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Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

videosiftbannedme says...

Seems like Joe Wilson tried to hop on the "outburst" bandwagon so many of his party's supporters have used as of late. Rather than properly debate, let's yell. I'm glad his condemnation was swift and fierce from both sides. Political posturing to be sure, but at least condemned publicly.

EDD (Member Profile)

Witches burned alive in kenya

Lithic says...



I apologize for the outburst, but some situations just call for it.

Aliens Of The Deep - Mission To Europa

Crake says...

^I think they can do better than 1cm though, but it is impractical no matter what... the ice re-freezes around the cable, I would imagine, not to mention other weird forces (massive EM outbursts from Jupiter would probably get picked up by the upper part of the wire and disturb the signal/burn the circuitry, for instance).

And ULF-radio takes a lot of juice. Presumably the nuclear torpedo has an RTG at most.

Wire is the way to go, i think (and it seems there's a thin one in the video, although that may be my imagination).

Wire... or monoliths.

Best WoW Freakout Ever

Sagemind says...

I couldn't tell you if the setup was fake or not, but what I do know is that was a real Tantrum - I've got kids - My daughter could give this guy a run for his money and them some - You want a challenge, Have a 12 year old daughter!

Trust me, my daughter came out screaming and she's never stopped since!

That was so real (to me) I've been there.
And I don't think a young mind strung out on Digital Crack could control an outburst if cut off from the engaging world of Wow. Anyone who has played should agree it's tough to quit, now imagine a young, undeveloped mind grossly hooked. Every day he has played, every minute, every effort every hope, all the gear, everything, wiped out and deleted - what could be a year of his young life of brainwashing has been wiped out! - He freaked but it's up to the parent to pull the plug at this stage.

Day 1 on Chantix (Blog Entry by rottenseed)

rottenseed says...

^Hahaha you know what? I threw a wild tantrum in the office today...I wonder if it has already had that effect on me. Other than the fact that I work with douches and dipshits, I'd say that outburst was rather excessive even for a drama-queen such as myself.

Trier and Journalist have heated words over "Antichrist"

A10anis says...

The Director made the film:- A) to simply entertain the audience, or B)to try, subliminally, to re-establish belief in God in an increasingly Deist/Atheist western world. After all, if you have the existance of an Anti-Christ, the brainwashed Theists would argue, then Christ must also exist. I hope he made the film simply to entertain and, as such, i look forward to seeing it.
As for the reporter; maybe the film offended his religious beliefs, but whatever the cause of his unprofessional outburst, i would suggest he stops trying to be an impartial reporter, and becomes a prosecutiing attorney instead..

deputydog (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

you're such an angry little guy.. let the cool breeze blow through your hair, and repeat after me.. wooooooooooofrabbaaaaaaaa

and stop making such a big deal out of nothing

ignore list me and be free, i shouldn't have to tell you this

In reply to this comment by deputydog:
brilliant. as suspected, you're clearly an idiot. thanks for deleting my comments from your profile page too, it just clarifies the fact that you have no logical argument to put forward and realise that you'd be better off if the whole thing were buried.

i look forward to your next outburst.

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:

In reply to this comment by deputydog:
pretty much the response i expected. nice to see the nazi defense thrown in too, even though it's completely irrelevant. i couldn't give 2 hoots about your opinion, you can dislike whatever you want, but i give a shit when people like you start being abusive towards others, either whilst hiding behind an internet connection or otherwise. so you disagree with someone. doesn't mean you need to vocalise the fact in what seems (according to the vast majority of people - 100% with regards to your latest outburst) to be an aggresive way.

and how is posting a response on your profile page 'stooping'? surely it's better than airing the problem in the middle of a video's comment thread? and who did i advise to read it? you do realise your profile is open to read by anyone?

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
Hahahahaha! No problem boss hog. You've approached me all wrong. You're not interested in an answer or a reason, you just want to flame. I believe that makes us equal, in your eyes.

Are my opinions not allowed? I think that's how nazi germany started.

And you underestimate me sir, i do speak like that. I think you're being far too carebearesque in your judgement. Neither of those comments are particularly harsh nor insulting. One's steeped in sardony and the other is marinaded in hurt outrage for a quality comedy. However even i did not stoop to posting insults on a person's profile for their opinions. Nor advise someone else to read it and upvote it. But i'm ok with being the adult

So, judging by the up and down votes those comments have gotten (a degree of both), i shall ever remain willing to speak my mind when there is an outlet to do so!

I love you, you and people alike make this community diverse and give raise to many discussions that have expanded my mind for years.

In reply to this comment by deputydog:
what's your problem sweetcheeks? you can't get away with speaking like that in the real world so you release all that pent up anger on a fucking video aggregation website?

i'd suggest 4chan but i'm assuming you're already a regular.

In reply to this comment by 'big shot' dannym3141:
^ What part of you thought that was funny when you posted it?

In reply to this comment by 'furious' dannym3141:
^ Fuck off. Absolute trash.

deputydog (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...


In reply to this comment by deputydog:
pretty much the response i expected. nice to see the nazi defense thrown in too, even though it's completely irrelevant. i couldn't give 2 hoots about your opinion, you can dislike whatever you want, but i give a shit when people like you start being abusive towards others, either whilst hiding behind an internet connection or otherwise. so you disagree with someone. doesn't mean you need to vocalise the fact in what seems (according to the vast majority of people - 100% with regards to your latest outburst) to be an aggresive way.

and how is posting a response on your profile page 'stooping'? surely it's better than airing the problem in the middle of a video's comment thread? and who did i advise to read it? you do realise your profile is open to read by anyone?

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
Hahahahaha! No problem boss hog. You've approached me all wrong. You're not interested in an answer or a reason, you just want to flame. I believe that makes us equal, in your eyes.

