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When you are finally comfortable in a relationship

StukaFox says...

Mate, if those two got any closer together, that LIGO would be detecting the birth of a new black hole somewhere in the Sol system.

I used to love Church: a dinner of Taco Bell burritos, a wooden pew, and the word of Christ. Clench, lean 15 degrees to the left, relax your sphincter and PUSH! The silence that is golden will last about 10 seconds before the retching and piling out the doors brings an end to today's sermon. That's when you snatch the collection plate and bolt out the back door.

I lost a major source of income when I became an atheist.

Did you know Taco Bell delivers? At least in Seattle they do. I have to wonder what life choices lead to the terminus of hauling two dollar food between source and the customer 25 miles away. Yeah, that $5 tip will more than pay for gas, upkeep, insurance and oil changes on that riced-out K car you've been driving since The Pet Shop Boys were still popular.

Also, "...blahblah whining and such..." -- look, if I want unfair criticism of a job well-done, I'll ask my clients to pay up. That's primo Gonzo humor you're tut-tutting and you paid exactly nothing to enjoy it. Y'know who else was a cheap ingrate? HITLER! Why ya gotta by like Hitler, Moonsammy -- IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME. I have my doubts on this topic, by the way.

Hey, what's Bob up to? I always enjoy a cheap laugh at the expense of the less fortunate.

(seriously dude -- I can hold 1:1 with a Clydesdale for an hour and have enough left in the tank to draw a standing ovation at Centurylink Field.)

moonsammy said:

I don't know why you felt the fart would be the prominent feature of the video. To me, the title only promised the sort of interaction which might feel mortifying in the early passions of young love, but seen within the context of a mature, stable relationship. It may not play well in Hollywood, or apparently Videosift (AHEM SIR), but it's the kind of deep, strong relationship to which we should all aspire.

(having said that, I too have tooted)

I've No More F***s To Give

Zawash says...

Lyrics and chords:
'I’ve No More Fucks To Give' By Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq

(Uke tuning GCEA)

Intro - Bb C7 F7 Bb

Verse 1

I’ve tried, tried, tried
And I’ve tried even more
I’ve Cried, Cried, Cried
And I can’t recall what for
I’ve pressed, I’ve pushed, I’ve yelled, I’ve begged
In hope of some success

But the inevitable fact is that
It never will impress

Chorus 1

I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fucks have runneth dry,
I’ve tried to go fuck shopping
But there’s no fucks left to buy

I’ve no more fucks to give,
Though more fucks I’ve tried to get,
I’m over my fuck budget and
I’m now in fucking debt

Verse 2
I strive, strive, strive
To get everything done
I’ve played by all the rules
But I’ve very rarely won,
I’ve smiled, I’ve charmed, I’ve wooed
I’ve laughed,
Alas to no avail
I’ve run round like a moron,
To unequivocally fail!

Chorus 2
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fuck fuse has just blown,
I’ve been hunting for my fucks all day,
But they’ve upped and fucked off home,
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fuck rations are depleted,
I’ve rallied my fuck army but
It’s been fucking defeated!


Eb Bb
The effort has just not been worth
F7 Bb Bb7
The time or the expense
D7 Gm7
I’ve exhausted all my energy
C7 F7
For minimal recompense
Eb Bb
The complete lack of acknowledgement
F7 Bb Bb7
Has now begun to gall
And I’ve come to realise that I
Don’t give a fuck at all!

Chorus 3
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fucks have flown away,
My fucks are now so fucked off
They’ve refused to fucking stay!
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fucks have gone insane
They’ve come back round and passed me
While they’re fucking off again!

Chorus 4
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fucks have all dissolved,
I’ve planned many projects
But my fucks won’t be involved!
I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fucks have all been spent,
They’ve fucked off from the building
And I don’t know where they went!

E Bb
I’ve no more fucks to give,
F7 Bb Bb7
I’ve no more fucks to give,
I’ve no more fucks,
I’ve no more fucks,
F7 Bb F7 Bb
I’ve no more fucks to give!

Car makers sue to UNDO Right to Repair in Massachusetts

vil says...

This is why I prefer M$ and Samsung over Apple.

Had fun replacing a Mercedes car key. Luckily the van is old so it only took a semi-underground repair shop that connects to a semi-underground server in Turkey (!) to get the key for an equivalent sum of 200$. The unprogrammed key sells for 10$ from China. Mercedes sells a new key for 600$. The programming itself takes minutes.

