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blankfist (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

hell yea we do. I don't know why I responded how I did. I think I made up for it later in the fuddie-duddie of a sift talk. So anyway, I've wasted a lot of my power points before this whole business started up, but I spent my last one promoting a wonderful exposition of objectification. I recommend doing the same.
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I don't think I even commented on that video except to say a couple irreverent lowbrow comments, but nothing particularly sexist. But on the Sift Talk post? Absolutely. I have to get my joke in and hopefully set the tone for the rest of the discourse.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I think what blankfist meant to say—but lacked the time between bong loads—is that he doesn't feel the same way you do about stuff. He is ok with it, and you should become ok with it.

Obama: GOP Budget 'Radical, Not Courageous'

NetRunner says...

@blankfist and I have no interest in "repealing" government, either incrementally or in one fell swoop, because like I said to Genji, I believe that a) it's impossible to abolish what you think of as government, and b) if you somehow did abolish liberal democracy you'd realize you'd actually traded a legal system in which you were pretty free for one where you essentially have no freedom of any kind.

I don't even really care about taking away power from the "two party system" per se, since that's just the natural consequence of first past the post voting. What unites them is the influence of money. The wealthy pull all the strings now, and they have no interest in either of our conceptions of freedom.

Getting rid of the state, while somehow insisting that the right to property conveys absolute unfettered authority over property, just cuts out the middle man for them. It eliminates the last vestiges of the idea that the people with power are obligated to respect the rights of the people without power. In effect, it wouldn't really abolish government at all, it'd just return us to monarchy or feudalism, but now with Orwellian names like "libertarianism" or "voluntaryism".

You'd be free because no one could tax you! Though they can still raise your rent, cut your wages, make anything a "condition of employment" or even a "condition of purchase", and they can use any anti-competitive business practice in the book to squash start-ups that don't play ball with the oligarchy.

Plus, if they do decide to use violence to compel you to do things, who's going to stop them? Random bystanders? The private security forces you hired?

I guess if you got a bunch of people together to pool resources, and raised an army that would defend a certain region from the predation of outsiders, and established some sort of legal justice system for the people who lived within that region's borders, I mean, maybe that might let people have some freedom...

Weird, Cool Theremin Choir Plays "Flowers"

kymbos (Member Profile)

Russian Military Starts Up an Avalanche... With Artillery!!!

luxury_pie says...

>> ^Morganth:

If they realized that giant cloud approaching wasn't merely a "giant cloud," they probably wouldn't be laughing and carrying on as they were.

But obviously it was a giant cloud of snow, so they laughed and giggled and shot some pidgeons with their artillery.

How to shut up noisy geese

Bunnies in a Blender -- yes, they'll blend!

JiggaJonson says...

Next they'll try to make me feel bad for even having sex in the first place!!!

Oh wait...

NEXT they'll try to make me feel bad for jerking off!!!

oh wait...

NEXT NEXT NEXT they'll try to make me feel bad for even thinking about women, you know want me to really get involved with the church and stay celibate to the point that I'm driven to molest altar boys!!!

oh wait...
Oh well, start up the blender I guess.

RoboCop Speaks to Detroit

MarineGunrock says...

Wait, they did make three mov... oh, I see what you did there.>> ^Payback:

I'm kinda bummed they only made the two movies and stopped there. It would have been awesome.
I am glad, however, they didn't continue on, with Murphy flying around in a jet-pack, or start up some decently written, but doomed to obscurity Canadian-made television series, or a higher-budget miniseries that so completely ripped off the Ironman/War Machine idea it was laughable.
Yes... yes I am glad that never happened.

RoboCop Speaks to Detroit

Payback says...

I'm kinda bummed they only made the two movies and stopped there. It would have been awesome.

I am glad, however, they didn't continue on, with Murphy flying around in a jet-pack, or start up some decently written, but doomed to obscurity Canadian-made television series, or a higher-budget miniseries that so completely ripped off the Ironman/War Machine idea it was laughable.

Yes... yes I am glad that never happened.


"We Need a Christian Dictator" - since the ungodly can vote

shinyblurry says...

