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Security Inquiry...Security Review? Not According To FBI

MilkmanDan says...

@newtboy -- "It's sickening that this is who the Democrats want to put up against Trump, knowing full well that she'll be indicted <1 month before the election, and knowing that she polls terribly against Trump, while Bernie has no scandals in either his past or in the pipeline AND polls exponentially better than Clinton VS Trump. I can't fathom why they're throwing this election away. Can they really be that stupid?"

The more I think about it, the more I venture into "vast conspiracy" territory. The key question is who stands to gain MORE by having Hillary be the president than they stand to LOSE if she loses to Trump? Status quo, establishment Democrat elites, that's who. If Hillary wins, they win -- she is one of them. If Trump wins, they still win, because they feel comfortable betting that Trump will screw things up bad enough to push huge numbers of independents and moderate Republicans to the Democrat side for years to come.

The scary part is that when you think about it, it seems like a quite rational play from their perspective...

Safe and Sorry – Terrorism & Mass Surveillance

poolcleaner says...

Not only that, but when you suffer at the hands of cold, calculating oppression lacking entirely in humanistic compassion, when its flashing a badge and looking down on you like lesser than an enemy, but a nothing, a problem, a defect barely worth your time that simply needs handcuffs and a room without a view. The bounds of civil society begin to evaporate, because you no longer have a value to western civilization. Your pursuit of happiness ends and the collapse of your individual capitalist worth plummets.

And then nothing matters. Nothing. I fully understand why some people pick up guns and bombs and go on rampages. Even if it sickens me to consider such atrocity, i get it. Im staring into the darkness and it stares back and it makes sense.

Maybe after years of worthless surveillance, the powers that be will begin to understand this simple and very human truth. Dont devalue other humans.


Diamond And Silk, Trump's Black Women Supporters

Mama cat in full protective mode

yellowc says...

I imagine those cats are strays but yes, this looks extremely intentional and it's sickening.

The kitten appears to be unharmed but it's very difficult to know. It's absolutely petrified, doesn't even run away like its sibling.

This was a very difficult upvote, it can use exposure but the actual content is tearing me up.

lucky760 said:

Okay, now, w t f...

Did the camera person set up the cat and kittens with the dog guy just to film the cat's attack?

Was the camera person just there waiting for something to happen with the cats?

Why did the dog guy first start to enter the street then go back up to the sidewalk?

So much nonsensical business with this video it's hard to concentrate on the mama cat's attack.

Fatty fatty two by four?

newtboy says...

My first thought about this video was 'Who doesn't know that the 'fashion industry' mostly wants sickeningly anorexic women that are completely unattractive to most men?'.
I like there to be some woman to my women.
If you need to see their face to be sure they aren't 12 year old boys, that's just not attractive to me...but then, I don't like 12 year old boys.
I have a hard time feeling sorry for this woman. I don't think she'll have any problem finding modeling work, just maybe not high fashion runway model work. She's better off IMO.

I'll put a hole right through your head!

newtboy says...

One more incident of cops being unbelievable douchebags, and other cops allowing them to get away with it. Sickening how often this kind of thing is caught on tape, meaning it happens 10 times more often than we see at least.
Glad he's on leave at least, but a paid vacation does not really seem the appropriate outcome, here's hoping he's fired after the 'investigation', but I doubt it.
Good thing his angry threat to 'confiscate the video' was more hot air.
Crappy that even the reasonable officer tells him clearly "the longer you stay here, the more trouble you're going to get into", implying 'because the detective will make more trouble for you, he's lost it', and doesn't tell the detective that jumping out of your unmarked car and threatening to shoot someone in the head and beat them to a pulp is out of order.
If this was an 'open carry' guy who 'stood his ground', he could have shot that cop with no (legal) consequence.
Damn it, I'm going to have to get a dash cam just to protect myself from outrageous 'authority figures' now.

Jon Stewart on Charleston Terrorist Attack

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Exactly! Cops (or anyone really) see a scrawny white kid and think..

"He probably isn't dangerous"

Cops see an unarmed black teen and they immediately see them as a threat or a criminal.

Stop! Asserting that:

- the Civil War wasn't about Slavery..

- that white people are treated just as poorly as black people (sometimes)..

- that the ONLY DIFFERENCE between cops arresting a MASS fucking MURDERER WITHOUT INCIDENCE..