Now obviously someone in Turkey has the code to get into the van. So my security is compromised. But my anger at corporate bullshit is quelled slightly. If I ever get raped in a dark parking lot at least I will know it saved me 400$.

Bicycle powered car

GOP Try to Rewrite the History of the Jan 6th Insurrection

luxintenebris jokingly says...


got up in tar 'n' feathering T-hick T-ony, overlooked commenting on the T-ourist T-errorism.

watched the insurgency, on tv, as it unfolded. reports from inside the capitol, immediately, revealed its direness. on the steps, it was turning into a melee. truly never thought, "wow! that's some run on the gift shop!"

the only misconception was thinking that the miscreants would be taken to task by capitol security. truth be told, wanted not only to watch mr. custard's last stand but also the stupid get broken.

damn shame.

at least we get to play "spot the loony"...

One of Trump's Biggest Scams, the Foxconn Deal, Falls Apart

luxintenebris jokingly says...

FOX CONN (like what signal do you need?) bernie madoff smiles up at them now.

yup. would enjoy bk33 or tangled's take on this chess move.

every three-card monte dealer suddenly opened shop outside the WS capitol building on hearing this deal.

remember seeing this unfold, in the news, and thought "aren't they gonna be surprise to see what comes out of that can o' pringles?!"

bad move. morally questionably also. this is the company that had employees committing suicide on site. still could be. like that wasn't a red flag? kill their workers and they'd go easy on a cheesehead? (seriously? if they [at least] visited one of FC's factory wouldn't they've asked "what's those nets for?")

the deal reminded me of the ending scene in 'Angel Heart'... O'Rourke (playing Gov. Walker) and DeNiro (Foxconn or themselves). you know the one? (if you don't ***SPOILER ALERT*** skip the clip)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I do not share your opinion. Provided Bob isn't in-fact a Russian troll, he's still an American.

Pop quiz, which is the best political party?
Trick question, the best party in America is America.

“We’re so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight. And we would especially like to welcome all the representatives of Illinois’s law enforcement community that have chosen to join us here in the Palace Hotel Ballroom at this time. We certainly hope you all enjoy the show. And remember, people, that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there’re still some things that makes us all the same. You. Me. Them. Everybody. Everybody.”

That said,

They'll get their own misery when they feel the policy they helped create begin to affect them. Trust me, it doesn't need help. My dad is scrambling trying to save for his retirement at 65 and scoffs at the idea of the stimulus checks he got, refuses to cash the "biden bucks"

Let me tell you. Jeff Bezos? Mark Zuckerburg? They don't give a shit about moral quandaries when offered free money, they take it, happily.
If you're pulling down millions every year and cook the books a bit, that's "smart." Walk in to a social security office with a baby on your arm a day early, that's "criminal," (almost like stealing).

Do that enough + a bunch of VERY-MUCH-NOT billionaires voting for it and u have the republican party.


I also don't care for the malformed logic they practice. Another republican acquaintance of mine called me a "segregationist" because I said trans-athletes should be able to play on the team of their self identified sex.

Whether you agree with me on that or not, me saying that they SHOULD play on an integrated team does NOT make me a segregationist, unless you completely redefine the word.


Finally, I do agree there is some room for some anger. I don't like it when the GOP or their sycophants go on a "Let's take rights away from someone today, AS A TEAM!"

When the message is the OPPOSITE of "There are still some things that make us all the same," it's infuriating. Because if it can happen to them, it can happen to you.

Take what's happening with their complaints of "cancel culture"
Coca Cola, Disney, etc etc private companies and bakeries

The new and improved supreme court helped establish that private businesses can discriminate against you based on a genuine philosophical or religious belief. Bakery vs the gay couple "TAKE THAT, GAYS!!!"

They didn't realize that that meant ALL businesses could now do that. But again, if it happens to them, it can happen to you.

Bob here is like one of the fans throwing garbage on the field when Jackie Robinson gets up to bat. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST GET YOUR OWN NEGRO -ERR TRANS LEAGUE?"

He truly doesn't know he's being manipulated.


Now, it's easy to point out "LOOK!!! no no no it's not!!! see! it says right here, they CANT just do it if you're not this specific baker." That's not stopping this guy from 6 days ago

https://w (link too long) m/article/news/investigations/focus/radcliff-kentucky-tax-preparer-refusing-business-to-lgbtq-couples/417-c2575ded-feed-45d8-b6f7-49016ec9eba3

made a tiny^

surfingyt said:

his tears are real! time to pursue an agenda with ruthless action and absorb their anguish for more energy. look forward to bob's President Biden and congress delivering more and more misery upon him and other republicants.

