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David Letterman-Paris Hilton-Sept-28-2007

Deano says...

I'm halfway through this and watching it through my fingers. It was funny to a point BUT, and I can't believe I am saying this re Paris Hilton, insulting your guest and using her as a stooge was entirely disrespectful. She's currently kicking her leg alot and looking generally annoyed and she's quite right to be.

He clearly doesn't respect her but don't invite her on the show if that's the case. Tempted to downvote this one, bad show Letterman!

David Letterman-Paris Hilton-Sept-28-2007

David Letterman-Paris Hilton-Sept-28-2007

The Videosift theme song!

Too Sexy To Fly?

BillOreilly says...

imagine that-- dumb blonde from California dressed like a skank, looking older than her age due to too much sun, suing somebody. Never seen anything like it *Paris Hilton anyone*

Phone sex - for geeks (SNL)

Phone sex - for geeks (SNL)

Democracy Now - Headlines

CNN anchor refuses to read LINDSAY LOHAN story!

T-man says...

Isn't he just ripping off what the reporter on MSNBC did a couple of weeks ago with the Paris Hilton story?? This seems kinda contrived after that. I guess now the way you get a rep as a serious reporter is to refuse on air to report on celebrity news.

Didn't Know Your Husband Was Banned?

Fedquip makes Diamond (Sift Talk Post)

Henry Rollins on Iran and US politics: Part 2

BicycleRepairMan says...

The Hour seems like a great show, good guests, lets them speak, doesn't insult everyones intelligence.. '

I was watching Paris Hilt...Larry King Live on CNN the other day, and man has that man retarded himself in the last years. Fucking Paris Hilton/Michael Jackson shit parade

Personal Attacks? (Sift Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

I agree a general sense of manners and hospitality needs to be present in the community. I also feel friendly banter is what make me so engrossed with the sift. A applaud fedquip on the post.

However I must disagree with a neutral vote. That will just keep crap on the sift that should be nixed. i.e. there is a post over a year old on this sift that has 0 votes. two more down and it's off the sift. (And in my honest opinion is where it should stay.)

Things change, if the Sift lives to be a hundred no one is going to give a damn about all the Paris Hilton videos or others related to current events that had little impact on todays society.

Neutral voting is a way of turning Videosift into a cesspool.

This brings me to comment voting. I hate the idea of having to justify why I vote for something. It already pisses me off that everyone and their dog wants to know why I didn't fall head over heals for their video. (Not to mention I don't want e-mails every couple of hours with a comment saying "nice vid." or "you suck."

Vote for Pedro

Mitt Romney strapped dog to roof of car for 12 hours

bamdrew says...

This show is way too much the bizarro O'Reilly. I'd seen Mo Rocca give a show once that was pretty okay, but bleh this is really bad and not news.

Very telling that they fall into Paris Hilton jokes at the end.

paris hilton to karl marx in 40 clicks on wikipedia

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