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Someone else recorded Justin Bieber after sleeping with him

World's First 3D Printed Metal Gun

Antonin Scalia And Michele Bachmann Are The Exact Same Idiot

poolcleaner says...

So the devil's antics are based in human years? I don't understand how the greatest of ALL angels gets "willier" over the course of 2000 some years when his existence is outside the restraints of time and space.

Same thing with God and His evolution of ideals. The law and then forgiveness and blah blah blah; slaves, no slaves; anathema, no anathema; burn shit to the ground for sins, don't stone the "prostitute". It doesn't make sense. None. At all.

Unless God ISN'T omnipotent, omnipresent, and/or benevolent. He can't be all of those things and yet so ignorantly rule creation within the context of human civilization pre-information age. Sorry, but if you don't see this pattern, you're living in denial. Either that or the idea of these beings is true and the Bible is the Devil's work.

Oh SNAP, didn't think about that in all of your squabbling, did you? The arguments over what to canonize; burning of Biblical apocrypha; human courts judging anathema over naysayers who were believers in God themselves; King James' toying with the text; and the list goes on and on. Lies! If God be love, Jesus saves and by faith be known, these historical truths makes your "holy" text anathema!

My bet is that the Devil knows the Bible because the Devil orchestrated it. If I believed in that sort of thing, that's what would make the most sense to me. But I suppose reason plays no part in the smoke and mirrors of gods and monsters.

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

JustSaying says...

While it's super cynical, there is truth in this. Human trafficking will never entirely disappear, even when you look at countries with legalised prostitution. Some men like children, some like the thrill of genuine rape, some people are just monsters. It will never completely go away.
However, legalised and monitored prostitution can and will lower the likelyhood that the prostitute going down on that high profile politician we care so much about is actually a sex slave. Unless he's one of the aforementioned monsters, of course.
It certainly won't help to keep it a black market.

robdot said:

People are bought and sold all the time. And humans are regularly treated as a commodity.the nfl draft, the for profit prison systems....millions of woman will sell themselves this weekend,for a little dinner and a few drinks, or a little coke..

What the Oculus Rift is really for

Payback says...

I think racing games would be easier with OR. True depth perception is hugely important with driving simulators.

...and no, I didn't fail the Gay test. I just don't have any interest in virtual prostitution.

MSNBC PSA - All Your Kids Are Belong to Us

blankfist says...

@ChaosEngine, again, I don't entirely disagree with you. I think allowing the law to protect the rights of the individual makes total sense. Whether that individual is a minor or adult.

Where we definitely will have our disagreement is, as you mentioned, to the extent of the laws' reach.

I think laws should protect the minority, not impose the majority's will. I also believe children should have a voice in their personal choices that supersedes the will of the parents or the will of society.

I understand a seven-year-old child who was homeschooled that God will cure his cancer may not be the most qualified mind to make complex medical decisions, but, in the end, we either give people control over their lives or we pretend to know best.

Just because you and I don't believe God will cure little Jimmy's cancer doesn't mean we should have a right to tell little Jimmy he has to go to the hospital and receive care. Otherwise we end up with these kinds of stories.

The war on drugs is a perfect example of the majority, or community, knowing best how we should all run our lives. So was prohibition in the States. So are seatbelt laws, soda bans, sin taxes, prostitution bans, Tennessee's baggy pants law, bans on rain collection, fines for muddy tires, gambling laws, private establishment smoking bans, and even NJ going as far as to ban hugs in a middle school.

People know best how to run their own lives. Families at least have an interest in the well-being of their members. But the community doesn't always make the best legislative decisions when trying to do good.

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

Procrastinatron says...



"What it boils down to is this; the chief benefit of legalizing prostitution is that it gives us a chance to protect the workers and possibly take a bite out of crime in the process. However, legalization is not the end, as criminal abuse of the workers can and will happen if the law isn't properly enforced.

It is perfectly possible, and perhaps even plausible, that trafficking continues to flourish even in countries where prostitution has been legalized, but is that an issue of weak legislation and enforcement, or is it simply an issue that is inherent to prostitution?"

