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7x7 Rubik's cube world record: 2:23.55

ChaosEngine says...

How do they determine the start state for these? Obviously they have to be randomised, otherwise you're just performing a mechanical reaction, rather than solving a puzzle.

I wonder if you can happen to get a "lucky" state, that lends itself to being solved quickly?

Either way... very impressive.

Divers Discover Blob

Asmo says...

Going to go out on a limb here, big blob of fish semen/eggs from a mass spawning event...

Yup, squid eggs.

"Finally, a scientist from the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Dr. Michael Vecchione, who saw the video, came up with a possible explanation of the underwater puzzle. Dr. Vecchione alleged that “the thing” is a huge squid egg mass, possibly the largest ever seen so far."

Sagemind, you are the first candidate for the biggest bukkake in history mate... ; )

The Last Guardian - E3 2015 Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

It will eventually (when we can run PS4 emulators )

So are Team ICO developing this or not? It's certainly got that desaturated look of Ico and-and Shadow of the Colossus, in fact, it really does look like a PS2 game in terms of the engine.

But I care not one solitary rats arse about the engine. The animation is beautiful and the architectural design is stunning.

Ico and SotC were amazing games. They had great puzzles and genuinely engaging stories, all without a line of understandable dialog.

If this actually comes out, I will rent a PS4 to play it, and it will wreck me

lv_hunter said:

this needs to come to PC!

nock (Member Profile)

radx (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

That system looks really good, and exactly what Greece needs... provided they can come up with a way to get everyone to use it.

I've been reading each update, but only getting more puzzled... why do Syriza seem so unprepared? What's the deal with the announced billion euros of EU aid for the "humanitarian crisis"?

radx said:

The bits and pieces that I've seen of Greece's new list of reforms includes a measure that is strikingly similar to this.

Good stuff. Even officials from Austria went down to Zagreb to check out this system, so kudos to our Croatian comrades for this "invention" of theirs.

The Walking Dead (Part 1!) - 8 Bit Cinema

Insanely complicated wooden puzzle box

Zawash (Member Profile)

Insanely complicated wooden puzzle box

00Scud00 says...

I'm not sure why he's so concerned about the time it takes to open it, it's a puzzle box after all and a good one should take some time.
Just don't use it to store your handguns.
Also, I just wish he'd start singing like the Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show, it would be spot on.

MacGyver like ingenuity. No problem

archwaykitten says...

Pushing the car in neutral seems easier, but even if it's not a great reverse system, it looks like an excellent way to teach his son about physics and problem solving. I solved a puzzle in a computer game in a similar way once, and I still feel proud about it.

Stephen Fry on Meeting God

Reefie says...

The year before last I had a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses at my door. I asked them a simple question - why would their god choose to create autistic people who are incapable of the belief that is sought from us? Being on the autistic spectrum myself I totally understood where I was coming from with the question, and felt entitled to ask it. They were stumped and I politely said goodbye to them. As they left with puzzled expressions the man turned back to me, and asked if he could return if he came up with an answer. I told him that would be fine, but to this day I have yet to hear back from him.

I really like Stephen Fry's answer to this question. I can't envision a rational reason ever being offered to him in response to his answer.

A dog helps the cat

My First Figure Drawing Class

robbersdog49 says...

Many many moons ago when I was seventeen we started doing life drawing at my school. there were a few models they used but the most common two were a lady about thirty, nice looking, slightly plump but attractive and Alan. Alan was a thirtyish year old gay guy who was just very average looking. Physique wise he was 5' 10" or so, maybe just under 200lbs, slightly balding, wore glasses. Nothing offensive but as a seventeen year old lad I obviously started off preferring drawing boobies to schlong.

Thing is, I always drew better when drawing Alan because I just wasn't as distracted I suppose. He was a really nice guy and we got to know him pretty well over the year or so we did the class. I'd grown up doing a lot of sailing at a club with communal showers for the men so naked guys were no mystery to me. I wasn't offended by him and he certainly never did any poses like the guy in this video.

Fast forward ten years and I'm at a friend's house party. I know about half the people there and there's a lot of people from her work that I don't know. She worked at a medieval castle as a wench for their banquets and a lot of her actor colleagues were there. I kept catching the eye of this guy, forty years or so old, 5' 10" and just over 200lbs, pretty bald. You know when you get that feeling that you know someone? The face is familiar but you can't for the life of you remember where you've seen him before. Worse was the feeling that it was someone I knew quite well, not just someone I'd bumped into in the supermarket or something like that.

He looked puzzled by me too and we eventually got talking in the kitchen about where we knew each other from. We went through everything, from what we did for a job, where we'd worked, where we lived and drew blanks every time.

We went further and further back in time until he stopped, grinned and said 'you didn't go to Woodland's school did you?'

In that instant I knew exactly who he was, laughed and completely without thinking blurted 'Alan! I didn't recognise you with your clothes on!'

Of course it went quiet and I had to explain to my wife why I didn't recognise the gay guy with his clothes on (not helped by the fact that it was an all boys school). I still have paintings and drawings of him in my attic somewhere, which my wife was 'thrilled' to be shown!

Life drawing is great, and you don't need a 'fit' or attractive model. Anyone will do, in fact the more normal the better I think. It helps you look at what's there rather than any sort of ideal you might have in your head.

Rube Goldberg cereal pouring contraption

eric3579 says...

I couldn't enjoy the fun/cool part of this video as all i was thinking is how can you feed that poison to your children. I don't know, i'd be inclined to put this in the fail channel if that's what your kid eats for breakfast. He seems to win big with one part of the parenting puzzle but fail horribly at another. IMO

Now ill get off my horse.

Colbert interviews Anita Sarkeesian

Dumdeedum says...

Aside from the fact half the females you meet are huge-boobed strippers/hookers/gangster molls. Often in bondage gear for some reason. And that's not even getting into that whole nun trailer debacle.

I really enjoy the series, they're excellent puzzle games and I've played them all multiple times, but I would never claim they depict women in anything but a terrible light.

Dragon Age I'll skip because it didn't have characters of any gender, it just had bored voice actors reading thousands and thousands of lines of turgid dialogue.

RedSky said:

Hitman actively punishes you for killing civilians and gender really has little bearing on the game at all.

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