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Tow Truck Lift Gone Wrong


chingalera says...

Again and again with the false sarcasm....Who is this charlatan anyway with a personal hard-on for anyone who doesn't suck his dick?? Transparent bullshit and you want to force me into a goddamn corner?? Fuck that shit.

"Pretentious polemics and entitled self-interest, isle 13-This week only, two-for-one asshole with your purchase of one or more king-sized-tow-sacks of adult garments ."

About as rational you are as Chipotleaway...

newtboy said:

WHAT?!? You expected rational acceptance of a reasonable statement, even a statement he's made repeatedly himself? You really haven't been paying attention, have you?

hoverboards are here

newtboy says...

Are they powered by the jet skis following them, or are those just for safety when the boarder crashes and goes unconscious in the water?
Pretty neat, but I want to see them not attached to another boat (which the link said they are) but instead towing their own tiny float with the motor inside it.

What The Truck!?

sirex says...

I guess that if it was moving under its own power i would expect to see a bow wave in front of the moving object, and there doesn't appear to be one. I imagine that much water would be very hard work to move through also with trailer in tow, also.

oh, and looking again, it seems it's not level in the water either, so it's been shofted by the weight of the water and resting on something, i assume.

Payback said:

Either that or it's merely stuck on the bottom, pointed upstream, and the water is moving past it. Both ways look identical subjectively. Our videographer's boat is moving too quickly to make it easy to tell if the truck is moving under it's own power.

Surfing In Germany - In A River

My_design says...

If you aren't paddling you aren't surfing, you're just riding on a board..
Unless you are being towed into some 40'+ monster. In which case you aren't really surfing either, you're displaying your massive balls to the world. I've been pounded into the sand by 10-12' waves and come up wondering how I survived. I can not even fathom something bigger than that.

Trolling People Who Park In Handicap Spots Illegally

Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station Antarctica Tour

ChaosEngine says...

I worked with a guy who wintered there years ago. Told me a story about how one of the bulldozers drove off the "road" (the hard pack ice) and sank about a metre into the snow. No-one could figure out what to do. It was too heavy to tow and they didn't have a crane that could lift it (would put too much pressure on the ice and then the crane would be stuck too. So they left it for a while, until everyone got sick of looking at it, and they just blew up the ice underneath it and let it sink.

I have no idea if that's true or not.

But it's a great story

That's gonna leave a mark

eric3579 says...

Reminded me of the first time i went water skiing and how i wouldn't let go of the tow line when i fell. All my friends got a good laugh watching me torpedo through the water.

Pigeon keeping up with traffic on Highway

shveddy says...

I love the EIA tag, but not for the usual Darwin Awards type reasons. I wonder if this is an example of adaptation. I'll have to look it up, but my guess is that pigeons (or any bird for that matter) can't maintain 90km/h in a horizontal line for any extended amount of time. I'm thinking that they are learning how to draft cars on the highway.

It would be awesome if it confers some adaptive advantage and it starts catching on so that I can go on a road trip with a flock of birds in tow in a flying V formation.

ant said:

@pigeon doing *EIA?

Bloom Boxes

chingalera says...

Wind turbines to provide the comparable megawatts for millions of homes ARE a frivolous waste. The huge amounts needed for wasteful, programmed, energy-addicted peeps IS a huge logistical clusterfuck of resources there, notarobot.

Your example of one family with a turbine and a solar array is fine and all (the upfront cost for such a setup is a shitload of funds and the upkeep of his dual set-up is probably a complete bitch of a money-pit to maintain) but were talking efficiency for the masses here.. Your 'research' should be based upon something besides what seems more of an emotionally passionate ideal moreso than anything practical for the many.

Personally, I think this virgin-trail-run Bloom box bullshit is simply another snake-oil scam. Much more work need be done to ever make them practical. What really should done in the realm of a practical kind of "reality" (otherwise known as a construct...reality that is) is to revive anti-trust/monopoly laws to hobble the robber-baron's once again...

Go listen some Bucky Fuller perhaps and try to awaken from the pipe-dream of monkey-business-as-usual instead of towing some lazy cop-out nouveau-hippy green-party line??

notarobot said:

A friend of mind put a windmill up on his property with a solar array and is completely off grid now. No more power bills.

To date I've seen no such data to make me feel that windmills are a waste or frivolous. Feel free to provide some figures and links.

Russia Today's Kick Ass News Anchor Talks With Piers Morgan

RedSky says...

This sounds like damage control from RT. I think the tacit deal was, you keep some independence to say what you want and in return you answer every question about RT bias by deflecting it to the general media. She's not wrong about that, but she's clearly avoiding the question which flies in the face of her apparent independence.

I would also say that the way US media censors, (1) fitting a conservative or liberal narrative because its more profitable like MSNBC and Fox News or (2) towing the government line when it has high approval ratings, as it was leading up to the Iraq war - is different to simply being directly under the thumb of government censors.

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

newtboy says...

OK, I guess you could take it that way, but would you agree that he's wrong about only having those 2 choices? It's that mindset that sticks us with the same feckless and feculent career politicians instead of someone non-affiliated that doesn't simply 'tow the party line'.

dannym3141 said:

@VoodooV far be it from me to side with choggie, but he's spot on about major political parties being "the same." Even with 3-4 parties to choose from in Britain, what we actually get is a change of figurehead. What we refer to as "democracy" in both our countries is not fit for purpose and does not represent the best interests of the people.

F1 Pit Stop Perfection

newtboy says...

If you mean when they aren't racing, in F1 they completely dis-assemble the car bolt by bolt and check every piece for micro cracks and wear, rebuild the engine and transaxle, replace any worn part, and basically rebuild the car from scratch...almost every time. They also do experimentation with new parts and designs to see if they are worth integrating into the car. With the stresses these parts see in F1 racing, they have to be insanely careful to not put a cracked or poorly made part on, it could easily kill someone if anything fails.
Most of what wins races happens OFF the race course. I was an off road/desert racer, and it was even truer there. Just finishing in off road racing is a victory, and it's mostly due to proper preparation of the car. Being a lone wolf 'team' (meaning I had no pit crew, it was all on me and whatever 'friend' I could rope into helping at the race) it was pretty self gratifying when I was able to drive into the pits at the end of a race (as opposed to being towed or dragged in).

EMPIRE said:

Besides doing these tire changes, and refueling, and changing broken parts if needed, what does the pit crew do off-race?

Tow Truck Driver Defies Death and Seeks Revenge!

Mordhaus says...

Yeah, it is called South Beach Tow. I'm sure it was scripted, but if you have seen some of the other episodes with Bernice it could be plausible. She is a freak.

lucky760 said:

That's fucking hilarious. Is that a real show?


Jeet Hakam - Hey G Ho G ft. Ikka [Official Video]

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