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Fox's Shep Smith Argues In Favor Of Public Option

Xaielao says...

I think Shep keeps looking at his fellows at Fox News and is realizing they are becoming so hard core they are blind to simple facts. They hate Obama and their lack of power so much, they spew complete nonsense on a daily basis.

It started with his 'This is America. WE DO NOT FUCKING TORTURE!' outburst a few months ago. I really think he is looking for other work and he's good, I'm surprised they aren't trying to bring him in at CNN. I wouldn't be surprised if within the next year he leaves.

And I cant wait to hear his final words that day.

Roy Buchanan - Hey Joe

TheSofaKing says...

I absolutely love this clip. I love that it appears nobody in the audience in moving. No tapping feet, no bobbing heads... if not for the short outbursts of applause they sit completely still, as if they know they are watching something truly incredible. 7 of the best minutes on the Sift.

EDD (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Don't ever take a vacation again, edd!

Your conclusion is basically the same as mine. I made mistakes, sure, but this was not in any shape or form the right way to handle it. Flaming out is the coward's way out, slamming the door and flipping the bird to everyone on the way - I've never done that and I aspire to never do that in the future either.

I don't want to paint myself the sole victim here, because obviously I'm not, but I did try to contact both bea, ivy and ac and while ivy did talk to me she didn't want to talk about that, and the two others completely ignored me - so I had no idea what to think. (Clarification: This was before the thing exploded. I've talked to both ac and ivy now and I think we dredged through it quite enough. We're on friendly terms again, or as much as we can be.)

Anyway, I hope ac finds her way back here at some point in the future and I think that ivy is still around too. What happened, happened, and couldn't have happened in any other way.

Lord knows I'm gonna be real damn careful before considering anyone my friend again.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
what the fuck, mate?

I have to leave the Sift for some 2 weeks and it's a whole new Siftpocalypse all of a sudden. Honestly - last time I took more than a week off, 3/11 happened.

I just finished sorting through all the shit that hit the fan while I was away, and for what it's worth, while I did sometimes think you might have been obnoxious and balancing on the edge of what's appropriate and not in your convos, particularly with members that could be easily upset AND while a particular episode in your adventures in Texas appears to have been extremely ill-advised, the sudden outbursts in a_c's thread and the lack of communication that lead to that were, without a doubt, NOT an appropriate response to whatever you did or did not do.

Anyway, I'm very happy to see that you haven't left the site and continue sifting videos. I find it weird that so many experienced members just up and leave like that. I couldn't. If I ever felt like I didn't like the direction the place was going, I'd start talking about it before long.

And really, let's look at the bright side - at least there's a lesson for everybody involved in this.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

EDD says...

what the fuck, mate?

I have to leave the Sift for some 2 weeks and it's a whole new Siftpocalypse all of a sudden. Honestly - last time I took more than a week off, 3/11 happened.

I just finished sorting through all the shit that hit the fan while I was away, and for what it's worth, while I did sometimes think you might have been obnoxious and balancing on the edge of what's appropriate and not in your convos, particularly with members that could be easily upset AND while a particular episode in your adventures in Texas appears to have been extremely ill-advised, the sudden outbursts in a_c's thread and the lack of communication that lead to that were, without a doubt, NOT an appropriate response to whatever you did or did not do.

Anyway, I'm very happy to see that you haven't left the site and continue sifting videos. I find it weird that so many experienced members just up and leave like that. I couldn't. If I ever felt like I didn't like the direction the place was going, I'd start talking about it before long.

And really, let's look at the bright side - at least there's a lesson for everybody involved in this.

TDS: Apothecary Now

Raaagh says...

>> ^Rotty:
Keep flogging that DEAD horse.

No one gives a fuck about JW, its just indicative of the sillyness involved in the healthcare "debates". Thats the point TDS is highlighting.
Joe Wilsons's outburst is one of the many low points an a continuum of ludicrousness presented by the republicans.

