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bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

Buy These Tickets Or I Take Your Car

NaMeCaF says...

Fuck you guys are so anti-cop zealous its really becoming an echo chamber in here. You all seem to forget (or more likely completely dismiss) that the driver's breaking the law in the first place.

The cop probably should have had the car towed and impounded and issued a fine, but he's probably not a complete dick and thought he'd let them off with a warning if they bought a few tickets.

You're all acting like the bastard killed someone.

Buy These Tickets Or I Take Your Car

eric3579 says...

My understanding is in California your car can be towed and impounded by an officer if your vehicle is six months out of registration.

Ive been pulled over with expired tags multiple times. They have used it as an excuse to check me out. I've been let go the couple times its happened to me. One time just had a good conversation about disk golf after he saw my disks in the car. Another time he wanted to search my car, which i refused. Then i was given a drunk test and grilled about why he couldn't search my car. He ended up just letting me go.

AeroMechanical said:

I highly doubt your car can be impounded for driving with an expired registration , even in PA. That is very nearly the least significant traffic violation there is. Of course, the police lie about that sort of thing all the time, which is probably the case here.

Airbus E-Fan 'electric plane' completes cross-Channel flight

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

lantern53 says...

yes, if you ever get on a jury, always believe the defendant
don't believe the judge, either, he's just a lawyer, and we all know that a lawyer will say anything if he's paid to do so
also, don't believe the subpoena to appear, that's just some document put out by the court
and don't believe the sign that says if you part illegally your car will be towed

but seriously, newtboy, cops are trained to tell the truth in court...on the street, there is a lot of bluff going on and the courts have said that is legal
I've been through police academy and we were not taught to lie. What is your experience from when you attended police academy?

newtboy said:

Sadly this is not an isolated incident, it is how cops normally operate.
More and more cops are proving they aren't only bad cops, they're bad people, with fewer and fewer exceptions. Liars all. If you ever end up on a jury, remember to not believe a word the officer says, they can't be trusted...ever. When you're trained to lie as part of your job, not a word you say should ever carry any weight.

This is how you hand-launch a U-2 after it loses a wheel

Lendl says...

meh...when we launch gliders the guy holding the wing is signaling the tow pilot with his other arm and running much farther down the runway than that.

RC Car Rescue (NASA Edit)

RC Car Rescue (NASA Edit)

Tow Truck Vs Chinese Lady

jmd says...

uhmm.. 6 year old viral advertising video fail.

As aero kind of touched on, no tow truck would link a front wheel drive car like that. Also when loading several tons of weight, who DOESN'T break/lock the tires of their tow truck?

Tow Truck Vs Chinese Lady

AeroMechanical says...

As I understand it, towing a car with the driven wheels on the road is a good way to do a lot of damage to it. It also, apparently, lets people steal your tow truck.

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

Star Wars - Tie Fighter accident on the highway

Russian motorists rescue car from a ditch

Ashenkase says...

Dear non snow drivers,

In the absence of a winch, preferably a tow truck winch, this a great example of how to get unstuck.

- Keep the wheels straight, or as straight as possible. The more the wheels are turned the more difficult it is to extricate out of the stuck position.
- DON'T spin tires. They guy in the video didn't even have the car on. The more you spin, the more you dig, the more you dig the "stucker" you get. As soon as you hear tire spinning back off and try again.
- Rocking is good. The more you can gain momentum from rocking the better. It will let you spin the tires less and avoid digging the car deeper into the snow.
- Dig a trench for the tires if you can. The deeper the snow the better chance you have of catching the car on excess snow which then makes it even harder to get out. Digging trenches for the path out will help not build up snow on the way out. Foot, shovel, anything you can get to help the car out.
- Sand or kitty litter will help the drive wheels get some traction on the way out. Better yet chains will get you out of most anything, but you only usually see chains in mountainous areas or back country scenarios.
- Two words... Snow Tires (but they only make sense if you live in a temperament climate that receives snow fall, but man do they make a difference).

From the video it looks like first snow fall of the year. The tire tracks expose leaves and dirt underneath. First snow fall in my city means about 80-100 accidents in one day, its horrible. Changing mindsets from non-winter driving to winter driving is an exercise in observation and patience.

O God, thy sea is so great and my boat is so small…

SFOGuy says...

I suspect they are just trying to home, probably out of the Bay of Biscay, so they can stop vomiting their baguettes and fois grois...

More seriously; think about the advantages a submarine has over a surface ship, even one that might have a helicopter aboard (but can't safely launch or recovery it in this weather) in either running away, or trying to kill the surface ship. Even if the surface ship has a towed array (yank, tug, snap, one might think)---getting weapons on target as opposed to being the target seems like it would quite a challenge.

Payback said:

What are they running from?

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

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