Burger King's "Madvertizing" | Real Time with Bill Maher

BSR says...

One of those languages is the language of men.

I pay people to do my shopping and prepare my food and serve it to me, then clean up after me. I definitely do not belong in the supermarket or the kitchen unless the help has a knife in their back.

vil said:

Amanda Gorman translators into foreign languages are quitting one by one because they are not young black poetesses. Some languages lack young black poetesses.

People who want to be in the kitchen belong in the kitchen regardless of race and/or sex. But only if they can actually cook.

VLDL: Showing off video game cosmetics - Poser

Detergent packs are kinda wishy-washy: Dishwashers Explained

BSR says...

I pay people to grow, slaughter, transport, inspect, prepare and serve me food then wash and clean up after me.

If I added up all the time I've spent cooking and preparing food throughout my life, it would add up to less than 24 hours. That includes shopping.

The biggest thing that robs my time on earth now is sitting at red lights.

Thunderstruck - Walk off the Earth (AC/DC Cover)

Joe Biden, You Are Lying, Sold out Americans

newtboy says...

This stupid hoax has failed miserably, but another succeeded brilliantly.....and it was fucking Borat!!!

You want to trot out some faked files from random computers to try smear Biden...and are outraged that no one believes it (maybe shouldn't have destroyed your credibility by lying constantly)....but Borat comes out tomorrow where we will all see Guliani flirt with someone introduced as a 15 year old, go alone with her to her room for drinks, ask for her phone number and home address, grab her ass repeatedly, flirting shamelessly the whole time, then lie down and start touching himself in front of her only to be stopped by Borat who barges in and tells Giuliani to stop, she's too old for him....he admits it all happened but claims he was just tucking in his shirt (just ignore all the flirting and invitations for private meetings, the groping, the lying down on the bed, the movements in his pants, and the embarrassment when he was caught).

More real pedophilia in Trump's inner circle. First, decades of picking up YOUNG girls with his best friend Epstein, then he intentionally chose a well known incestuous lawyer.
Now he's also proven to be another pedophile too, not with fake Russian photo shop, but professional multi camera video. Streaming tomorrow. Enjoy!

Republicans, the party of pedophiles and incest (let's not forget Giuliani also married his young cousin).

bobknight33 said:

Funny his crack head son's laptop will be the family downfall

Least not to mention picts of Hunter having sex with underage girls.

Democrats, the party of debauchery.

Trump Says COVID “Affects Virtually Nobody”

bobknight33 says...

Allways pushing the negative.

OK 2.8% death rate. A better way to say it 97.2% survival rate.

Granted you don't account for most vulnerable ( those over 70) which account for nearly 1/2 of deaths. So for those working age and school age is is 1.4 % death rate and rates get lower as you are younger.

Did you stop shopping?
Getting gas?

Enough data is out to say this is much to do about nothing unless you are old, then its a big deal.

Only fake news and Democrat leaders are pushing this BS. Mask up, go to work and pay you bills.

newtboy said:

Only AFTER trump changed the numbers, the CDC has repeatedly announced the horrible truth only to have to retract it for political reasons, meaning Trump insisted and put their jobs on the line, and fired many that wouldn't ignore results to spread his propaganda.
The CDC has been politicized by Trump and is no longer a good source for information, only propaganda until Trump's temporary sycophantic administrators are removed and professional administrators can be confirmed. That's why doctors and scientists are fleeing the organization. That's why they said 400000+ dead by new years then retracted, it's why they said 6' isn't enough indoors, then retracted despite there being no new data or conclusions. Flu season starts soon, and we sit in the worst position possible for that, still wave one and it's accelerating again.

200000 dead/7million cases =....can you do that 2nd grade math?
It's an overall death rate of 2.8% Bob. Not .003%, not .02%, not way less than the flu (.1%) like Trump lied to America, but exponentially, up to 50 times worse like he admitted in private Feb 7 (now 30 times worse). 2.8% after we got an idea how to treat them.

That doesn't count deaths from complications, like going into a coma, surviving the virus in that coma, then dying from the damage it did to your brain and lungs. That's not in the covid death number I give you, neither are permanent disabilities like brain deaths, needed lung transplants, neuropothies, heart damage, etc.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Russia is making campaign adds and slogans for Trump. This time you just don't care since he got away with it last time.

