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Proof that American Voters are Morons (Politics Talk Post)

quantumushroom says...

You're not going to win converts by calling people communists.

Perhaps not, but I call it like I see it. There's no sense tip-toeing around peeps out to radically change America into fading europe via saul alinsky tactics.

I think perhaps you missed what was ironic about your comment. As far as I see it, the only reason you come here is to tell people they're idiots for not being conservatives.

What about cat videos? I rather believe I'm pointing out the follies of the left rather than singling out any particular sifter. Really dudes, do you think *I* am such a threat? The primary sifter demographic is left-wing militant atheists between ages 18 and 28. I harbor no illusions about the sift.

Granted, a lot of times you don't actually call people morons, just socialists, fascists, communists, marxists, bolsheviks, etc.

Well, writing 'Statist' all the time gets old, but that's really what we're talking about when we say "Progressive", isn't it? One who believes in social engineering via the State, at the low, low cost of individual liberty.

The thing is, I've just flat out never seen you try to treat anyone to your left with an ounce of respect.

I've had some fair discussions now and again with left-leaning sifters. The door is always open if peeps want to continue the discussion, but it's always going to be the same go-around. But it's OK to agree to disagree.

You don't have any when it comes to nationally known politicians and opinion makers, nor do you have any when it comes to the people here on Videosift.

Any popular politician or opinionist knows they're not going to be loved by everyone, nor do the smart ones much care. If you think I'm being too hard on maddow, stewart, franken, et al then take solace I find similar "arguments" against Limbaugh (drug addict!) or Palin (retarded) quite lame.

I'm sorry your personal experience wasn't up to snuff. Without looking at any past posts, I recall you as being somewhat hostile as well.

When you start the conversation with the kinds of hostility you often level at people here, they don't listen, they just shut down and get defensive.

I can't help it if they take things personally, and may I add this "charge" seems rather suspicious. Usually the "target" is in the video itself (olberman, maddow, maher, etc.) NOT other sifters.

This post wasn't meant to convince anyone of anything, just more of an outburst of exasperation and frustration, which is always a little more satisfying when done within earshot of other people.

Well, even in this thread I think I've made some good points (see Morgenthau above) and I'm not really around much these days. You've got a freakin' CROWN next to your handle and plenty of homies.

These are, unfortunately, interesting times. America remains a right-of-center nation with a 90% religious population. "Atheisift" (or "liberalsift") should welcome a little controversy.

If this will make you feel better:


Proof that American Voters are Morons (Politics Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Ironic? No. Iconic? Ha ha ha.
Didn't the American left learn anything from the soviet experiment?>> ^NetRunner:
>> ^quantumushroom:
You're not winning any converts by calling anyone morons.

That's probably the most ironic thing I think I've ever read.

You're not going to win converts by calling people communists.

I think perhaps you missed what was ironic about your comment. As far as I see it, the only reason you come here is to tell people they're idiots for not being conservatives.

Granted, a lot of times you don't actually call people morons, just socialists, fascists, communists, marxists, bolsheviks, etc.

The thing is, I've just flat out never seen you try to treat anyone to your left with an ounce of respect. You don't have any when it comes to nationally known politicians and opinion makers, nor do you have any when it comes to the people here on Videosift.

When you start the conversation with the kinds of hostility you often level at people here, they don't listen, they just shut down and get defensive.

This post wasn't meant to convince anyone of anything, just more of an outburst of exasperation and frustration, which is always a little more satisfying when done within earshot of other people.

Girlfriend deletes boyfriends WoW characters- rage ensues.

How Chimpanzees handle death (emotional response)

guymontage says...

Actually yellowc, if you follow the story more closely, you learn that the chimps, especially pansy's daughter, do not quickly forget.

Some time after, the large male seen greiving in this video has an outburst of aggressive displaying which the scientists attributed to either a last attempt evoke a response from the dead chimp or perhaps just an anger outburst over the loss.

More contrary to your point, is that it takes several weeks for the chimps seen here to return to normal behavior from being less active, social and eating less.

Girl tries to convert audience during graduation speech

dannym3141 says...

>> ^jbaber:

I am a practicing Christian and this kind of stuff embarasses me. The good done in the world by the church was done by humble non-glossolalial Christians. Not people having fits in public to get attention and feel righteous. I know the internet is full of unreflective knee-jerk atheists, but that doesn't make any random "Christian" outburst reasonable.
This self-propogating goofy caricature of my religion should not be confused with it. Christians' boss didn't give many direct commands. Here's one of them:

And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they
love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street
corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell
you, they have received their reward. But whenever you pray,
go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father
who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will
reward you.
Matt 6:5-6

Someone give this guy a cookie on me. This kind of christian is brilliant.