And murdering 12 year old Tamir Rice for wielding a BB-GUN!

Is that Rice pointed a "realistic-looking" gun at cops.

It's belittling, demeaning, insulting, disingenuous, and delusional to suggest that People of Color are treated by the same standards.

THIS is what White-Privilege provides you with.
A "get out of instantly being gunned-down" card..

So it's INFURIATING to have some cockfaced asshole like You or Lantern or Bobknight tell me..

that anything other than ingrained INSTITUTIONAL RACISM is responsible for the way People of Color are brutalized, jailed & murdered regularly, causally and on a daily basis.

Like I said before. Fuck off with that..
"Well, cops are mean to ME TOO!!" bullshit.

Stop diminishing the fundamental mistreatment of non-whites in America.

It's disgusting. It's sickening.
And it's perpetuated by willfully ignorant rhetoric like yours.

scheherazade said:

Maybe the cop saw a scrawny white kid and simply didn't feel intimidated.

BP is Sorry

gorillaman says...

Stewart Lee:

"It seems unfair, doesn't it, given that America is the largest consumer of oil per head in the world and they seemed annoyed with the bloke from BP for merely trying to provide them with the oil that they craved. Americans, picking on the bloke from BP. It's ridiculous. It's like a furious customer punching a prostitute in the face because he's sickened by his own desire"

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

RFlagg says...

OMFG... really bob... really... It's people like you that made me ashamed of being a Christian when I was a Christian. Completely believing anything they are told or read from someone with supposed authority without actual critical thought of the original source themselves.

I've hear that Jefferson never meant to exclude religion from politics and believed and repeated it myself for years. Then you know what I did? I actually read the letter that Jefferson wrote. I could have my son, who's going into 6th grade read it and he'd tell you the same thing I'm about to tell you. It's about keeping religion from unduly influencing politics. Especially when you read it in context with the letter that the church sent him that he was responding to, and it becomes more apparent if you read his drafts which were much more to the point.

Yes the phrase "wall of separation" does come from the letter and not the Constitution, but the 1st Amendment includes an establishment clause that prevents the government from favoring one religion over the others. Remember the pilgrims came here to escape a Christian nation that favored one form of Christianity over all others. Admittedly they were more about the fact they couldn't persecute others the way they thought they God wanted them to, but it was the government's church that prevented them from doing so. You can't even be King or Queen of England unless you belong to the Church of England, and if you were Catholic at some point in your past, you are disqualified, even to this day. Yeah, the Church of England no longer has as much influence over the laws as it did when the pilgrims and other early settlers escaped England to come here,

And if the only reason Christians are good is because of fear of punishment or hope for reward, then they are horrible people. Millions of people are good because they are good people without their faith dictating to them to be so. Most people of other faiths are good without the racist brutal Abramic God of the Bible. Most atheists are good without any god. Most pagans are good with their various gods. This insane all morality comes from God alone didn't make sense even when I was at my most evangelical, Fox News watching/defending mode. There were too many people in the world who's good without God and even in those days the concept that somebody would be good only because the Bible tells them so, or they are afraid of God's wrath if they don't is backwards. And as I read the Bible more and more, it became apparent that the far rights obsession with people's sin over love was misplaced (though the far right's sickening defense of Dugger shows a great deal of hypocrisy since if Dugger was on the Left, they'd be all about his sin rather than showing any sort of love, it's when others sin differently than they do they get upset, like at the gays). It was reading the Bible that moved me to the left as the clear Christian way, since the right defends and loves the people Jesus condemned and shames the people that Jesus defended and told us to love and help. It eventually got to the point I couldn't hold onto faith when over half the Christians of this Nation just blindly follow what they are told in church and on Fox News over the truth that Jesus and the Bible was teaching and thinking they were doing the Christian thing at the same time. I then began to do a critical analysts further and eventually became an atheist, because they are all equally bad/good. There is nothing new or original in the Abramic faiths that wasn't there before or since either in the same region or elsewhere... all those other elsewhere's where Jehovah somehow couldn't make himself known, as if he was just a figment of one small regional tribe or worse a racist jerk not worthy of following.

Anyhow, the best way to maintain Christianity is to keep it out of politics. Because what happens if you set things up to let religion influence politics and the Muslims gain power? Then you'll be crying how religion shouldn't influence politics. Or perhaps not that extreme, perhaps some form of Christianity that other Christian's don't agree with gains power and influence? Perhaps the Morman's or the Catholics or the Jehovah Witness? At what point does religious influence stop? When laws are passed that any church that doesn't practice or allow the speaking in tongues is outlawed? The 1st Amendment is designed to keep religion out of politics in order to protect religion.

