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Unarmed Man Laying On Ground With Hands in Air Shot

Jinx says...

Oh, my apologies.

Sorry. Its just... heh... when you wrote "...and actually appropriate IMO" about the killing of cops I somehow thought you were sort of condoning killing cops. Or like, when you said "I have zero sympathy for recently murdered cops" I thought you were dehumanising them, like, just a lil bit. So, you know, I suppose I sort of jumped to this conclusion that you're a bit twisted.

Do you honestly think that more dead cops fixes this? It's kind of a cliche, but ever heard of the "cycle of violence"? You know, "hate begets hate" kind of thing?

In regards to this video...honestly I've no idea. I don't believe that he intended to shoot him or that it was premeditated...but then the level of incompetence required to pull this off without malice is equally unbelievable. I can only speculate that they cuffed him, even after it should have been easily apparent to them they had really badly fucked up, to treat him consistently so that they could later claim they'd acted in self defence.

newtboy said:

If someone had said that, it would be disgusting. Police actions are saying that, not me.
Shame on you for being a liar. You 'quoted' something no one wrote, that's telling a lie.

Unarmed Man Laying On Ground With Hands in Air Shot

newtboy says...

Sweet Zombie Jesus.

Those cops damn well better be convicted of attempted murder. If they aren't, it's going to be totally open season on anyone in blue. What unbelievable murderous fuckers.

Why in the fuck did they pull their guns on them? Black man in public?
There was never a gun, no cop ever saw a gun, no cop saw him move, no cop helped him after he was shot 3 times, instead they handcuffed him for being shot and withheld treatment (in the hope he might bleed to death?). I saw at least 2 men there that did have guns, and they absolutely used them to try to murder another person....why is no one shooting them, if 'man with gun' is a reason to shoot someone, shoot them.

Shoot first, ask questions later. That's the clear unambiguous MO of the cops....if they ever ask questions at that's how people should be responding to cops, (right?)...shoot first, then handcuff them, then let them bleed out on the street.....if they survive, blame them for the shooting and claim self defense, after all, they are armed and clearly dangerous. (Sounds pretty terrible put that way, huh?)
It's at the point where I understand why cops are outright murdering any cop killers and not even trying to arrest them, they know that no jury will convict a black man of cop killing, it's arguably self defense every time. I also totally understand the feelings of the ambushers. Cops have brought this on themselves with their own actions, and complete lack of action prosecuting their own crimes. At this point, it's kill or be killed, so totally understandable to shoot first if a cop shows up.

If they don't take severe action against every cop involved in this instance, there's going to be more cop killings. It's a certainty, and actually appropriate IMO. Self defense is the right of every citizen, not just cops. I have zero sympathy for recently murdered cops, and won't until there's more cops killed than there are unarmed citizens killed by cops.
I would never convict a cop killer in today's climate....and I'm not alone. Cops are begging for a race war, and doing all they can to ensure one starts.

Why You Should Drink More Whiskey

ChaosEngine says...

Fuck you, buzzfeed. I love whiskey and you managed to make drinking it douchey as fuck.

I REALLY want to downvote the unbelievably awful execution of this video, but I just can't downvote something that praises whiskey.

Bill Maher: Who Needs Guns?

EMPIRE says...

Look... let's all agree on this...

The american founding fathers did some really great stuff. Wonderful.

But they're fucking human, and the 2nd amendment was unbelievably short-sighted.

The constitution is not something to mess with willy-nilly, but it CAN and it SHOULD be updated from time to time.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

This is unbelievably sloppy thinking. You have a woeful understanding of no true scotsman as well as, apparently, the english language in general.

There are divorced catholics because catholic doctrine is not that it's literally impossible to obtain a divorce. Catholics who get divorces don't suffer sudden existential collapse and wink out of reality. There are no catholics who doubt and despise the bible, who believe that there's no god or historical jesus, and who participate in no catholic tradition. That would be contradictory, and oh look, it's possible to construct a 'no true...' statement that is nevertheless correct. There are no pro-lifers who believe abortion is fine and should be freely available to everyone. There are no democrats who are republicans. There are no jews who believe jesus is the son of god. There are no peaceful muslims.

Put that aside for now. You're arguing for the end of all moral judgement and distinction. Humans are not consistent, therefore it would be outrageous to condemn a car thief for stealing a car. After all, look at all the times he didn't steal a car. Fuck off.