>> ^Rotty:
Or, maybe get a fucking job.


Kanye West on Jay Leno apologizes about Taylor Swift

reiwan says...

With as many outbursts as he's had, theres still the question of if this was all a stunt. Part of me wants to think that it is based off his past MTV crap. But the other part wants to think he just has anger/emotion control issues and he does these things without thinking about it.

The apology seems sincere enough though... If all he wanted was to get people talking about him again, well he got that much.

This Place Has Been Amazing, But It's Time To Leave :) (History Talk Post)

inflatablevagina says...

I agree I should have taken up my personal beef with wiz privately. I apologize for this. I have also already apologized to Nicki. I made an error with emotions. So on behalf of.. well me... I extend my apologies to the people of the sift for my outburst.

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

phelixian says...

I think Kanye was suffering from ass-gyro-in-face-itis...... I certainly was after watching beyonce's video.

Ass-gyro-in-face-itis is known to cause fits of uncontrolled emotions and extreme outbursts of approval, as well as pants-dropping and lotion-using. We should be thankful only the first few symptoms reared their head.

Serena Williams Threatens To KILL Line Judge

entr0py says...

Here's a quote from the first news story that came up in a google search.

“I swear to God, If I could, I would take this f*****g ball and shove it down your f*****g throat,” Williams furiously screamed as she walked towards the line judge who was sitting just a few feet away. Williams kept coming at her, screaming profanities and began waiving her racket as if she intended to strike her with it.

After that, a visibly shaken-up line official was asked to report what Williams had said to her. As she was walking towards the chair umpire, Serena Williams went back for some more verbal abuse. According to what the line-official reported to the chair umpire, during her outburst Williams threatened to kill her.

I'm just saying, maybe she's taking shit too seriously. She's already got enough money to get her through several lifetimes. Just chill out and enjoy the tennising.

Obama Accepts Wilson's Apology

Truckchase says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
No apology needed. The would-be Emperor wears no clothes and it's long past time someone said it aloud.

You're discrediting all other arguments you make with comments like this QM. That sort of disrespectful outburst has no place in intelligent debate, and to think otherwise calls into question one's ability to use empathy as a tool to persuade others.

Nobody wins support for their views with disrespectful actions like that, they only serve to rally the most radical sect of others that share their minority viewpoint. Once you throw intelligent conversation out the window, the ultimate escalation point is violence. That comment was effectively a violent act from a desperate man, his desperation forced by his inability to properly express himself due to his limited intelligence.

Don't align yourself with that sort, you're only ultimately undermining your own arguments.

Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

marinara says...

Are you guys distinguishing between the fact that bill does not provide coverage for illegals, but also does not provide for fraud detection by illegals who file taxes? And if you are so horribly right, if this loophole doesn't exist.... WHY ARE THE SENATORS IN CHARGE OF THE BILL CLOSING THE LOOPHOLE?

I don't want to be flamed here, but things ain't exactly clear cut here, are they?

Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

Psychologic says...

To be fair, Wilson thinks our current system gives free medical care to illegal immigrants through emergency rooms since they can't be denied emergency service. He has supported a bill requiring hospitals to report illegal immigrants that receive treatment. It would also allow hospitals to refuse treatment if the illegal immigrant could be transported to their home country without significant chance of worsening their conditionon.

I think his objection is one of definition rather than one of reading ability. He sees emergency room visits for illegals as free medical treatment payed for by legal residents.

As far as the outburst, it was middle-school behavior. I'm glad people in each party disagreed with it, but I think an apology is fine as long as the behavior stops.

Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

NetRunner says...

Wilson has already apologized for the outburst.

Good on him for apologizing, but he kinda also needs to come clean about being the one who's being untruthful as well. All of the drafts of the bills have whole sections dedicated to ensuring illegal immigrants aren't covered.

Not that I think we should exclude them, but that's a whole other fight we can get into at a later time.

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