Girl tries to convert audience during graduation speech

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Great comment. I'd be a lot happier with Christians if more were actual followers of Christ.>> ^jbaber:

>> ^bobknight33:
Amen -- You go girl....

I am a practicing Christian and this kind of stuff embarasses me. The good done in the world by the church was done by humble non-glossolalial Christians. Not people having fits in public to get attention and feel righteous. I know the internet is full of unreflective knee-jerk atheists, but that doesn't make any random "Christian" outburst reasonable.
This self-propogating goofy caricature of my religion should not be confused with it. Christians' boss didn't give many direct commands. Here's one of them:

And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they
love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street
corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell
you, they have received their reward. But whenever you pray,
go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father
who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will
reward you.
Matt 6:5-6

Girl tries to convert audience during graduation speech

jbaber says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Amen -- You go girl....

I am a practicing Christian and this kind of stuff embarasses me. The good done in the world by the church was done by humble non-glossolalial Christians. Not people having fits in public to get attention and feel righteous. I know the internet is full of unreflective knee-jerk atheists, but that doesn't make any random "Christian" outburst reasonable.

This self-propogating goofy caricature of my religion should not be confused with it. Christians' boss didn't give many direct commands. Here's one of them:

And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they
love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street
corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell
you, they have received their reward. But whenever you pray,
go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father
who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will
reward you.
Matt 6:5-6

Ricky Gervais talks Stephen Merchant into doing a cartwheel

Shepard Smith strikes again! (Re:Bipartisan HC Summit)

Mr. Ballmer, would you sign my mac?

spoco2 says...

I cannot believe that The Age (the 'respectable' one of the Melbourne newspapers) actually labeled this an 'oddball outburst'.

How the hell was this anything other than taking a bit of provocation in his stride and signing his Mac? Bloody hell they'll label anything this man does as 'cooky' or 'zany' these days.

Personally I think this shows a better side of him than most things I've seen of him...

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

choggie says...

yer right man, yer never wrong-lifes' a hard lesson to learn, most folks don't survive their own included-I am only suffering myself and others because I love them-you'll make it
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Say it to him. He started the shit storm, I escalated it. I tried to end it, he prodded again. He is the one that is outrageously in the wrong here, not I.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
and the douchebag rears it's ugly head.Try putting a lid onnit, man-yer batting a thousand as it is-Just a friendly suggestion...Qualm and I have a few bumps and curves here, he's a decent are you when you aren't brown-nosing or showing your ass-work on yer people skills maybe??.. I did, and like most of life, it's a work in progress.
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Go rape your step-dad and repay the favor of taking your virginity at age 6. And the run along.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
So you give up then. OK. Run along...

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:

In reply to this comment by qualm:
Well, I'm sort of enjoying your grudge, so... can you keep hating me please, and just refrain from posting your violent rape fantasies and bizarre jibberish onto my profile page from now on?

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Oh whatever, you self-righteous, hypersensitive dingbat. I suggest that you don't bring anything up about me on this site again then, then I'll lay my grudge to rest.

You brought up a topic that I really don't like, completely unrelated to anything, which is why I got pissed at you and I still am, but if you just keep your damn nose to yourself, I see no reason why I can't just ignore you and live happily ever after.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
They were not simply "immature comments" that you left on my profile page, gwizz. They were bizarre, violent and of a sexual nature. I just glanced at them, but I saw the word "rape". There is nothing funny about rape, gwizz. Nothing whatsoever. I know that your very special Blankfist used to often casually joke about raping children here on Videosift - he finds that evil topic amusing, apparently - and it's starting to become obvious here that you sort of emulate him. Perhaps that is why you had such a strange outburst.

I see you'd like to just drop the whole matter. In that case I suggest that you stop writing on my profile page, and then my "differing opinions" will just disappear -- once you've deleted them, I mean.

Best of luck to you.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I left two immature comments in response to you bringing up that whole thing. I remember them well and they were quite considered. You took a shit on an exposed nerve, so I reacted. It wasn't particularly grown up, but there we go.

I've never posted stuff like that to her - my innuendo is rarely angry - and the stuff I did post to her were quite reciprocated. Hell, in the beginning she was as bad as I. I doubt you know that if you only heard the other side of the story. I liked AC, I really did, but she changed, and that's what drove her away. I want the old AC back, the cool one, not the one that rage-quit. But we can't all have what we want.

