopped it in.

I wish holograms were at this level today, and they should be, but they aren't. Projecting white into a bright 3D space doesn't work without smoke or mist to project on, and even then it's only really visible when the surroundings are darker.

Pig vs Cookie

transmorpher says...

What's the difference between a pet pig and a livestock pig though?
They both want blankets and cookies. Or at the very least neither of them wants to stand in a tiny metal and concrete cage and be pumped full of antibiotics, hormones and god knows what else for their short miserable lives. Neither of them want to be bruised because they have only enough room to face one direction their entire lives. Neither of them want their testicles ripped out without anesthetic while they are piglets. Neither of them want to be beaten when they don't eat.

Also, despite what the marketing people say, humans are not omnivores, everything healthwise and physiologically suggests we are somewhere between herbivores and frugivores. It's also backed up historically too by analyzing fossilized poop!

Here is a quite simplified chart, but I think it does a pretty good point of showing how far away we are from typical mammalian omnivores

I'm not having a go at you, but I just hope you aren't acting according to a few labels that some organisation has set.

makach said:

I respect that.

I would never eat a pet, but omnivore I am.

Mine Detonation Leads to Stone Rain

ulysses1904 says...

Reminds me of the famous video where they tried to dynamite a dead beached whale back into the sea. But instead the spectators were showered with smelly bits of whale as it busted windshields. Cracks me up just thinking about it.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Star Wars Fans Are "Prickly"

Lawdeedaw says...

Gonna have to disagree here. Not that you are incorrect, but the assumptions might be incorrect. First, technological advances occur rapidly when one is found and they tend to ripple in every advancement. Consider that human "advancement" is really just centuries old. Second, and I am not entirely sure of the Star Wars universe on this matter, but Star Trek technology has the ability to warp time and time travel. This means in theory that if their universe saw people doing this over and over, the technology could have spread and spread in the same eons. In essence, the technology of their pantheon could be trillions of years old (Ie., Scotty gives shield upgrades to save whales, shields have now been upgraded to Scotty's timeline even further than before. But Scotty has to go back in time for some other event, gives newest shield information which increases his own time's shield power further, cycle continues indefinitely when Scotty is killed by a younger version of himself...)

ChaosEngine said:

@Sylvester_Ink, in the Trek universe, they've had space faring technology for a few centuries at most. In Star Wars, it's millennia. Who's more likely to have the advanced technology?

The crappiest, cheapest computer you can buy today would still smoke the best machines from the last century.

It's still a pointless comparison though.

And yeah, an ROU annihilates all of them

Star Trek Beyond - Trailer 1

Phillip Island Sealife Really Likes Fishing Boat

robbersdog49 says...

Dolphins will come over to boats just to play with them, I've seen it quite a bit when sailing in waters with dolphins. Seals less so, but they still have that mammalian curiosity. I think the whale was just dumb luck though! What a fantastic couple of minutes

Praetor said:

All those predators are probably used to following fishing boats to pick up fish that escape from nets.

Still pretty cool though.

In the Heart of the Sea Official Trailer #1 (2015)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Ashenkase (Member Profile)

Extreme Boston Sun Fish Baby Whale

Extreme Boston Sun Fish Baby Whale

Killer whale chase cam

Jinx says...

They do this quite a lot don't they? At least I remember reading an explanation to this behaviour that basically boiled down to "teenage male killer whale hijinks".

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