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Scientology VS Chaser's Free Gullibility Test

joedirt says...

It is not a religion.. Religion, typically, first goal is to spread the religion to other people. They are concerned with people and numbers. Sure they make money, but they would rather have a billion poor people who are strong believers then just a few followers who are rich.

Corp of Sciencefictionology is based exactly opposite. It is structured so you have to have lots of money to be a follower. They focus on rich, powerful, and hollywood types that can attract others, but not in the everyone welcome way, but in the Paris Hilton-appeal way. Like a Prada bag, or paparazzi snap of a designer dress. The goal is like an infomercial or exclusive nightclub. There is a cover charge and expensive drinks.

If it was a religion, it would be free and you would want to help others become more enlightened. Instead it is expensive and they do everything to keep people out.

You should lose your tax-free status when your "church" building has a sign saying "By Invitation Only"

The Unfunny Truth about Scientology (A bit graphic)

gwiz665 says...

The Noah Lottick is actually a bit funny, once you see past the whole "he's dead" thing, and look to the news value:
Noah Lottick
- Was a normal, happy 24 year old student
- Joined the Church of Scientology
- 8 months later he was dead

I could totally see Fox News do the same thing with a terrorist
- He was a normal, happy person living in Iraq back in 2001 with a gumdrop smile and loving life
- Then Al-qaeda ABDUCTED him and brainwashed him into thinking USA was somehow dangerous, when it was ACTUALLY PROTECTING the WORLD
- 8 months later he was DEAD
... Next we have Celebrity Beach Volley in the Buff, and our newest sit-com "2 and a half men in Paris" featuring Paris Hilton.

(In all seriousness the viddie is a harrowing tale of Scientology, which by all rights should have been expunged from our society a long time ago.. like most religions should.)

Australian Party Boy Part 2

Siftquisition: Quantumushroom (Sift Talk Post)

my15minutes says...

also, i'd like this on the record, in regards to downvoting, in general.

i have never once taken a single one of ant's downvotes against him, and he knows that because i told him so. we all frequently joke about them.

i have never felt ant was targeting me, or anyone else to my knowledge, just being harsh yet honest.

and his votes given / received ratio shows a genuine interest in selecting the best and worst for their appropriate thumbage, before the clip has sifted, and those less interested in manning the churn, suddenly appear.

ant was one of the first, to upvote the one thing i really cared about here.

and i notice him secretly upvoting my comments.

besides, he's the yin to my yang. i dig ant.

if all that shroom did, to deserve any of this, was downvote any one guy's shit honestly?

we would not be having this conversation, and every one of you knew that, about him, long before i got here.

>> ^MycroftHomlz:
Rottenseed, I agree that all of my15minutes videos suck.

funny. the way i read that, rottenseed was talking to, and about, K0MMIE. not me.

i guess we all see what we want to, though.

and, if you're willing to provide some more useful and specific criticism, i'd happily accept it, Holmz. here, or in private, at your convenience.

i've only been active here 2 months. but i honestly didn't think anyone had a problem with TED clips, a couple funny commercials, some old TV intros, a single Ron Paul vid, and one cute sift.

pps. were this an isolated incident, with shroom, the way it was with TheSofaKing, three weeks back, dumping on blankfist?

that's how i'd handle shroom.

but this incident, is about as isolated, as Paris Hilton at a circle jerk.

which is a fucking shame, because TheSofaKing needed only the merest of prodding to see the error of his ways instantly.

thank you all again for your time, and attention, to keeping the sift the kind of place that you want it to be.

i will happily submit to the will of the Jedi Council.

- owen

First Male Engineer (30 Secs)

Outside In

Scorpion vs. Black Widow ~ Intense, sheesh!!!

8926 says...

I didn't like the video, but I enjoyed reading overcasts response.

"If I wanted to watch lower life forms crawl all over each other, I'd go download the Paris Hilton sex tape."

Ooh, very nice.

Scorpion vs. Black Widow ~ Intense, sheesh!!!

xxovercastxx says...

Wow, the signal to noise ratio on this debate is terrible. There's a couple statements here I was interested in replying to; some serious and some not so.

therealblankman...this is worse, barely passes the "no snuff videos" rule...hmmmmm...

You can't be serious. Not only does that video not show loss of human life, but there wasn't even any loss of life off-camera. That encounter wasn't planned for amusement, it was an event that unfolded naturally and just happened to be caught on film. The participants also had an important option that our arachnids here did not: run the fuck away.

Next fight should be Scorpion vs Brown Recluse

Brown recluse spiders are not aggressive and generally attempt to escape or hide from threats. That's why they call them recluse. No doubt you've seen photos of a necrotic brown recluse bite and somehow got the idea that they are vicious fighters. Bites rarely turn necrotic and when they do, it takes several days. Your proposed fight would be roughly equivalent to a Staffordshire bull terrier vs a mallard duck with avian flu. The dog might get sick and die later, but it's going to rip that duck to pieces.

Sorry for causing controversy

Controversy is nothing to be sorry about. All the best moments here start with some controversy. It's the quality, or lack thereof, of many of the posts that people should be sorry about.

It's called NATURE. If you can't handle it, then stay the fuck out of this channel. What next, are you going to bitch and cry about a video showing a lion taking down a zebra in Africa? "Oh, that's cruel!"

It's been called nature, yes, but I fail to see the natural aspect of a cage deathmatch. As I implied above, most animals will try to escape when faced with death. That's what you might call a natural reaction. The spider attempts to put distance between it and the scorpion a couple times, but it can't because it's trapped.

If anyone could understand humanity, it's a "military man." I guarantee I've seen and experienced WAY more shit than you ever will. I've seen shit that would make normal people gag, seen stuff that would give people nightmares for months, and experienced things that would warm the coldest of hearts all in one week.

