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Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

newtboy says...

Yes, that is my position.
You are correct, there is way more illegal prostitution in Nevada than legal prostitution, there are only 2 legal brothels that I know of. That leaves a huge black market which fosters crime and abuse. There is 0% slavery in the legal brothels, they make plenty of money without slaves and they don't want to lose their license to print money. If there were enough legal brothels, there would be far less illegal prostitution, an far fewer prostitutes being taken advantage of. It will likely never reach 0%.
I can't speak to the article you quoted/link, I don't have a WSJ account and so can't read the article. I would bet that the truth is that it has curbed (but not completely ended) human trafficking by brothels. (there are many kinds of trafficking, and legal brothels would only serve to make one of them less profitable and/or too dangerous, so the fact that it "failed to stem human trafficking" is meaningless and fallacious.)
Ending a prohibition does not eradicate the huge black market that prohibition created, but it can shrink it to a manageable size. If they legalized brothels in the Netherlands but don't do any regulation, they'll never remove the black market/sex slave trade. If that's what they've done (and I don't know) they may as well have just stopped prosecuting any prostitution. The end game is the same, and simple 'no prosecution' is way cheaper than changing laws.

Grimm said:

You're argument seems to be if it's legal then there is little incentive to do it illegally. But just think of your example...The Bunny Ranch. I'd bet there is far more illegal prostitution going on in Nevada then legal prostitution.

"AMSTERDAM — This city's famed red-light district looks much as it has for years, with bikini-clad women behind plate-glass windows fluffing their hair or beckoning to passersby, colorful beds visible in the background as an unspoken invitation.

But things could soon change for the sex-for-hire industry following a recognition in the freewheeling Netherlands that its decision in 2000 to legalize brothels has failed to stem human trafficking."

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

Grimm says...

You're argument seems to be if it's legal then there is little incentive to do it illegally. But just think of your example...The Bunny Ranch. I'd bet there is far more illegal prostitution going on in Nevada then legal prostitution.

"AMSTERDAM — This city's famed red-light district looks much as it has for years, with bikini-clad women behind plate-glass windows fluffing their hair or beckoning to passersby, colorful beds visible in the background as an unspoken invitation.

But things could soon change for the sex-for-hire industry following a recognition in the freewheeling Netherlands that its decision in 2000 to legalize brothels has failed to stem human trafficking."

newtboy said:

It seems to me that that's how it works in countries where prostitution is illegal. In countries where the brothels are legal and regulated it's nearly impossible to force sex slavery, at least in a legal brothel like this one. The customers are not criminal, and most would not stand idly by and watch slavery occur in their country, and would likely report it if it seemed their prostitute was being forced. They are also inspected. In countries where it's illegal and immoral, far fewer are willing to admit to using the services in the first place, and so won't ever report the other crimes they see.
You might note that there are certainly not any sex slaves at the bunny ranch, they seem to have a waiting list of prostitutes waiting for the chance to work there.
That is not meant to indicate it can't and doesn't happen at all, just that in this kind of country it should not be the same issue as in countries that make sex a black market, and that fact is diametrically opposed to the message they are sending.

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

newtboy says...

It seems to me that that's how it works in countries where prostitution is illegal. In countries where the brothels are legal and regulated it's nearly impossible to force sex slavery, at least in a legal brothel like this one. The customers are not criminal, and most would not stand idly by and watch slavery occur in their country, and would likely report it if it seemed their prostitute was being forced. They are also inspected. In countries where it's illegal and immoral, far fewer are willing to admit to using the services in the first place, and so won't ever report the other crimes they see.
You might note that there are certainly not any sex slaves at the bunny ranch, they seem to have a waiting list of prostitutes waiting for the chance to work there.
That is not meant to indicate it can't and doesn't happen at all, just that in this kind of country it should not be the same issue as in countries that make sex a black market, and that fact is diametrically opposed to the message they are sending.

aaronfr said:


Whether the particular activity is legal or not, human traffickers specialize in trapping people in horrible jobs and living conditions.

It is a common tactic of human traffickers to promise people a certain kind of job or pay. Once they arrive in another country, they are informed that they owe additional fees for the transportation and paperwork. In order to pay that debt, they are given no choice but to do the work made available to them. Furthermore, their passports are confiscated; they are threatened, abused, controlled and deceived to the point that they rarely approach officials in order to get help.

Girls Going Wild in Red Light District

00Scud00 says...

So is this a campaign against prostitution or against women being tricked into prostitution? And can someone really force another into prostitution in a country where it's legal in the first place?

Pat Robertson On Gays And A Few Other Things

Why Violent Video Games Don't Cause Violence | Today's Topic

Procrastinatron says...

Exactly right. I like to play multiplayer FPS games, and in the one I am currently playing (Blacklight: Retribution, for those who are curious), it is possible to make your enemies heads' explode with all the charm of Gallagher smashing a watermelon.