>> ^kceaton1:I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you have no idea what "Mormon bible" really means. Since I don't believe in that one or the one with extra action with angels or the one with unicorns or the one with "x^n"... There are A LOT of bibles. Which church is the TRUE church; please enlighten me so I may rip that ONE to shreds. I'm sorry that my "Christianity"™ is not good enough for you.
As to the rest... Go ahead and link every direct observation about the Devil and Hell. It's different in each bible as well. Keep going I can't dig a grave any faster than you are already. BTW, the "Ten Commandments" are old school. So do you follow the New Testament or do you pick and choose what to like when it suites you.
I looked at my religion and others discretely and with observation and found the contradictory fallacies, logical arguments that fail, and the diversity of books, translations, and the number of religions to be enough to stop "divinity" in it's tracks for me.
You've yet to show me any logical reason to follow, somewhere I messed up, or otherwise. You are purely on the defensive. If I may say so, you need to take a hard look at religion is giving you. What would happen if you shut it down, for argument's sake? Would your life, your actions dramatically shift? All I have seen, for now, is by rote memorization quotes or otherwise I learned in seminary or Sunday school. Some of it is different of course, but I guarantee that the majority is the same.
Do you think all people that have chosen to forgo there faith and live a moral life without the fear of an afterlife reprisal all did so because they're Mormon? The only commonality we share is that we chose to question those in authority and piece things together ourselves; as we've been all lied to, which was the best reason to question in the first place.
This will be the last of my responses as I think it is on your shoulders now to logically come to your own conclusion; if you think faith/belief are the only key factors then why preach, as you will never be able to open any eyes with platitudes. If you try to defend again you will only repeat what you've already said.

Whoa there little fella. First of all, you've been asking elementry questions about the nature of God, which presupposes in our discussion that He does in fact exist. All I did was try to answer them. You gave the impression that perhaps you believed in *something*. Which Church is the true church? That would be the Body of Christ my friend. There is no institution which has exclusive rights on Christianity. This is the first fallacy of the Mormon church who has the believe they are the only true church, otherwise their "updates" would be exposed for the fraud they are.

Second, what is this that I don't understand what the Mormon bible means? Isn't that the book of Mormon? What am I not understanding? Jump to conclusions much? The true bible is the one the disciples of Christ wrote, which is the New Testament. There have been many different translations, but essentially they all say pretty much the same thing with the same quotes. The major ones which differ are funnily enough, the Mormon version and the Jehovah Witness version. These cults both started up within the last 200 years and pervert the teachings of Christ to their core. They both deny Christs divinity, with the JWs claiming Jesus was an angel, and the mormons claiming Jesus was the first creature, but not divine. As we know from the bible, anything which denies the divinity of Christ is in the spirit of the antichrist. Meaning, Mormonism by definition is a satanic religion. Worshipping the God of Mormonism is the same as worshipping Satan.

Third, you should really do some real research and gain some understanding before you just go off the cuff. The Old Testament is the original bible, in which is the wisdom of the Lord, and the prophecies which predict the coming of Christ. Christ was a jew. The Old Tesament was His bible, and also the bible of the early disciples. It isn't a matter of picking and choosing. A true Christian believes in both. Christ told us that the ten commandments are still valid, and that he was not there to overthrow the law, but to fulfill it.

Look, I'm sorry you had to grow up Mormon, but I can tell you that your upbringing didn't prepare you for this conversation. You don't seem to know even elementry conceptions about who God is, and what the bible says. For you to just turn your vitriol on me, someone who tried to answer your questions, shows your profound lack of maturity. You're going way out of your way to be as callous and insulting about it as possible. And regards to your purile question, I know what it's like to live without faith. Unlike you, I wasn't indoctrinated; for most of my life I was agnostic. I came to God independently, without religion. From there I followed God to Christianity. If you want to talk about shredding something, I think it should be your bad attitude problem. Good luck and God Bless.

Julian Assange's lawyer on bullshit charges and Wikileaks

Yogi says...

I'm getting kind of tired of this. I was hoping Wikileaks wouldn't be the end of this leaking idea but the beginning...maybe have some copycats out there start up their owns sites about leaking very specific things. I'm getting sick of hearing about Julian Assange though...I kinda wish Wikileaks would drop him so he wouldn't be such a silly distraction anymore.

Someone get all the former wikileaks employees together and make another leak website please...create more and more, they can't be combated.

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2010 Elections Bought Anonymously by Corporations

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