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How Marvel Actually Makes Movies Years Before Filming

Khufu says...

It's not the VFX that bore you, it's the design of the shots/action. You would feel the same way if the same busy, over-designed novelty shot was done with traditional special fx techniques. Just making the distinction because people often blame vfx for stuff that is really a design/filmmaker issue.

cloudballoon said:

Super busy VFX bores me to death...

New Rule: The Tragedy of Trump Voters

newtboy says...

Then we’re back full circle to I'm curious why you think enforcement of existing usury laws (without special rules for those who bribe enough) is the same as new building codes. Removing the special rules for predatory lending companies simplifies the law, it doesn’t complicate it like new, often contradictory building codes (that seem to be being used as an excuse for slow work by his contractor).
I feel like you’re comparing apples to brisket.

smr said:

The last paragraph addresses the irony, which is the entirety of my first comment. I did not expect him, when pushing for a legal/policy solution to her problem, to then start attacking red tape for building codes. Enough loans regulation and you'll have the same thing - complaints about not being able to get a loan and the extended processing times.. Then Bill will do a schtick showing us

Pilot Threatens To Land Flight Of Trump Supporters In Kansas

Dear 2021

Congress Under Armed Attack Live Stream

vil says...

"Mostly peaceful" protests usually happen in a park or a street or a university campus, you know, a public place. And then special forces arrive and beat people up and shoot some.

So this was strange for sure. The police seemed mighty reluctant to fight. The mob looked really crazy, attacked the police, but more verbally than physically, and if physically more just pushing them around than throwing things or hitting cops with them. Not even a good hockey fight. But still they stormed the building. Something aint right.

Underwater Firearm

SFOGuy says...

So--non-lead ammunition (no mushrooming)---and you can immediately go from underwater to shooting to back unto the surfline. Sure, I can see an applicability to this, if somewhat limited. Special Ops.

Boy wants Minecraft for Christmas, but grandfather mis-hears

$55,000 for 5,000 votes

bobknight33 says...

You are so duped. You post a link from a far leftest site. You stupid fool.

Find a real fact checker.
About SourceWatch

The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) publishes SourceWatch, this collaborative, specialized encyclopedia of the people, organizations, and issues shaping the public agenda.

newtboy said:

OMG! You fool. Every single veritas video has been proven to be fake, full of lies, and edited to make a point, not to show anything resembling the truth. Borat is more honest and truthful.

But you claim Trump has never lied....then often go on to excuse and explain why it's ok for him to lie, even under oath, forgetting you claimed he never does.

More (fake) "evidence" of republican vote fraud that you claim proves democratic vote fraud. Your desperation paired with your delusion has made you a laughing stock.


Tenacious D does the Time Warp

noims says...

Love it.

Relatedly, this hallowe'en night there's a special Rocky Horror Show fundraising live stream for Wisconson. They'll have Tim Curry among others, and a fair line-up of bands too.

Unfortunately as a filthy foreigner I'm forbidden from attending or influencing your elections. I won't ruin the surprise and tell you what party it's for 🤔

The Military Parade That Made Trump So Jealous

Weekend At Obi's

Nice Morning

Doc Rivers

newtboy says...

Hmmmm...ok, that's not legislation but is what I meant. A forced buyback program is going to have issues.

1) I have no problem with companies having to answer for injuries caused by the prescribed, advertised proper use of their product. If shoes were sold as having the greatest shin kicking power, doing the most damage when you kick someone, shoe manufacturers should be sued by those who get kicked. If manufacturers haven't modeled and advertised in a way that suggests dangerous uses, the suits will lose. Lawyers don't take loser cases, so it won't be an issue imo. Special protections from liability are a problem imo.

2) I've never understood the endgame there. What is an assault rifle, and how are their capabilities special? That said, no one is clamoring for Uzis to come back. Without a legitimate reason for high capacity fast shooting rifles, and no attempts to ban semi auto rifles, I'm just not that bothered by it, but I do think it's placating not meaningful legislation.

3) I have zero issues with registration or background checks. That seems the right way to deal with "assault rifles". There's no reason it should be expensive or time consuming if records are up to date. If they make it expensive as a tax disincentive against ownership, I have a problem. Shooting isn't a cheap sport, $10-20 a year shouldn't bother those who spent $2k on one rifle.

4) No issue at all with voluntary buy backs. Involuntary buybacks are going to be a legal and practical nightmare.

5) one purchase per month, a bit much. One purchase at a time, I'm ok with, that's 3 a month, right? I'm suspicious of anyone who needs multiple guns quick before they calm down.

6) I'm all for universal background checks. I don't want nutjob and violent criminals buying guns they aren't allowed to own.

7) I'm all for not allowing those who can't handle day to day existence to buy guns. I'm even ok with TEMPORARY removal of their guns in some cases, but only if they're returned immediately after they're deemed competent.

misdemeanor hate crime? I thought hate crime was an enhancement charge that took a misdemeanor up to felony level. I'm definitely against taking gun rights away permanently for misdemeanors.

9) dunno what that is.

10) the problem is you can buy a receiver that needs to be finished, as little as one tiny drill hole is enough, with no serial number or registration. It's just a chunk of metal until it's finished. No problem with a background check for every purchase, but a maximum of one check per month seems a reasonable compromise.

11) with proper oversight and a system that ensures it's not abused, no problem for me.

12) Yes, strict guidelines and quick return seem necessary. 48 hours without a doctor stating it's necessary would work, but as of now they aren't ready for prime time on that it seems.

13) had that in cali forever, not an issue yet.

14) as designed, smart guns wouldn't be hackable, there's no reason for wireless connectivity. Battery? Make it charge itself by shaking it like some flashlights? I like the idea that guns can only be used by the owner, solves so many issues, mainly being shot with your own gun.

15) depends on what constitutes "safe". I agree, guns for home defense need to be available quickly.

16) some ghost guns are milled on professional cnc mills but unfinished. 3d printed guns, I'm not a fan. 3 shots is plenty to murder someone, and with no identification it's a near perfect weapon for crimes.
3d printing is advancing constantly. You can print in metal with fine details now on home equipment. I think it won't be long before stable guns can be printed if they aren't already.

Thanks for doing the research. I seriously doubt most could pass even a democratic congress but some would, and most won't pass court challenges, but I understand your reluctance to put that to the test.

If you're going to fight the swamp thing, I won't argue against leaving a few snakes in the black lagoon. Some opposition is healthy, but the ability to be obstructionist on every idea is gridlock. I don't see it getting better.

Carl Sagan Predicted Trump With Charlie Rose

José Álvarez takes a 105 mph line drive to the nuts

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