MG, let me preface my actual statement. I do this because what I'm about to say may well offend you and that's not my intention, though it's probably unavoidable. I think I speak for the majority here, that I respect your sacrifices and service to our country. I also respect your opinions and acknowledge that if it weren't for people like you, we may not have the right to have opinions.

However, none of this places you above us. I realize that you've been brainwashed to believe that you are the ultimate form of human, but the only people who believe that are the other people who were brainwashed with you. In the past 10 years or so, I've known several people who've been in the corp. They've all come out with the same superiority mentality. We all know you've had unique experiences and have unique insights, but so has everyone. Stop trying to be everyone's drill sergeant and just have a discussion. You're not impressing anyone.

The sift will sift what it feels is appropriate or not. Since this video doesn't break any of those rules. It shall be...

I'm downvoting this, myself. I don't believe it breaks any of our rules, and it doesn't even particularly offend me, I just find it has no value. If I wanted to watch lower life forms crawl all over each other, I'd go download the Paris Hilton sex tape. This isn't an insightful look at nature, except maybe the nature of immature boys. It's not entertaining, funny, creative, educational or anything else I believe the sift seeks to represent.

Stop Big Media

Doc_M says...

It ain't easy to fill 24 freaking hours of news on 4+ networks with... news. People wanna hear stupid gossip about Paris Hilton. If there's one thing I respect talk radio hosts for, it's there willingness to say "I'm talking about this for ratings, but I really hate this pointless crap!" I've heard that at least 5 times this month alone.

Also, tabloid-style news is nothing new. Entertainment news has been around since long before I was born. Can someone tell me when the news was not "half about news and half about gossip?" Maybe back in the day when you had to walk-to-school-up-hill-both-ways-in-10-feet-of-snow-with-only-potato-skins-to-warm-your-hands-but

The major news media have become capitalist giants. As much as you may dislike them, do you really want the government to manage the media, even if it means breaking them up? Isn't that government controlling media? Just a thought.

Also, remember, your beloved Oberman is one of "them" ... mwahahahahaa.

(this post is half serious, but half a jab, so don't get your panties non-gender-specific-undergarments in a bunch)

btw, I haven't had cable for 3 years now... and I think I'm happier for it. Yay internet, netflix, and radio.

Panderfest 2008 - Democrats are panderers too


Constitutional_Patriot says...

"btw, I can't stand this show. "

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of either.. Olbermann covers a lot of garbage like whatsherneame... uhh.. oh yah - Paris Hilton and other nonsense which immediately lowered my view of him. I do however enjoy his special commentaries because they are good long winded diatribes and are usually spot on, but for the most part I dont' care for this type of show... and mass media is full of it (left and right).. it's rediculous and the mass media owners do this sort of thing on purpose.

I post some of his stories because they often point out things we should be infuriated about.. such as Gonzales (one of the major obstructioners of justice and partial dismantler of the US Constitution) obtaining an award for Lawyer of the year. I was absolutely shocked to see that one of the key investigators into voting fraud issues was fired and I think they "cleaned house" of the ones that didn't completely roll over and "play ball" with the Neocon agenda. It's pretty obvious.

His testimonies alone displays how much of a disgrace to his position of which is supposed to make judgements of unbiased political nature. The problem with the system of checks and balances regarding the Justice department is that this position is appointed by the Executive branch. It should be appointed by the legislative branch or by popular vote of the people of the United States of America - however there are serious issues of voting fraud. This is exactly why I'm infuriated with the firing of these attorneys and I'm surprized to hear responses such as deedub's regarding political moronic stooges like Gonzales... even moreso with Bush and Cheney. The amount of people that support such despots clearly displays how many people will eagerly sell out our rights, our liberties, our freedom and our Constitution (ironically all in the name of "freedom").

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
- Sinclair Lewis

Ron Paul: A Transfer of Wealth from the Poor to the Wealthy

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Trickle down = Golden shower. No thanks.

The problem with trickle down is the trickle. Sure, a couple of drops are bound fall on the unwashed masses, but most of it sits in stagnation.

Why not trickle up? If it's going to end up in Paris Hilton's bank account anyway, why not let me buy some groceries with it before it gets there?

Ron Paul: A Transfer of Wealth from the Poor to the Wealthy

snoozedoctor says...

Oh that it could be so simple. Currency is an abstraction. As Adam Smith said centuries ago, "the great wheel of circulation, (of currency), is altogether different from the goods which are circulated by means of it."
He was a trickle down man as well saying, "though the sole end which they (the rich) propose from the labours of all the thousands whom they employ, be the gratification of their own vain and insatiable desires, they divide with the poor the produce of all their improvements." In other words, the rich are selfish bastards, but they can't help but make other people money.
Just think about the trickle down from Paris Hilton alone. She's feeding a bunch of people.

Nymphomercial - A Monk Jumped Over a Wall

choggie says...

i don't even care if the IP is different, the tags here, resemble the ones on you tube enough, this kids prolly 13, sad fact of the matter is, creativity and intellect levels of most 25 year olds in the US anyhow, are at about the 13 yr old level.....
play game youtube girls myspace google ebay facebook youporn paris hilton britney spears jenna jameson

tags on you tube, not even Jenna Jameson....
"Trow the bum out!!!"


Fox Pr0n

flyingkitty67 says...

Could fox be doing it on propose? I mean it's fox. Also WHY DO PEOPLE THINK PARIS HILTON IS SEXY?! I mean come on. She has no boobs, she has no ass. she has a man's face... Is just becuase she's a hor? Will someone please tell me!

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