It's possible to make generalisations about arbitrarily large groups that share common attributes. People who steal things are thieves. Apples are fruits. Muslims are violent.

By definition, all muslims share first the belief that mohammed was a good person and second the conviction to follow his example and instruction. By necessity, all muslims share the guilt for the evils of that man, and the evils brought into the world as a result of his legacy.

ChaosEngine said:

The statements are trivially disprovable. I know several peaceful muslims. There, done. Your statement is false.

You couldn't find a better example of the "No True Scotsman" fallacy if you tried.

"Followers of violent ideologies are not peaceful".

Here's a thought exercise for you, since you seem to pride yourself on not being afraid to think.

Humans are not perfectly rational or consistent. They are, in fact, capable of holding two opposing positions at once. This is called cognitive dissonance (you're a good example of this yourself, in that you are engaging in a logical fallacy while upholding the virtue of rationality).

Saying "there are no peaceful muslims" is like saying there are no divorced Catholics, when such things self-evidently exist.

So, to sum up:
You are not right - your "factual statement" is incorrect.
You are not just - you are making a sweeping generalisation about 1 billion people.
You are not rational - you are engaged in a logical fallacy.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Islamophobia...Now there's a pill for that!

coolhund says...

I think we can agree that in the early ages of Islam it was very promising. Math, medicine, etc, all came from there.
That doesnt change how its interpreted today, and they even say themselves publicly that the Hadithes are more important than the Koran, because they show Muslims how to live Islam, yet they dont live after the things you mentioned for example. And honestly, I find the Hadithes much worse than the Koran, but both together make it very logical how Muslims act.
I never understood it before. For example I tried to make friends with a lot of them, even my dentist was one, but I never got really close to them. They never let me. Until I realized how disrespectful and insulting they talk about me and other "unbelievers", after I learned some Turkish and Arab words. And even still then for a long time after I thought "Its just these guys", but more and more experience with others, analyzing how they treat not only me, but all these "unbelievers" and ultimately the study of those writings was like a revelation. I was shocked, to put it mildly. It all fits together. Everything.

oritteropo said:

I'm impressed Unlike @newtboy, I don't automatically assume you're lying and feel compelled to do a bit more reading myself before discussing it further.

It's been a long time since I studied it at Uni, and even then we never studied the entire Koran (a one semester course would not have been sufficient for that).

There is, of course, some disagreement about what the hadiths say. The one that immediately springs to mind is "Seek knowledge even as far as China", and I'll quote the former prime minister of Malaysia here:{quote}A hadith says: “Seek knowledge even as far as China.” It was pointed out by detractors that this was just a saying of the Prophet and it was not a command from God. When they disagreed with a particular hadith, they were quick to discredit it and refused to acknowledge it as a source of Islamic teaching. But if they subscribed to it, then they would not cease to highlight it repeatedly, even if it’s authenticity is doubted. Surely seeking knowledge in China does not mean Islamic knowledge. During the Prophet’s period, China was also known to have deep knowledge in such fields as medicine, literature and paper, explosives and many others.{quote}

Certainly the early muslims were very keen on acquiring knowledge, and did indeed travel as far as China to do so (and brought the art of paper making back with them).

Islamophobia...Now there's a pill for that!

coolhund says...

Ah, the usual apologistic crap and generalization while crying about generalization.

Sorry if I learned to not make myself much work to prove ignorant and idealistic extremist people like you facts. They get ignored anyway. Theres a simple search you have to do, if you know how to use the Internet. There you will get all the facts.

Facts are facts. If you like them or not. If you dont like them, you should become a politician.

You should have read my second comment. Read the Koran and the Hadithes before you spew out such bullshit. The Bible reads like a story, the Islamic writings read exactly like a manual, how to live Islam, and its a very successful indoctrination method, as you would know if you have ever something to do with Muslims and saw them how they act if they think non-believers dont watch them or hear them. Another thing that is described perfectly in the Hadithes, even with murder: Taqiyya. Not to mention that you cant compare the modern Christian world with the modern Islamic world. If you seriously compare them both (and yet I dont like ANY religion), then you just show how audacious you are to talk about things you have no clue about whatsoever. Stop wasting my time and inform yourself properly instead.

