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SFOGuy (Member Profile)

SFOGuy says...

Thanks. Still puzzles me. The M16 video almost seems like the suppressors we hear (don't hear?) in video games---and then the other one?

newtboy said:

The best explanation I have is that there are different types and qualities of suppressors, some do a better job than others. I think the 150db -110db is not the best that can be done today. I've seen .22s with large suppressors that you could fire indoors all day without ear protection and were so quiet you could hear the gun's internals working, and I've also seen some that hardly lowered the volume at all.

EMPIRE (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Thanks It does better with some languages than others... I quite often find that translating Japanese to English leaves me just as puzzled after as before!

EMPIRE said:

Hi! No problem...

The translation is pretty spot on. I'm rather surprised Google translated something so well

oritteropo (Member Profile)

ant says...

I am still puzzled why that specific video doesn't play for me. No to Chrome.

oritteropo said:

I had a look for other embeds, but couldn't find any... my search terms may have been off, but I did try autó félek a mentő and car scared by ambulance.

Russian Man Feeding a Wild Bear through a Window

The original Matthew McConaughey car commercial

Xaielao says...

I'm still puzzled how this guy went from the laughing stock as an actor to an Oscar winner and toast of Hollywood. Did he make a deal with Satan or something?

Cop Says Obama Doesn't Follow Constitution, Neither Does He

Trancecoach says...

"Considering how many videos showing clear police assaults on innocent people one can see on any given day on Facebook, one cannot help wondering: how many such assaults occur in the country each day -- a hundred for each one caught on a video, a thousand, ten thousand? I am genuinely puzzled that, at this late date, anyone still fails to see that the principal-agent relationship between the police and the public has been completely reversed. The police now feel free to abuse and assault anyone and everyone at their pleasure and caprice. (Please do not give me any bullshit about bad applies. Such claims no longer have any standing whatever.)" ~Robert Higgs

Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama

VoodooV says...

Sorry, never seen anyone praise Pelosi or Lee. You must be projecting again.

I think you are often puzzled, so you should be used to it by now.

lantern53 said:

Why does everyone who thinks Palin is a nut just love Nancy pelosi or Sheila Jackson Lee?

tiz a puzzlement!

Motorcycles in the future will not tip over. Lit Motors

HugeJerk says...

It's not for bikers. It's for car drivers who want the economy and conveniences of a motorcycle.

The lack of video's showing it turning has been puzzling, since in others I've watched they claim that it'll make corners sharp enough that it'll be leaning so far over that you could be dragging your hand on the ground if you had the window open.

Jinx said:

Is bikers just like, falling over a big problem or something? What problem is this invention solving exactly? I mean, I guess if it has airbags and a seat belt then it might protect you from moderate collisions and fender benders.

So yah. It doesn't look as nippy as a proper bike, it restricts the bikers vision and it makes you look like a dork. I also couldn't help but notice that they don't show it going around a corner. Or turning at all actually.

Maybe they should just do away with the gyro, add a third wheel an....
Oh, nvm then.

The REAL Reason You're Circumcised

SveNitoR says...

I agree we should not let "it isn't natural" be a counter argument, that is after all the same argument anti-vaxxers use.

"No harm" is where I doubt the report you link (though I guess you do not actually mean NO harm). I see a lot of cited reviews in the Mayo report on the negatives of not being circumcised and very few on the negatives of being circumcised which leads me to suspect bias, or that less research has been done there. There are also pretty big flaws in some of the reviews I had access to (for example one of the randomised studies on sexual dysfunction that is cited by a review are entirely based on self-report [and some results were puzzling and not explained] and only over a few years - this still proves nothing when it is done to infants though I doubt it has large effects on sexuality if any). Unfortunately I can't access most articles due to being at home.

Of course my scepticism could very well be a cultural prejudice to it being "wrong" and me searching for minor flaws in their argument.

SDGundamX said:

Whether he had one or not is irrelevant. The studies that were done on those who actually did have them later in life showed that it usually had either no effect on sex or actually improved it unless complications developed from the procedure (see the American Academy of Pediatrics 2012 Technical Report on Circumcision).

The benefits of newborn circumcisions are well-documented at this point (see for example the Mayo clinic's most recent report on the topic.) We know it also can reduce the risk of HIV infection in at risk populations.

Basically, if it does no harm and can actually have benefits, it's a valid medical procedure regardless of whether parents are choosing to do it for religious reasons or not.

Of course, should future research actually prove the risks outweigh the benefits then it should be stopped. We need to base these decisions on the medical evidence and not on our cultural prejudices.


yellowc says...

This guy is actually really cool.

I used to watch his YT channel but alas I simply can't find a link at the moment, maybe some one with great powers can help. I remember being introduced to him by a video on this site, I just can't remember the content, I think it was looking at different Puzzle Boxes.

Anyway, basically he has a bunch of videos reviewing toys from all over the world and he has a real great way of talking about them. This little snippet gives you a funny idea of how he presents, he does that a lot where he ends a review with a single word like "Amazing".

Incredible Two-Letter Puzzle Solve on Wheel of Fortune

charlatantric says...

I'll go ahead and call "conspiracy" on this one.

Not that the guy cheated. I believe the reactions were genuine. But I'll call shenanigans on the producers.

The only real advertising to the "internet generation" these shows can garner are viral videos. Jeopardy has been leading the way. The demographic for these shows are older crowds, and with slipping ratings/advertising, they must muck for gold.

There's something waaaay too strange about the way the answer suddenly flashes on-screen. No usual stop in music, dinging, or reaction from anyone. It's as if the producers ad-libbed the contestant's answer to make an amazing video. To sell to us to watch.

Or... the guy at the switch was harumphing, arms crossed, laughing at this kid trying to answer such a tough puzzle. Then having an "oh shit' moment.

I don't know. There's definitely something... off about it all though.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

WATCH: Luckiest 'Wheel Of Fortune' Guess Ever

WATCH: Luckiest 'Wheel Of Fortune' Guess Ever

Lucky guess is worth $45,000 on 'Wheel of Fortune'

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