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China’s New Bio Weapon Targets Race and Ethnicity

WmGn says...

laowhy86, who made the underlying video, lists his sources in his YouTube description as:


I've not checked the video's claims against his sources, but didn't hear anything about bioweapons or the PRC/CCP's interest in them that seemed surprising.

The video did strike me as partisan: I have no doubt that the USG is also working on weaponizing precision medicine. While I don't like partisan presentations, I recognize that may be acceptable to keep a topic tractable (thus, "Chinese genetic bioweapons" v "all genetic bioweapons").

I think this is a very important topic, so would like to see the _ideas_ discussed - not just our political differences exposed.

Can anyone expressing concerns about the original video indicate which _ideas_ they think are incorrect or overstated? (I'm not interested in the partisan aspect of the video: I'm aware of that already.)

Anti Masker Wears Zoro Mask

newtboy says...

They might not know it when it happens.

Apparently, OAN, Newsmax, and Fox hadn't reported the results of the California election as of last night (maybe not yet). They even reported on Elder conceding without reporting that the recall failed....miserably. >2/3 to <1/3.
The right has become so delusional and infantile that they cannot even accept that they're unpopular and lost in California, their favorite state to hate.

They blew their plan to claim election fraud by jumping the gun and insisting on a special session to investigate all the irregularities (without listing any) claiming fraud determined the outrageous outcome of the election days before the earliest results were early they had to retract their claims and remove their fraudulent election fraud website when, for one moment, it seemed they might stand a tiny chance.


surfingyt said:

enjoy the next election losers lol. gonna be landslide democrat victory.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I would rather be thought an elitist by middle school dropouts who think they know everything but in reality are 100% wrong >98% of the time and partially wrong the rest of the time than be one of them.
Elitist!?! Lol. Are we back in 2016!? What do you think that word means?
a: giving special treatment and advantages to wealthy and powerful people
b: regarding other people as inferior because they lack power, wealth, or status
That hardly fits, I think the rich should pay MORE by percentage of income, not LESS. Technically "special treatment", but definitely not more advantages.

Q: Do you think Trump is elitist? Explain your answer. (Pretty sure you just decided elitism is good).

If you would read, and not just insanity that agrees with your preconceptions, if you weren't so smarmy and dismissive whenever you THINK you have some point to make or gotcha tidbit of data, acting like a third grader who just took the last desert at lunch taunting the next in line, your bad grammar wouldn't get you ridiculed so often and you would be far less aggressive about making your mistaken points, and would again receive less ridicule.

But instead you swing nonsense with vitriol and hate like a club, clearly trying to do damage, but your club is a fake made of foam rubber lies, making it impossible to not smack you down every time you try to knock someone out with it and stand dumbstruck that it bounced back into your face.
If you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough.-Jackass

This time you're again wrong about what you claim, you backed yourself into a corner by claiming this IS your area of expertise and by deriding others without personal hands on experience in the field, then you got the facts completely usual...then hid from your usual.

Again, I'll ask for 3 examples of that 1/3 of what I say that's wrong. I post enough that you should be able to find 3 from yesterday alone. I don't really expect you'll answer, because I don't think you can.

bobknight33 said:

I would rather make grammar mistakes than be an elitist who thinks they know everything but in reality a good 1/3 is wrong.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So....Has Bob lost his little voice?!

Come on Bob, you're an expert're not going to explain how you don't really have it 100% backwards? You're not going to explain how even though this is your education and career, the one topic you think you know, you think you HEAR the beat first, weeks before you SEE it, even though all literature (including the instructions on Doppler machines) says it can be seen as a near microscopic twitch at 6 weeks+- and only heard after 12-20 weeks with special dopler listening equipment?

I've never seen you admit a mistake, so I expect to not hear from you for days, then on a different topic, hoping this thread fades into obscurity. What a sad way to live. Very Trumpy. Scream to the high heavens that you're right, you're experienced, that all the other Slim Shadys are just imitating, then when proven wrong again, move on to the next outrageous claim and never, ever look back at your trail of failed ploys and plots, never admit you were mistaken, and accuse anyone bringing it up of changing the current subject...which is exactly what you're doing, changing the subject to avoid admitting you're w-w-w-wrong.

bobknight33 said:

You hear it. It is still to small to see at these early dates.

You see it when it is large enough to see.

My Education and career. Like I can make this shit up.

...Newt lost his elitist voice?

Horsey Vax: The Alternative Medicine for Anti-Vaxxers

Kamala And The Mushroom Tip

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Don't know whether to compliment or be repulsed by that statement.

If anyone can put their "special purpose" INTO a urinal then either they are unGODly endowed or have a kink rarely (un)covered in adult films.

Perhaps, OVER a urinal would be a better description, but perhaps being accurate isn't a requirement for the poster...or the joke.

EX : two men are taking a leak off a river bridge...

"Water sure is cold today," says one.
"Deep too." replied the other.

Most folks would say they urinated OFF the bridge. IF the term was INTO the river, the urine stream is the part being place INTO the river. (i.e. sort like a stream feeding into a larger stream - - the confluence where Big Bob's Brook meets the Yellow River)

As opposed to "I drop my 'special purpose' into the water for a leak." His 'special purpose' was being INserted into the river.

SO Bob's statement should have read...

"She had more penises in her than the number of times I've put mine into a birdbath." *

* Context for the term 'special purpose'...although the 2nd half of the clip's letter scene is largely out of context. Hmm...a link to the movie THE JERK in a response to a bk33 comment? How 'bout that?

bobknight33 said:

She had more dick in her than the urinals at Yankee Stadium.

Dying in the name of freedom

eoe says...

Hey there. Devil's advocate here.