And yeah, not all Muslims are like that. But the vast majority and even the ones you think they wouldnt be that way, suddenly expose themselves as full blown Taqiyya users. Theres a few cases in German media right now, who they thought were well integrated, but they actually are extremely conservative Muslims.
If you knew any Muslims well, you would know you cant trust them, because lying to unbelievers and disrespecting them because of their lack of belief in Islam, is their duty as a good Muslim.
Maybe you will learn the hard way. If you reality denying leftists get your way, you surely will.

00Scud00 said:

Have any credible links to these percentages? I am assuming these comments are in reference to a specific event. And my point still stands, hating an entire group of people for the actions of only a few in that group is irrational and possibly racist. But hey, if you ever come across someone who's been raped by a non Muslim, feel free to let them know that their violation was much less statistically likely. I'm sure they'll thank you for it.
Both the Bible and the Quran have passages that exhort the reader to do things that would be unacceptable in the modern world. Yet I doubt you think all or most Christians are bad because of what the Bible says. So, no, the Quran really doesn't mean anything in that respect.

Come Visit Australia

ChaosEngine says...

As an NZ resident, I am morally obliged to point out that Australia is a horrible place populated by criminals and terrible rugby teams, but I did live there for two years and in reality, it's not actually that bad.

Yes, their government are a shower of complete dickheads both in their own right and in the fact that they have their collective head shoved so far up Americas arse they can practically see the back of uncle sams tonsils. The immigration policy is pretty much barbaric and they seem hellbent on ruining the country as fast as humanly possible. And I haven't even gotten started on how unbelievably racist the country as a whole is (this is a country that only got rid of it's "White Australia Policy" in the 70s).

Border security, while they can be complete arseholes are not nearly as bad as they're portrayed on those TV shows. They do have a lot of idiots flouting the biosecurity laws (Johnny Depp is the least of their problems), but in general as long as you don't make the mistake of not being white, they're far more interested in any fruit you might have than any bills with coke on them. (side note: don't bring cash to Australia, almost every transaction is electronic there).

But the country itself has some great things going for it. Some of the scenery is amazing, the parts of the reef that aren't bleached are stunning, the food in the cities is amazing (as is the coffee, especially in Melbourne and Sydney).

Mordhaus said:

Sadly this seems very plausible after the series I just watched on Netflix , Border Security, Australia's First Line. If people think we treat incoming people rough, they should watch that show. Almost every episode they show some poor sad sack that committed a crime or something 20+ years ago that just wants to come and visit. Most of the time the response is gtfo and don't come back for 3 years, except for one guy who did 12 years in prison for drug trafficking. He just happened to be Sugar Shane Mosley's trainer, so they were like "We should by all rights deny his visa, but we have to weigh the benefit to Australia's citizens that might have bought tickets to the fight....yep, let him in." Or they have a sniffer scanner that picks up what seems to be infinitesimal amounts of any sort of drug residue, which means you get body searched and they go through every thing you have with a fine toothed comb.

I turned to my wife and said, "We are never going to Australia." She asked why and I told her that every bit of the US cash anyone comes into contact with is inundated with multiple types of drug residues. We would probably show up and get cavity searched for 14 different types of drugs. Anyway, after watching the show, I felt it was clear that the government of Australia is very comfortable with the "Come here, spend shitloads of money, and then gtfo because we don't want you here" attitude.

Finest Girl (F me like Bin Laden)-Popstar-Lonely Island

ChaosEngine says...

wow, I don't even know where to start with how unbelievably wrong that was.

loved it!


newtboy said:

I can't believe I'm the only one that liked this...I just can't.....
I know it's SOOOO wrong....that's what I loved.

Happy 90th birthday Sir David Attenborough - BBC News

Happy 90th birthday Sir David Attenborough - BBC News

MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 Update Interrupts Weather

LiquidDrift says...

They installed that shit on my main machine without my consent. I clicked no in that stupid dialog probably hundreds of times and then one day without warning it force installed it. Unbelievable, I'm still pissed about it.

Stephen Fry on Political Correctness

ChaosEngine says...

Wow, that was awful. Fry has really gone down in my estimation after this.

The whole thing smacks of old man ranting... and as for the last comment about sexual abuse survivors? jesus, that was just unbelievably stupid

7000 Matches - Pyromaniac Porn

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