It is, simply put, abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous.

But it's never more than a bonus. I do enjoy it for the sheer brutality of it (and that sound - like a popping balloon), but it's never the focus of the game for me. In fact, most of the time, despite the fact that the game is based on killing, I am mostly concerned with the basic mechanics of the game, and the constant competition I am in with myself.

Another series that constantly crops in these engineered controversies (and which was mentioned in this video), is GTA. People cannot seem to get this idea that teenagers are single-mindedly finding more and more ways to murder random prostitutes out of their heads, when the truth is that that's just one of MANY things you can do in GTA's sprawling cityscapes. I, for example, would sometimes enjoy simply driving fast cars around at night while listening to jazz. Same game, no prostitutes, or the wanton murder thereof, involved.

But then, I suppose "driving fast cars at night while listening to jazz on the radio" nets "news" outlets fewer views than "EVIL VIDEO GAME IS TEACHING THE YOUTH OF AMERICA TO MURDER PROSTITUTES."

LiquidDrift said:

As a game developer, I've come to realize that the graphics of a game have the most impact when a player first starts playing it. After a while the player focuses more and more on the underlying game mechanics rather than whatever violence happens to be immediately playing out on the screen.

Ie, a nonplayer sees their kid bloodily gunning down zombies for hours on end, but the kid is actually focusing on teamwork (multiplayer), scoring max points, reaching objectives, etc.

Blankfist Reaches Galaxy (Sift Talk Post)

Blankfist Has Returned!!! (Happy Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Not angry, frustrated-choggie has a very significant meaning for me-
a chingalera means," a woman who fucks....a whore.

a chingalera is a prostitute-A fucking Mexican prostitute-
Hard to trust your sincerity BF, when your only communication with me considering our tenure and past has been sophomoric and in public-OR, shitting on choggie's profile every time you and your punkner in crime Captain Asperger saw choggie lurking around every new user....(You dumbassess even banned a few peeps ya thought was me)

No dude, you need to better by me for having had to put up with this torch and pitchfork shit and fuck the world if I don't want my old handle back....I do, and the sift may have the whore.

blankfist said:

Please don't be angry, @chingileria. I have no hard feelings, man. I like your new name, by the way. I think it's an approvement over the chougie one! Even if it's harder to spell.

Conan Visits E3 To Check Out Playstation 4 & XBox One

poolcleaner says...

Oh yes, look how they try, those video game makers. How can pimps and prostitutes possibly eliminate the stain of sexism and immaturity when the very basis is sexism and immaturity.

Do you not include senseless violence under immaturity? Ridiculously easy, self gratifying, stupid, you-thought-you-killed-things-in-every-way-possible-but-not-like-this violence with an array of weapon combinations and #gamer girls in their under garments.

Y4Y 4 xXxM47U21713xXx

artician said:

Fucking shit, Conan. In one comedy bit you've just managed to trounce two decades of an industry trying to eliminate the stain of sexism and immaturity that is E3. Jackass!

Wodka Vodka Commercial - Very Funny!!

How to uninstall McAfee Antivirus

Velocity5 says...

Really... he paid, what, $50,000 to make a viral video promoting... his own fame?

He just got lucky in business back when the internet was first starting, and now instead of building new things that make the world better, he's flushing his lucky money down the toilet on prostitutes and vanity videos.

A fat cat who wastes money on infantile hedonism is the worst type of fat cat.

Irreversible: Rape scene (disturbing)

nancynew121 says...

Seeing as how the majority of people in the world and apparently those select few who have commented in this feed are not clued in. An act of rape is not about sex. It is not about your significant other or wife giving it up to you. If someone wanted to have sex they could just go to a prostitute. Rape is about control. In this setting itself its portrayed in a disgusting manner. He dominates her in every sense and leaves her empty, with nothing. She might as well be dead in the emotional state in which she is in. I know that people come up here to make light of situations like these because you are bored and just want to start shit. Most people liked to get comments back and argue essentially about nothing because you are seriously pathetic and YOLO as in you obviously live online. Given the current statistics, one day either you or someone you care about or know will get raped and when you see the emptiness that has taken over them and replaces them as whole, crack a joke then. I take this personally because during my current medical rotations i see this every damn day in the trauma department. I unfortunately get to see the aftermath of such a gruesome event in which some of you think is "hot."

NMA - Toronto Mayor Caught on Video Smoking Crack

AeroMechanical says...

Hey, hin an Marion Barry should hang out and party. Marion could teach him a little bit about the importance of respecting other races, lifestyle choices, and if there's still time, an appreciation for underage prostitutes. Guaranteed re-election right there,

Best Contestant On The Price Is Right Ever

Making your own eggs!!

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