Let's break that last sentience out again. The 1st Amendment's establishment clause is designed to keep religion out of politics in order to protect religion. The whole point is to keep one form of one faith from dominating all other forms of the same or other faiths. It protects those other forms Christianity and other faiths.

Finally there is no war on Christianity. I admitted that long before my fall from faith. I was there with it all, with how it was targeted, but the reality is there is no war on Christianity here... all that's happening is specific forms of Christianity are loosing their influence on other Christians and society as a whole, and they are very vocal about how it's persecution, because like the pilgrims, they are no longer allowed to persecute others the way they want to. Maybe if the people screaming about how Christianity is being persecuted while they try to deny equal rights to others because they sin differently than us, would actually show the love of Christ and behave the way He actually would have in modern society rather than trying to show how Christian they are, then perhaps Christianity wouldn't be losing the numbers they are. I know I, and many other atheists, likely wouldn't have had at crisis of faith if it wasn't for the far right. I never would have explored the logical and theological problems with Christianity and the Abramic faiths... I'd probably eventually found a more Quaker, left leaning (most the Quaker "Friends" related churches in this area are the far evangelical right Fox News types) type church that seems to be more in line with the Bible and teachings of Jesus, but the far right pushed me into a far more critical mode than I would likely ever have gone to on my own. So keep it up those on the far right, you are the ones destroying and making a war on Christianity. You push more and more people away, and more and more people stop seeing any difference between the far right and radical Islam.

Should gay people be allowed to marry?

JustSaying says...

After months offline I just wanted some cat videos and now this...

You know, Bob, I think you are right. I may not be a US citizen but I think there should be an international law, enforced by the UN.
As a species we can not allow morally bankrupt people to define what marriage should be, especially if that definition is ethically questionable and radically diverging from what the Bible, Torah or Quran describe.
Not only are we subjected to this bizarre propaganda of how normal this sickening behaviour is, this agenda is being sold to children as well. Even if we ignore the risk factors and possible fallout from this dangerous interaction with our youth, I think we can't deny that letting somebody that unstable adopt children isn't the best of ideas.
As you point out, this minority has a strong grasp on the media and an even stronger grip around the neck of political systems around the globe. Even our economy isn't safe of their influence which everyone can see everytime they hurt american businesses with their boycotts. Like disgusting, entitled children, they throw tantrums everytime they don't get their will, no mattere what the cost.
You're right, mankind shouldn't capitulate to their demands. I say annul their existing marriages or domestic partnerships and make it illegal for those people to marry. Worldwide.
According to Wikipedia (yes, I know, Wikipedia) there are 7.2 billion humans on earth and the GOP has around 30 million members. That's only 0.4% of the world population. You're right. Why should any society capitulate for such an insignificant demographic group? Why should we allow republicans to marry or recognize their marriages as legally binding? Nobody needs them to procreate.
Having said that, as far as I'm concerned, George W. Bush is a bastard, even by westerosi standards.

bobknight33 said:

Why should any society capitulate for such an insignificant demographic group?

Statically speaking Gays are not even on the radar. Gays make up less then 4% of population. Just because gays have a larger demographic in media and hence have a greater opportunity promote their cause still does not change that fact that they are insignificant in the eyes of society.

And WE have decided that gay marriage is wrong and will not be tolerated.

NAMBLA probably has a bigger demographic. Either way should they be recognized?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Standardized Testing

bobknight33 says...

These tests have been very corrosive for my son ( 4th grade). He has broken down time and time again , thrown-up and and all manner of anxiety for the EOG ( End of grade tests). Most of this is from math, which there is not even a book that they use. This even sickens me.

All based on common core -- my state, NC is close of abolishing it and hope it does.

My daughter is less effected by these but the EOG also gets to her.

Jeb Bush is all in for Common Core and for this I would never volt for this man.

( I would not vote for him for any other reason also.. Don't need another Bush/ or Clinton in the WH)

why is my video getting buried (Sift Talk Post)

billpayer says...