Are my opinions not allowed? I think that's how nazi germany started.

And you underestimate me sir, i do speak like that. I think you're being far too carebearesque in your judgement. Neither of those comments are particularly harsh nor insulting. One's steeped in sardony and the other is marinaded in hurt outrage for a quality comedy. However even i did not stoop to posting insults on a person's profile for their opinions. Nor advise someone else to read it and upvote it. But i'm ok with being the adult

So, judging by the up and down votes those comments have gotten (a degree of both), i shall ever remain willing to speak my mind when there is an outlet to do so!

I love you, you and people alike make this community diverse and give raise to many discussions that have expanded my mind for years.

In reply to this comment by deputydog:
what's your problem sweetcheeks? you can't get away with speaking like that in the real world so you release all that pent up anger on a fucking video aggregation website?

i'd suggest 4chan but i'm assuming you're already a regular.

In reply to this comment by 'big shot' dannym3141:
^ What part of you thought that was funny when you posted it?

In reply to this comment by 'furious' dannym3141:
^ Fuck off. Absolute trash.

The best solo-guitar Bohemian Rhapsody you will ever hear

RhesusMonk says...

>> ^poolcleaner:
>> The key to getting away with wild office behavior is the same method used in high school to go from being an A student, getting yelled at by dad for getting an A-, to a C student, getting a "Well at least he passed" when you get a D: First, make people believe you are a crazy, yet still an effective worker -- this may take some time, maybe even up to a year, to achieve. Then slowly increase the loudness of your outbursts. If your coworkers give you annoyed looks, you've jumped the gun -- slow it down, work on erratic behavior, and always, ALWAYS have the ability to change your expression from insane grinning trouble maker to competent, psychologically sound cubicle occupant.
If you do it correctly, one day you'll be shouting at the top of your lungs and no one will care. Just another normal day at the office.

Dude, you're putting too much effort into this. I'm sure Mrs. Johnson wouldn't give a shit about much of anything you did, really, as long as you made sure to get the leaves out of the deep end.

The best solo-guitar Bohemian Rhapsody you will ever hear

poolcleaner says...

>> ^demon_ix:
If I had a lighter, it would be lit and moving repeatedly from left to right as my mouth was shouting "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" as loud as it could.
Being at work, however, I'll curb my enthusiasm to a simple upvote and this cheerful comment

I'm at work, I have a lighter and I am shouting "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO."

The key to getting away with wild office behavior is the same method used in high school to go from being an A student, getting yelled at by dad for getting an A-, to a C student, getting a "Well at least he passed" when you get a D: First, make people believe you are a crazy, yet still an effective worker -- this may take some time, maybe even up to a year, to achieve. Then slowly increase the loudness of your outbursts. If your coworkers give you annoyed looks, you've jumped the gun -- slow it down, work on erratic behavior, and always, ALWAYS have the ability to change your expression from insane grinning trouble maker to competent, psychologically sound cubicle occupant.

If you do it correctly, one day you'll be shouting at the top of your lungs and no one will care. Just another normal day at the office.

How to ruin your talk show career with one interview

blankfist says...

Not a dupe because this video has an interesting interview with the host juxtaposed with his uncontrollable outbursts on the *talkshow. This also has translated subtitles which makes it uncomfortable and twice as funny.


Siftquisition of Member UsesProzac (Siftquisition by burdturgler)

jonny says...

The comments under discussion here are public, not private, despite having been left on thepinky's profile. I and many others visit the "Recent Comments" page as much or more than any other page on the site. Last night, I happened to be tracking multiple discussions that way. And so I and others were forced to see the final blows between them unfold.

When I saw UsesProzac's comment, I was repulsed, even before clicking on the image link. Yes, I saw what the filename was in my status bar, but I clicked anyway because I half expected it to be something humorous - foolish me. But even leaving the image aside, much of the rest of the comment was a clear violation of the commenting guidelines. That UsesProzac would be unlikely to be able to carry out such a threat is irrelevant - the threat of physical violence is there nonetheless. I'm not going to play semantic games defining "wish", "will", etc. The intent of the comment is clear.

No doubt many people have written some pretty nasty things around here, myself included. Generally, though, such outbursts are followed by a redaction, an apology, or at least some admission that it was out of line (and possibly alcohol inspired). That's why I thought calling for this Siftquistion last night was hasty. Now that UsesProzac has responded and shown zero remorse for such statements, even defends them, I am inclined to change my vote. And I never vote for bans.

On the more general theme about free speech and monitoring of peoples' comments. Free speech has limits. You are not free to threaten others with physical violence, or try to intimidate and harass them. And if you don't want your comments monitored, what are you doing posting comments on a public internet forum? Seriously, monitoring others' comments is the only mechanism for keeping track of ongoing discussions.

When I first joined VS, calling someone out like this in public was pretty seriously frowned upon. It now seems encouraged. This is a very bad trend that will only lead to more strife. I think campion was right dag - this is the sort of thing that could be handled far more effectively with a little, you guessed it, authoritarianism. It's a great experiment you've got going here, but if you let it get out of control, the experiment will fail (cf. Stanford Prison experiment).

Norwegian kid banned from PS3 - drama ensues

spoco2 says...

I'm not even going to read the comments here, there'll be a huge debate on what makes good parenting and discipline etc. The main point is brought up in the post above mine/rychan ones.

There's no point debating smacking etc. when this just demonstrates what you don't do... which is pay attention to a tantrum.

End of story, ignore it, if they bring it to you put them in their room or somewhere else... but don't engage... it may take a while, but they give up through lack of interest and lack of any effect from their outbursts. It works with our kids... the more you engage on the tantrum the longer and worse it gets, the more you ignore it and carry on with other things, the quicker it stops.

Christian Bale (Wtf Talk Post)

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