But I guess it's easier to claim that I said the OPPOSITE of what I actually said when you just cut out everything but a single sentence from my original comment.

And when I said that newtboy made good points, I was talking about stuff like;

"Ending a prohibition does not eradicate the huge black market that prohibition created, but it can shrink it to a manageable size. If they legalized brothels in the Netherlands but don't do any regulation, they'll never remove the black market/sex slave trade."


"My question would be, do the prosecutors believe legalization contributed to their ability to prosecute this case, or is it the consensus that legalization has made it easier for the criminals to make slaves of women? Either could be the case based on this article."

If you cherry-pick specific sentences or cut out most of the text in our messages and then substitute our arguments with your own interpretations of our positions, you are going to make it impossible for us to communicate.

Grimm said:

Points like...

"In countries where the brothels are legal and regulated it's nearly impossible to force sex slavery, at least in a legal brothel like this one."?


"There is 0% slavery in the legal brothels, they make plenty of money without slaves and they don't want to lose their license to print money."?

He's entitled to his own opinion but he's not entitled to his own facts.

You both seem to be making the same assumption...that a legalized brothel is a regulated brothel. Why would the owners of a brothel risk using sex slaves in a legal brothel? Money...if it isn't regulated or poorly regulated than their isn't much risk is there?

Regardless this is pointless as the video isn't targeting legal brothels. It's to bring awareness to human trafficking. The organization addresses this as a global issue.

If you have a problem with them using Amsterdam as the setting for the video then you're just missing the point.

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

Procrastinatron says...

Honestly, I feel that he presented many points that were put quite well. While the articles you linked are interesting, they don't really give us enough data to actually know what's going on. All they tell us is that these two things happened, and they may or may not have been caused by deeper, systemic issues. Two articles isn't enough to form a big picture (no matter how you or I might feel about it personally).

What it boils down to is this; the chief benefit of legalizing prostitution is that it gives us a chance to protect the workers and possibly take a bite out of crime in the process. However, legalization is not the end, as criminal abuse of the workers can and will happen if the law isn't properly enforced.

It is perfectly possible, and perhaps even plausible, that trafficking continues to flourish even in countries where prostitution has been legalized, but is that an issue of weak legislation and enforcement, or is it simply an issue that is inherent to prostitution?

Grimm said:

If you need more data you can research it yourself...I'm done. I've provided two separate articles that indicate that human trafficking is still a problem and on the rise even in a country where prostitution has been legalized.

You have presented nothing but an opinion based on a hunch.

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

Grimm says...

If you need more data you can research it yourself...I'm done. I've provided two separate articles that indicate that human trafficking is still a problem and on the rise even in a country where prostitution has been legalized.

You have presented nothing but an opinion based on a hunch.

newtboy said:

In countries where the brothels are legal and regulated it's nearly impossible to force sex slavery, at least in a legal brothel like this one.

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

Grimm says...

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) — A court convicted six people Friday in what prosecutors said was the largest case of human trafficking ever brought to trial in the Netherlands.
Experts said the case could have an impact on Dutch policy because the crimes were committed after brothels were legalized in 2000 in the hope that legitimacy would make it easier for the police to monitor prostitution.

Five of the six convicted men were found guilty of participating in a large, well-established network that kept women in prostitution by force — and with extreme violence.

Some of the victims were compelled to have breast enlargement surgery, and one defendant was convicted of forcing at least one woman to have an abortion. Women were beaten and forced to sit in icy water to avoid bruising. They also were tattooed.

newtboy said:

Yes, that is my position.

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

newtboy says...

