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The Vitamin D Paradox in COVID-19

eoe says...

What I don't understand is how this controls for other factors? People who have a high Vitamin-D tend to be healthier in general. If you give unhealthy people Vitamin-D supplements -- that won't help their outcomes.

Why There are Now So Many Shortages (It's Not COVID)

eoe says...

Why? (Sort-term) capitalism. A combination of maximizing short-term profit without taking into account the future.

The C-level execs were fine, I'm sure.

Saluting The Heros Of The Pandumbic

eoe says...

It's easy to argue this as hyperbole, but then what constitutes a crime? If your actions directly result in (as of now) 9,600 deaths (admittedly not all of them could have been prevented with better measures, but surely many more could have), should you be held accountable?

I sure think so.

These actions are on video, definitively. And these actions caused death.

But really, when has reality ever affected this set of politicians? He admitted to bloody treason and is still walking around. This won't end any time soon.

StukaFox said:

These people are strung up for crimes against the American people when?

David Attenborough on how to save the planet

eoe says...

Aside: TIL I've only seen the new Mad Max.

Oh, I know. I'm not waiting for Bartertown, per se. I'm waiting until, say in the case of inequality causing civil unrest, rich people getting strung up in public by huge mobs.

You know, stuff that happens in movies but is coming to a city near you. Literally.

newtboy said:

All these except nuclear war are happening now, and effecting first world countries too.
Food shortages, check.
Super bugs, check.
Climate change, check checkity check.
Massive migrations due to effects of climate change, double check.
Water shortages, check....ask a Californian.
Wealth inequality causing civil unrest, check.

Because we aren't living in Bartertown yet is no excuse to ignore reality. These things are currently happening around the globe, in third AND first world nations.
Here's one small example getting very little airtime....

David Attenborough on how to save the planet

eoe says...

1. Even though I definitively know the world is beyond fucked at this point, I still think the scientists are not doing themselves any favours by making these "probably" scenarios rather than almost definite ones. As said, even though in some ways I'm looking forward to when the shit starts hitting the fan, I've lost faith in knowing when it'll actually start happening. It seems like every other week I'm told that "soon it'll really start to go all to shit". And it never really does, especially for 1st world countries.

2. Great Filter, Humanity. Humanity, Great Filter. Nice to meet you.

3. I'm beginning to want to start a pot of which terrible thing will happen first to 1st world countries (sadly, the beginning will be poor countries getting fucked and 1st world countries complaining that it now costs $30 for a single banana). Super bugs and catastrophic pandemics (maybe measles!)? Climate change? Nuclear war? Massive migrations of refugees who can't live where they are due to climate change or war? Water shortages? Wealth inequality that will implode on itself? There are so many terrible things on the precipice of happening that I don't even know what I'd bet on, honestly.

Traffic flow measured on 30 different 4-way junctions

eoe says...

An interesting experiment, but I'm more interested in how many people get through the intersections per minute, not how many cars.

If you have 3 people in a car only getting 333 cars through per minute and one of the super complicated ones (1,000 cpm) with only 1 person per car, it's the same throughput, as far as I'm concerned.

And, get 2 bullet trains in there with the intersection just being 2 tracks over 2 tracks with 500 people inside each one, that's much more efficient.

Cars are stupid. QED.

Inmates Talk Candidly About Gun Violence and Their Guilt

eoe says...

If prison was really about rehabilitation, these men would not be in prison anymore.

Even if they're acting, they should be actors!

The Vegan Who Started a Butcher Shop

eoe says...

I don't see a linked site.

And in regards to the WHO "saying" that going vegetarian (he more likely said plant-based vegan, but I'm too lazy to look around), I don't remember where he said that, but if the WHO didn't outright say that, maybe it's just a matter of logic that if they say quitting smoking decreases your likelihood for premature death by X% and going plant-based decreases your likelihood for premature death by >=X%, then effectively they are "saying" that.

But this is all speculation, because I have no idea which paper/video you guys are talking about.

newtboy said:

I'm glad you admit that freely. Many vegans insist the opposite.
Read the linked site, it gives at least one clear example of his cherrypicking.
The fact that he felt the need to put out a video to explain how he 'picks' studies is a good indicator that there's a problem.
He profits off the site by suggesting donations to his charity, and I think advertising videos, books, and paid appearances. It's totally disingenuous to suggest he doesn't profit in any way, he makes his living 'selling' this lifestyle, this particular site is, in essence, the advertising wing of his operation.

The Vegan Who Started a Butcher Shop

eoe says...

First off, I would go as far to say that most vegans are more unhealthy than omnivores because they think exactly that -- I'm vegan so nothing can go wrong! That's exactly what I'm saying.

Secondly, can you cite somewhere that says he and his volunteers do this alleged cherry-picking. This is sort of his point -- if you don't have a citation, then it's frankly not valid.

In fact, he just came out with a video explaining his process for picking studies and it's pretty damn thorough. I'd like to know where you get this info that he cherry-picks.

It's true that he could be merely claiming that this is his process, but then the only way to verify it is to literally watch him as he does the research on the research. There's only so much you can trust. But the fact that he does not profit on the site at all makes me also wonder why he'd have any motive to "further his agenda".

newtboy said:

If you eat fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, and fresh non processed hormone free meats, all in moderation, you'll be healthier.

Hilarious that you start by lambasting him for eating vegan but poorly, then instantly forget what you said in paragraph one and lie that a vegan diet is automatically better...It's simply not that simple.

Eating healthy is healthier than not. That's the best you can honestly say. is run by a lying, constantly exaggerating quack that's been repeatedly debunked for making things up and cherrypicking data and studies to fit his preconception and further his movement. He said the WHO said going vegetarian is equivalent to quitting's a lie, they said no such thing or anything close. The science says eating processed meat daily increased cancer risk for colorectal cancer by 18%, and smoking increased cancer risk by 2000%. Not equivalent at all.
Downvote for fibbing about science and for hyping a liar.

The Vegan Who Started a Butcher Shop

The Vegan Who Started a Butcher Shop

eoe says...

Wow. Like many misinformed university students, he was not 'craving meat" and feeling unhealthy because he was vegan. He was feeling unhealthy because rather than eating unhealthy meat, he ate unhealthy processed fake shit.

Try greens, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, mushrooms, nuts, and seeds and you'll find yourself quite healthy. And, according to the preponderance of science (not funded by the meat and dairy industry) you'll be much, much more healthy. It's very similar to the smoking industry when they were found to be unhealthy.

It's also similar to the climate change "controversy" and anti-vax "controversy". Science is in complete agreement that a vegan diet is way more healthy than any other diet, but smoke screens are made so that people give up because they're confused, and frankly would just like to eat meat without feeling like assholes.

Check out, a doctor who just goes through contemporary studies in nutritional science. Just the science.

Try starting here if you truly believe in science.

Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss

AsapSCIENCE - 3D Printing will Change Everything

eoe says...

One of my ex-coworkers actually was part of a company that makes 3D printers that are just about cheap enough to buy yourself. Starting at $2200, it's reasonably feasible to buy one yourself if you have a good chunk of disposable income.

Another cool thing that came out of this is, a huge database of models you can print out.

I sound like a marketer, but I promise I ain't.

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