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Scarborough Fayre - Mediæval Bæbes

Nymphomercial - A Monk Jumped Over a Wall

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'play game youtube girls myspace google ebay facebook youporn paris hilton britne' to 'play game youtube girls myspace google ebay faceban youban paris hilton ban' - edited by gorgonheap

Stop Dressing Your Six Year Old Like a Skank

legacy0100 says...

@ Raven

That's probably because you don't hang around with Paris Hilton-type of party girls. Where have you been all these years? You don't remember the days when media started calling Madonna an ideal feminist, and that somehow got her kissing on stage with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera?? And the day after when people called it 'disgusting', other people defended the action by calling it a 'feminine expression'???

I've had the mortal displeasure of hanging around with a lot of brain-dead college girls, thanks to my party loving roomates. And these girls actually quoted Beyonce (the singer) to prove feminism to me. The whole argument started when they started driveling about what they learned in feminist class that afternoon and how they were 'oppressed' by the men all these years, and how it prevented the female gender to truly 'express' themselves.

The recent rise of 'expressive feminism' clearly had a huge impact on pop culture, and definitely are related to one another. The corporate world merely followed the trends, and all they did was identifying the market and going with the flow. In media, it is used as an excuse to further exploit the already lucrative idea of 'sex sells'. And as individuals, we are no longer allowed to tell them not to do it, because if you did, you'd be 'oppressing' women. And they've been selling sex for quite awhile, but the difference is that this time they've got the philosophic community on their side, so now you've got to argue against feminism when you're trying to limit them.

The MTV and the gangs did capitalize on this and thrived and using it as an excuse to start going with raunchier, naughtier shows without getting backlashed for being immoral. But the point is that the feminist idea was already there to embrace these things. And it was just a matter of time before major celebrities in popular culture started marketing themselves as 'newage feminists' and embraced this idea of woman 'expressing' herself with open arms, by justifying themselves from selling sex appeal, and just ran with it through mountains and oceans.

I mean, today's line of pop artists such as 'the pussy cat dolls' make the old 'spice girls' look like a bunch of Mormons in Halloween costumes. And I would've thought I would at least be 40 when I started talking about the big 'morality' subject and 'young people going too far'. But the transformation of attitude in popular opinion has been so rapid that even a person in their mid 20s like me are starting to fear if we really ARE that decadent.

So tell me, how are they not related?

p.s I'd like to see some female sifters' comments here to see what they have to say about the subject.

“Keeping Up With the Kardashians" clip, f@#king disturbing

Farhad2000 says...

Kim Kardashian is famous for being a friend of Paris Hilton and having a sex tape. So in many ways I am not at all surprised, am sure Robert Kardashian (OJ Simpson's lawyer BTW) is just so immensely proud.

Birth control for middle school girls? (Sexuality Talk Post)

raven says...

Oh, I am totally in agreement with your assessment of both fashion and cows... who knew they would be so inextricably linked?

Fashion, and general media programming in general are having a vast effect on the minds of women, of all ages these days... its sad, but we live in a society where useless, drug-binging, party girls like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton are perpetually thrust into our faces via tv and magazines. Thus, they become role models and impress all sort of ridiculous standards on young girls... and older girls and women. Suddenly its considered 'okay' in the mainstream media to be a total slut, which is the wrong message girls need to be hearing... I think the episode of South Park that featured Paris Hilton was pretty dead on in regards to this problem... so dead on, I sifted this just for y'all reading this thread... Stupid Spoiled Whore - VIDEO PLAYSET!

Now, getting back to cows not named Paris... you're right, the hormones we have been injecting into our cattle have not only been partially responsible for girl's maturing at younger and younger ages (didn't seem to work on me though... hmmm...), but there are also a whole host of other sources of estrogens and progesterones that we come in contact with on a daily basis. Many plastics that are used to package and store our food begin to break down after a while and leech all kinds of things into our dinners... including hormones... so, in the end, its our own fault and science... DAMN YOU SCIENCE!! No, just kidding, but yeah, it's no wonder girls are menstruating at 11 and people are growing bigger and wider every year it seems.

Thumbnails (Sift Talk Post)

Paris Hilton Spinning

Paris Hilton DIES!!! House of Wax 2005

Ann Coulter Wants Jews to be 'Perfected'

legacy0100 says...

You guys are downvoting Paris Hilton & 'leave Britney alone!' videos because you don't want them to gain undeserving media attention.

Yet, I see 57 votes for Ann Coulter video. You guys are hypocrites

Okay Everyone, We Need To Have A Chat About Snuff & Iraq (Sift Talk Post)

raven says...

I am with Krupo in that we should use the term RAW as opposed to GRAPHIC... because it is not only non-native English speakers who might confuse 'graphic' with animation or other such media, but English speakers of other countries, as I'm pretty sure that just about everywhere else in the world uses it to refer to animated, or illustrated materials... only in this country has it somehow evolved to describe violent or gory material.

Also, RAW denotes that we are talking about REAL, quite often uncut footage, as are most of these vids, whereas the term GRAPHIC could just as easily be applied to something like this, and the last thing I want to do is have this tag (which is meant to flag videos that potentially contain real death and violence) be applied out of confusion to excerpts from the latest Saw, or Halloween movie. I mean, god bless my cheesy horror flicks but we are making a distinction between reality and Hollywood, and I would also suggest that on the submission page next to the button to apply this *RAW tag we have short definition of just what it means.

More from Raven in a moment... but I just wanted to submit my opinion on that right now... other topics need further rumination.

Ann Coulter Wants Jews to be 'Perfected'

Introducing the Hummer Hybrid

Fantastic Dove Ad: Talk to Your Daughter Before They Do!

MINK says...

Good luck with proving that Unilever has a sense of altruism and really wishes to do good. I think you'll find my Paris Hilton quotation off their website an interesting place to start

smibbo I have a problem with one company cynically putting out whatever message it thinks you want to hear, regardless of its product portfolio as a whole, especially when that message involves little girls and body image.

People seem to be upvoting the concept regardless of the source, well OK, remember I never attacked the slogan, just the source is completely fubar and the execution is 100% hypocritical. If they said "we are pulling out of the evil beauty industry and putting all our money into childrens' hospitals" then i might upvote.

If George Bush says "we need to bring peace to the middle east" do you just applaud him or do you look at other things he does as well?

And didn't you notice that the girl they featured is impossibly beautiful?


Fantastic Dove Ad: Talk to Your Daughter Before They Do!

meow (Member Profile)

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