Yes, that is my position.
You are correct, there is way more illegal prostitution in Nevada than legal prostitution, there are only 2 legal brothels that I know of. That leaves a huge black market which fosters crime and abuse. There is 0% slavery in the legal brothels, they make plenty of money without slaves and they don't want to lose their license to print money. If there were enough legal brothels, there would be far less illegal prostitution, an far fewer prostitutes being taken advantage of. It will likely never reach 0%.
I can't speak to the article you quoted/link, I don't have a WSJ account and so can't read the article. I would bet that the truth is that it has curbed (but not completely ended) human trafficking by brothels. (there are many kinds of trafficking, and legal brothels would only serve to make one of them less profitable and/or too dangerous, so the fact that it "failed to stem human trafficking" is meaningless and fallacious.)
Ending a prohibition does not eradicate the huge black market that prohibition created, but it can shrink it to a manageable size. If they legalized brothels in the Netherlands but don't do any regulation, they'll never remove the black market/sex slave trade. If that's what they've done (and I don't know) they may as well have just stopped prosecuting any prostitution. The end game is the same, and simple 'no prosecution' is way cheaper than changing laws.

Grimm said:

You're argument seems to be if it's legal then there is little incentive to do it illegally. But just think of your example...The Bunny Ranch. I'd bet there is far more illegal prostitution going on in Nevada then legal prostitution.

"AMSTERDAM — This city's famed red-light district looks much as it has for years, with bikini-clad women behind plate-glass windows fluffing their hair or beckoning to passersby, colorful beds visible in the background as an unspoken invitation.

But things could soon change for the sex-for-hire industry following a recognition in the freewheeling Netherlands that its decision in 2000 to legalize brothels has failed to stem human trafficking."

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

Grimm says...

You're argument seems to be if it's legal then there is little incentive to do it illegally. But just think of your example...The Bunny Ranch. I'd bet there is far more illegal prostitution going on in Nevada then legal prostitution.

"AMSTERDAM — This city's famed red-light district looks much as it has for years, with bikini-clad women behind plate-glass windows fluffing their hair or beckoning to passersby, colorful beds visible in the background as an unspoken invitation.

But things could soon change for the sex-for-hire industry following a recognition in the freewheeling Netherlands that its decision in 2000 to legalize brothels has failed to stem human trafficking."

newtboy said:

It seems to me that that's how it works in countries where prostitution is illegal. In countries where the brothels are legal and regulated it's nearly impossible to force sex slavery, at least in a legal brothel like this one. The customers are not criminal, and most would not stand idly by and watch slavery occur in their country, and would likely report it if it seemed their prostitute was being forced. They are also inspected. In countries where it's illegal and immoral, far fewer are willing to admit to using the services in the first place, and so won't ever report the other crimes they see.
You might note that there are certainly not any sex slaves at the bunny ranch, they seem to have a waiting list of prostitutes waiting for the chance to work there.
That is not meant to indicate it can't and doesn't happen at all, just that in this kind of country it should not be the same issue as in countries that make sex a black market, and that fact is diametrically opposed to the message they are sending.

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

newtboy says...

It seems to me that that's how it works in countries where prostitution is illegal. In countries where the brothels are legal and regulated it's nearly impossible to force sex slavery, at least in a legal brothel like this one. The customers are not criminal, and most would not stand idly by and watch slavery occur in their country, and would likely report it if it seemed their prostitute was being forced. They are also inspected. In countries where it's illegal and immoral, far fewer are willing to admit to using the services in the first place, and so won't ever report the other crimes they see.
You might note that there are certainly not any sex slaves at the bunny ranch, they seem to have a waiting list of prostitutes waiting for the chance to work there.
That is not meant to indicate it can't and doesn't happen at all, just that in this kind of country it should not be the same issue as in countries that make sex a black market, and that fact is diametrically opposed to the message they are sending.

aaronfr said:


Whether the particular activity is legal or not, human traffickers specialize in trapping people in horrible jobs and living conditions.

It is a common tactic of human traffickers to promise people a certain kind of job or pay. Once they arrive in another country, they are informed that they owe additional fees for the transportation and paperwork. In order to pay that debt, they are given no choice but to do the work made available to them. Furthermore, their passports are confiscated; they are threatened, abused, controlled and deceived to the point that they rarely approach officials in order to get help.

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

00Scud00 says...

So is this a campaign against prostitution or against women being tricked into prostitution? And can someone really force another into prostitution in a country where it's legal in the first place?

Pat Robertson On Gays And A Few Other Things

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