Remember, the recent republican created report says clearly Trump's campaign colluded, coordinated, and worked in tandem with Russia, who committed hundreds of crimes in America to help Trump get elected because he's their man, a total pussy and pushover who can't stand up to Putin even when he puts bounties on our military, knowingly and with intent invited foreign powers to interfere in our elections, even publicly on camera, then outright lied in the impeachment hearings.

No they aren't, because it's not slipping. You admitted as much under two weeks ago, said he was articulate and "with it", then forgot what bobski #4 said and went back to " he's lost it, is unstable, can't speak without major gaffes...." while ignoring Trump's disjointed, rambling, inarticulate, unstable speeches illegally using public property for campaign functions.

They are PRETENDING it is, so for suckers who believe constant liars, they are making it slip in your mind, the only place it's true.

Slowing down videos to make people look out of it is a well known Republican ploy, so is editing videos to make speakers appear confused or rambling. Trump looks deranged and unstable live, constantly, no cuts and editing needed. You can find more flubs, lies, misunderstandings, and rambling in any Trump speech than any Russian compilation of all 40 years of Biden's public service, and he stutters, Trump doesn't.

I won't underestimate the stupidity of the American voter again, but without functional absentee voting (the same as mail in) and with Trumpanzees following his instructions to vote twice and just hope you don't go to prison for him, he's already invalidated the election. He might win, but only by multiple forms of cheating and massive suppression. It's possible, he's degraded the country enough to make it possible.

Btw, how did you like Trump's crisis actor at his event in Kenosha. When the owner of a burned camera shop refused to be photographed with Trump or used as part of his divisive political ploy, Trump just got another person to pretend to be him and went ahead with his photo op. You knew he would the instant the words "crisis actor" left his lips, he always does the thing he rails against.
The man holding the Rhodes camera book is not the owner of the shop. He sold it nearly a decade ago and has no connection, knowing this, Trump repeats "your store" and "we're going to help you" to the guy he hired to be a crisis actor. I bet you suddenly love crisis actors and see nothing at all wrong there, despite ranting against them in the past as disgustingly dishonest tricks only liberals play.

Please, another red tsunami. I'm begging you, give us another red tsunami. Landslides are miniscule by comparison, go big.

bobknight33 said:

Russia may be be promoting Biden's failures but it is BIDEN failures.

Trump nor Putin is making Biden mind slip.

Keep thinking of a Biden win and then cry another 4 years. Landslide 2020

Louis DeJoy Says He Will Not Put Mail Sorting Machines Back

newtboy says...

Evidence? I can't find any.
I'm not saying you're right, but I'll go along for the sake of argument and reply if they were removed they were replaced or were idle, they weren't removed from active service in a way that severely hampered the post offices ability to deliver on time or when the mail load was expected to rise.
The USPS has over $160BILLION in debt and unfunded obligations and is losing money. How is that "enough cash"? You mean if they use every penny of cash and credit they could actually keep the doors open through the year but with major cuts in service? Maybe, maybe not, but that leaves them inoperable, without the cash for gas to deliver mail or keep the lights on, much less paychecks and pensions....that is how Trump often leaves businesses, is that what you call functional leadership?

Trump is trying to cheat Americans out of their votes, a vote denied is a vote STOLEN, and he's doing what he can, openly and blatantly to suppress the vote as much as humanly possible including threatening to send armed "guards" to inner city polls to threaten and intimidate minorities, he's too dumb to hide it, and he's openly doing it because as he says, if more American citizens vote, Republicans will go extinct.

People aren't crowded together getting groceries for hours on end with anti maskers, and if having food wasn't life or death, you couldn't shop there at all. Derp. Starbucks isn't opened for sit down, are they? You can't drive through vote, too bad, that could help.

Utter ignorant bullshit Bob. Yes, it's MORE dangerous the older you are, but it deadly for all age groups.

Over 32000 REPORTED Covid deaths under 65 (meaning statistically at least 64000 in reality). Nothing burger? Not if you aren't an inhuman monster.

bobknight33 said:

This plan was in place well before this guy showed up. Old machines were removed also under last administration.

There is enough cash for the mail system .

Nothing bur another dump on Trump trick.
Democrats will cheat via this un necessary mail shit.

IF you can get your Starbucks or protest or groceries you can vote in person.

Covid is is a nothing burger unless you over 65. This is a non issue.

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