I am no armature after 7 years here.
1 down vote SUPPRESSED my video so it was NO LONGER VISIBLE ON ANY CHANNEL.
I do not attribute this to the Sift but a failure of it's mechanism.
A young (less than 1 hour) video, down voted, will not appear for viewers to see and vote on.
I fucking searched. That is fucked up. FUCK DOWN VOTING.

The fact your all so jazzed to justify a DOWN VOTE is sickening.
enjoy your future hate-fest called the sift

Don't speak english? Alabama Police Have Something For You

lucky760 says...

Fucking sickening.

Brings tears to my eyes to think about the poor old guy in our country for a week to care for his grandbaby being sent to the hospital for NOTHING.

Stephen Fry on Meeting God

A10anis says...

Quoting from an obviously man made book, even though it is 2000 years old, proves nothing, except you cannot think for yourself. If you have to quote this book, how about quoting the many evil things it says regarding slavery, woman, homosexuality, murder, rape, children, torture, etc,etc. The bible, as with other "holy" books, is vile and sickening; we are better off rid of it, and its twisted fanatics, before they drag us back to the dark ages.

shinyblurry said:

Revelation 1:17-18 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:

I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

This is the reaction of John, the beloved disciple, when he saw Jesus in His glory. He fell down at His feet as if he was dead. This is the reaction of the believer upon seeing God. The reaction of the unbeliever is going to be one
of great sorrow, and abject terror:

Matthew 24:30 Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory

Revelation 6:15-16 Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains;

And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

When we stand before God, everything will be in the open. There will be no secrets; you'll be exposed as the person you really are and not the person you present to other people.

What is in this video is all false bravado. No one can stand in the day of judgment except those whose sins are covered by the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on the cross. He died for our sins, and was raised the third day so that we can be forgiven and have everlasting life. He took our place and took the punishment we deserve so that all who put their trust in Him as Lord and Savior will receive forgiveness for their sins, reconciliation to God, and adoption as Gods children. That is the only way anyone can stand before God in the day of the judgment.

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 10:9 Because if you confess the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.

The Unbelievably Sweet Alpacas! - Income Inequality

RFlagg says...

I think it's more like if they would stop redistributing the wealth to themselves from their workers.

If they would stop being greedy f'tards, then more people would have money to buy the things that move the economy and nobody would need government aid in the form of food stamps and welfare (save those who are honestly mentally or physically unable to work).If you want to build an economy the keyword is "build". You don't build a house by building the attic first magically floating there, then the foundation and walls to get up to it, you start with a foundation, then walls. If the people at the bottom have money to do more than barely survive, they buy things that actually move the economy, they buy things at retailers, who need to hire more people; those people buy things which results in transportation and warehouses hiring more people, those people buy things; manufacturing starts hiring (if the rich f'tard didn't send those jobs overseas, which the conservatives blame on the government rather than the rich guy who sent the job overseas for some reason, it's not like the price of that shirt went down when they sent it overseas, they just pocketed the extra wealth for themselves) and those people buy even more expensive things.

Our right wing economy favors investors and large business over the needs of the vast majority. It doesn't matter how much GM stock investors buy and trade, GM won't make more cars and hire more people until enough people can buy cars.

As we slide more and more money from the people who actually spend money in the economy and make it move, to people who just horde and invest, the economy will continue to spiral down. More and more people will require food stamps and welfare due to the actions of the rich, but the conservative right will blame the workers and former workers rather than pushing blame onto the people who are refusing to pay living wages, who push jobs overseas so they can personally pocket more wealth, and complain about the people they aren't giving living wages to and the people they laid off need government assistance, and the conservative voters go right along because the pulpit and Fox News has brainwashed them into believing that a party that disobey's everything their Jesus taught them is the Christian party.

The growing wealth and income gap is the biggest challenge facing our nation, and indeed much of the world. Of course most of the rest of the world does a better job of caring for the work force than the US does, paid maternity leave in all but 4 nations, paid vacation time in most of the world by law, paid sick time in most developed economies, minimum wages tied to inflation in much of those countries, a minimum level of health insurance for every man woman and child without having to buy from for-profit corporations (most actually use a single payer, which sort of ignores the fact that our individual mandate that we have now was invented by the Republican party, and is financed the same way they wanted to do it and the tax penalty for not participating is the same...the other nations that use individual mandates do so via not-for-profit insurance)... We do so much to protect the rich and investor class in this nation... sickening really.

Sniper007 said:

If only the 1% would pass laws to distribute their wealth...

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