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You're not towing my car

Magicpants says...

The point being that the tow truck drivers are essentially running a scam. They can only tow a car (in the UK) if the car is obstructing traffic(and the owner isn't there to move it). Since it's their word versus the owner's, and because the cops get paid whenever someone wants their car out of impound, the cops tend to believe the tow truck drivers.

You're not towing my car

You're not towing my car

albrite30 says...

different country = different rules. That being said... Tow truck drivers are allowed to tow your vehicle even if you are there as soon as they at least hook the tires.

You're not towing my car

bronx man beaten and arrested on video for no charge

newtboy says...

Oh! I'm sorry, I thought we were discussing the video. LOL!
Predictable 'officers are always right, even when they're wrong, and you should simply allow then to screw you hard and dry and hope for the best in court' mentality and suggestions, though.
Cops are trained on how to act. They ignore that training, or abuse it, to act improperly.

EDIT: I would disagree. I believe that the majority of people have official police contact at least one point in their life, either as suspects or victims.
It depends on your definition of 'civilly'. Most police contact is legally proper, that doesn't mean the cop acts civilly. From experience, when they think you've been criminal or non-compliant, police civility goes right out the window and the inappropriate violent threats, name calling, and angry cursing starts instantly, before the 'suspect' has a chance to react at all. That's why I was pulled out of my car at gunpoint and thrown violently to the ground by a screaming cursing officer when he misread my license plate and thought my car was stolen.

Yes, the vast majority of police contact is done properly....just as the vast majority of contact with murderers, rapists, thieves, and child molesters is done with proper conduct. That does not excuse it when they act improperly, just as the previous good conduct doesn't excuse a murder/rape/theft/molestation later. Duh.
Yes, most people know that if you don't cow tow to cops, kiss their ass, and allow them to violate you in whatever way they like, they'll further abuse their power to fuck you hard and you'll pay the price. (I learned that lesson, 'respect authority even when it's wrong or you pay the price', at 4 years old when my dad closed fist punched me across the room for saying 'NO', but being a learning experience didn't make his actions acceptable by any means). Funny how you turn violent abuse of power and violation of civil rights into 'won't make you happy' and assign the blame to the victims of abuse for not being subservient enough. It's a bit more than 'won't make you happy', dude.
It's not a 'small number' of contacts that end up with abuse and/or murder, it may be a 'small' percentage, but once is once too many, thousands of times per year is unacceptable by any reckoning. How can you ignore that? It's unconscionable. It's also near 100% of the time that the 'blue wall' closes in around the offending cops and protects them, so that makes you ALL accessories after the fact. You also know this well.
This guy could easily have ended up dead, he did not instigate or even participate in the violence. He was incredibly lucky his buildings security system caught the incident or he would be in prison for years to come, based on cops lies and abuse.
'We people' expect cops to act according to the laws they swore to uphold. We expect them to follow procedure and work to de-escalate violence, not to go rogue and act violently as a first resort, especially true when there's been no crime committed.
This guys behavior, sitting unarmed, without contraband, calmly and quietly, led to his fate, beaten and arrested over nothing at all, (for asking why he was searched in the first place, or contempt of cop, neither being a crime) and charged with serious felonies based on cop's lies. You once again put the blame on the victim, because it can't possibly be the cops acting improperly in your myopic viewpoint, even when it's on video. Fortunately it's a tiny minority viewpoint not held by many.

lantern53 said:

The vast majority of people never have contact with police officers.

The vast majority of people who HAVE contact with police officers are treated civilly and go on with their lives.

The vast majority of people know that you don't give a bunch of shit to police officers. If you do, you take a chance on an outcome that won't make you happy.

The vast majority of people who are arrested on a weekly basis know that they will pay a small fine, or do a couple of days in jail, and take it as a cost of doing business.

A small number of police contacts end up with someone being treated for a bruise or cut, or a loose tooth, or pepper spray in the eyes.

A small number of police contacts end up dead and the vast majority of them instigated the violence.

You people expect cops to act perfectly, have the negotiating skills of Henry Kissinger, the compassion of Mother Theresa and the patience of Job, the martial skill of a UFC fighter, and the targeting skill of Annie Oakley, when what you should be doing is looking at your own behavior and seeing how that leads to your own fate.

Russell Brand debunks David Cameron's War Mongering

billpayer says...

Thanks for the link... seen it before, but good nevertheless.
In the media lock down we have right now it takes someone like R.B. to make the mental leaps and join the dots.
If there is better sociopolitical commentary out there about current events I am all ears (links please).

If Brand was more 'together' he'd be towing the corporate news line and sucking that teat or joining the rest of the celebrity morons in drowning us in bullshit.
btw. this guy was just (days ago) character assassinated on Fox news, so he's making waves and also under fire.
Massive props for what he's doing and for keeping it 'real' ie. fuck bland talking heads and regurgitated government/corporate propaganda.

Zawash (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

I should've said "sorry to be the bearer of bad news but "

The tags didn't really help, but I knew I'd seen it before and managed to hunt it down.

I didn't go so well finding the dupe for the towing a car with a bus video.

Zawash said:

*isdupe. Dang.

Garbage truck rams tow truck carrying a car

lucky760 says...

There's no question who's at fault. The tow truck had a red light for 6 FUCKING SECONDS before it entered the intersection and got t-boned.

I severely hope the person in the small car was uninjured.

Unlucky Russian Driver trying to start a car with a trolleyb

Garbage truck rams tow truck carrying a car

Payback says...

Totally agree. 100% tow truck's fault.

I just witnessed the exact same type of accident today from nearly the same vantage point. Little Honda or Acura ran a red and T Boned a little Ranger pickup that had the green.

rayok said:

Title makes it seem like it was the garbage truck's fault but it wasn't. Everyone was stopping for a red light but the tow truck ran the light, swerved when the garbage truck was trying to turn left, and fell over..

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Garbage truck rams tow truck carrying a car

rayok says...

Title makes it seem like it was the garbage truck's fault but it wasn't. Everyone was stopping for a red light but the tow truck ran the light, swerved when the garbage truck was trying to turn left, and fell over..

Garbage truck rams tow truck carrying a car

Sailboat Fail

robbersdog49 says...

It's too far back on the trailer. At 0:21 the hitch lifts and then stops on the check strap (I think, it certainly lifts and then stops). This makes the angle sufficient for the boat to slide back off the trailer.

I can't imagine why the boat isn't tied securely onto the trailer. These guys have either never towed a boat out of the water or are absolute morons (or both).

At least the guy didn't drop his bit of rope!

CrushBug said:

I didn't quite see what happened. Did the hitch on the truck break off or something? It looked like it vaulted into the air.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

chingalera says...

Aaaaand you sir or madman with your offering, are wholly without merit and I spew with confidence bereft of interesting banter on a plethora of issues as well. Oh, and your grammar is lousy.

What's YOUR country of origin pray-tell, I'll dump a tow-sack full of her problems on your bed after trick-or-treat and we'll pick-out which ones mommy said you're allowed eat with those ugly teeth god botcha..

song77 said:

hate people that go out and bait cops, and this is whats wrong with america

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