Should we tell people who eat poorly to fuck off, too? What about any people who go off of their doctor's advice?

Don't get me wrong, I'm heavily in your corner. I would say the pandemic is a special case, not because it takes up hospital beds unnecessarily (which most of them do since heart disease, the #1 killer, is a disease of lifestyle), but because it immediately puts others in danger, outside the hospital.

The question of freedom vs. public health is easy in this case, but when does it become overreach? On the other (very far) end of the spectrum is eugenics.

StukaFox said:

FUCK these people.

Fuck them with a rake.

Fuck them. Fuck their "muh FWEEDUMS!" bullshit. Fuck their double-digit IQs and fuck anyone who encourages these cocksuckers to be the Typhoid Mary motherfuckers who need to be put on an island and neutron bombed until the carbon in their cells gives up and bails.

I've mentioned before that one of my clients is a major healthcare provider, the largest on west coast. The worthless fucking parasites who refuse to be vaccinated are going to jack your insurance rates into the stratosphere because they're being treated first in the ER (major profit center for hospitals) and then the ICU (where $10k a day is the low end). The best case scenario is that they get on with it and go have a talk with Hitler in Hell, but no -- these cunts have to hang on and take up a bed that won't be available for the guy who just had a massive coronary, take up doctor's and nurse's time while they cover their distance between living dumbfuck and dead dumbfuck at a snail's pace, and fuck us all by running up multi-million dollar bills that they can't pay, they won't pay, and that they'll dump on the rest of us when they're done gasping the oxygen that belongs to people who aren't idiots.

These goddamn parasites can't die fast enough. I laugh whenever I hear some moron bewailing the fact he didn't get the vaccine and now Death is check his watch outside the door. You want to exercise the "right" to not be vaccinated (which you don't legally have in the first place), fine: die at home, hopefully in agony, and let your family leave your corpse on the sidewalk as an abject lesson in why being a complete fucking idiot doesn't pay.

Fuck I hate these goddamn people.

The Ultimate Entrance

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

What did Reagan think about the right to vote?

luxintenebris says...

in theory, it parades as a masterful, sensible insurancer of fairness: in reality, it's just a hot mess. not a fan. never a fan.

w and eric's dad are two examples of why it is a catalyst for disaster.

in history: the EC killed Reconstruction. hastened the '08 crash. '20: led to the Turd Reich and the beer belly Putsch.

easy enough to see.

'tho tomorrow when Kamala wins* over the next GOP [won't be 'landslide' lard-doh] Gallo in the EC - the right will suddenly become aware of its perils - and had always warned us against it.

*a woman, black, and Asian. might just get US healthcare reform. 'specially after all the apoplectic fits on the right, they'll want someone else to foot their bills.

bobknight33 said:

The Electoral College is a great idea. It levels the playing field across all states.

Chicago Cop Abandons Woman Being Threatened With A Gun

makach says...

I think the public has unreasonable expectations. In order for him to do his job he needs to protect himself. He is not there to protect you.

“Neither the Constitution, nor state law, impose a general duty upon police officers or other governmental officials to protect individual persons from harm — even when they know the harm will occur,” said Darren L. Hutchinson, a professor and associate dean at the University of Florida School of Law. “Police can watch someone attack you, refuse to intervene and not violate the Constitution.”

Also: RadioLab No Special Duty -

Chauvin Guilty of Murder as Calls for Police Reform Grow

newtboy says...

I want to know how after 19 years on the force with a $100000 car, rental homes, $90+ a year at his second job, and who under reported his yearly income by almost $500000 repeatedly can get away with claiming he's broke.

Just like being housed in special high profile (larger nicer single inmate cells, but not solitary) areas of prison with all non white employees barred from the entire floor and white female officers allowed alone in his cell, actually in his bed, to comfort him, even letting him use their cell phones, that's some serious bullshit.

The murderous pig is a millionaire.

Wiki-On July 22, 2020, after the murder charges were brought against him, Chauvin and his then-wife were separately charged in Washington County, Minnesota, on nine felony counts of tax evasion[88][89] related to allegedly fraudulent state income tax returns from 2014 to 2019.[90] Prosecutors state the couple under-reported their joint income by $464,433, including more than $95,000 from Chauvin's off-duty security work.[89][91] The complaint also alleges failure to pay proper sales tax on a $100,000 BMW purchased in Minnesota in 2018, failure to declare income from Chauvin's wife's business, and improper deductions on a rental home.

surfingyt said:

he got Eric Nelson ha ha
the Ls continue to stack for bewb

BSR (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

Let's see now, you messaged me repeatedly in a short time frame then with no mind that there was no realistic way that I would know such, precipitously instabanned a member empowered to confer this particular invocation and that action based not upon failure to adhere to prescribed policy but on your own arbitrary basis.

Either you have not read, or having done so and fail at retention, or feel specially empowered to perform invocations above your station. In any case you have exceeded your bounds.

Please, will someone levy the same upon this member rightfully until admin(s) may rectify the matter.

I remember this to be a serious infraction.

CC: @dag

CC: lucky760

BSR said:

Fortunately, I don't lack respect for fellow sifters and their comments and conversations.

Had I been someone new to VS and wanted to check out the comment section I would have disregarded joining the site simply because of the appearance of an attention whore poster.

I did try to get your attention as a friend to ask you to maybe limit how many "dead" posts you make at once so as to not push recent comments and conversations into oblivion.

When you didn't respond I assumed you were not interested and just continued on.

This isn't so much about the rules as it is about respecting fellow sifters.

I hope you and I can stand on common ground.

CC: @dag

CC: @lucky760

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White Woman's Instagram -- Bo Burnham

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