I deleted your comments, because I'd rather just move on. I think you acted bad and I responded with more bad actions, so I'm putting a stop to it from my end.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
Hey, you deleted my differing opinions!

No, you drove Alien Concept away. She was awesome, btw. Probably you posted comments to her profile page similar to the twisted stuff you recently posted to mine. Is this what you do when you don't agree with people? Do you even remember the atrocious comments regarding sexual violence you left on my page? Or were you blind drunk when you wrote them?

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
You started this attack, I only followed through. Bah, it's a waste of my time and energy to put any more effort into this.

I may have grown up, but you still have some to do since you only have name-calling left in you. I've not driven people away from this site, she drove herself away. If she must pin it on me, then bah.

If I had the ability to actually drive people away, there are a choice few who would be long, long gone.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
If leaving behind on my profile page a foul string of violent, threatening and insane sexual commentary, as you did, is what you call "differing opinions," then I can see why you worship that fool Blankfist. He used to do that too, when he'd get mad at me for disagreeing with him. Obviously I got under your skin, and that wasn't my intention. I was being quite sincere when I made note of the fact that you've seemed a little more mature lately, from the time, not too long ago, when one could rely on you, with 100% certainty, to post a dozen or more totally inane and puerile sexist comments per day.

As for my leaving, everybody knows you have a habit of driving people away from this site, creepy stalker guy:

Why Richard Dawkins Doesn't Debate Creationists

universalperception says...

They have different values ingrained into them, quite simply. But at the same time, if we are ever challenged especially in public about our ideas, we are inclined to defend them even if we believe on some level the evidence of the other side. It is a lot easier to give leeway for ideas that are already similar IE Creationists arguing with each other over biblical law, Atheists/Agnostics arguing whether evolution occurs gradually or in short bursts, but when two polarized ideas come together when would you want to give in to any, they are the "Arch Enemy" to each other.

But on another note, I have found a set of arguments to at least back down Christians I have been encountering who try to convert me. Mind you, the topic doesn't just change to conversion, it usually starts with a casual fear of uncertainty argument.

Their argument starts something like (Christian) : How do you know you will be alive tomorrow/next five minutes/a year/to see a loved one again? How do you know what will happen to you when you die?

Analysis: They are appealing to the need for certainty. Humanity generally wants to be certain in life about everything, uncertainty causes stress.

My response comes out something like (Im Agnostic BTW) : I don't know. How is one ever supposed to know. Why worry about it, there would be to many things to worry.

Their response (Christian) : With faith, you wouldn't have to worry. Faith is the answer. Faith allows us to be free from the burdens of worry.

(Usually theres additional talking points that they have but it comes down to that appeal to emotion for the need for certainty, anything said here would be considered their "evidence")

My general response (Agnostic) : There is always going to be uncertainty, to the degree that which it bothers people differs though. Some things you want to be more certain than others, I'm more inclined to worry about getting hit by a car crossing the street than a heart attack (I'm 20) but at the same time, I trust looking both ways to cross the street to be enough. I do have faith, just not the same faith you describe in a god, I have faith in myself that when I look both ways to cross a street and deem it to be safe, then it is safe. I have to trust that judgement.
Yes, it is true that not knowing can cause stress. But I do not need faith in a god in order to relieve it. I accept a degree of uncertainty in life as a part of life. But its not the answer for everyone, others need to have a faith in order to continue beyond the uncertainty, i'm just not one of them.

At this point only the most committed continue with arguments, others back down respectfully, I havn't had any emotional outbursts of "YOUR WRONG YOUR WRONG YOUR WRONG" but it could be because most of the encounters i've had were in public.

How To Be A Real Man

Don't Be A Jerk To Horses

sineral says...

Danny, the definition of indignant is "feeling or showing anger that was caused by something unjust". Yet, twice you call me indignant as though that undermines my point of view. Worse, the only emotion I expressed, in my last sentence, was disgust and not anger. My use of the word ignorant was not an expression of anger either, it was a measurement of lack of understanding. If the posters I was referring to knew the facts(which I attempted to analyse in my first paragraph) or had thought about it more before posting, they would not have cheered; thus, they cheered out of ignorance. That's a fact that is either right or wrong, but even if it's wrong it doesn't mean I'm acting out of anger.

"You enjoy getting outraged at people, i can tell."
I express no outrage. In fact, I think my post is rather calm, rational, and to the point. Your statement to the contrary is hyperbole and unfounded speculation.

Also, I never said I think the girl did nothing, I said there is no evidence of wrong doing. A lack of evidence may imply a lack of wrong doing, but even if we are completely unsure of whether or not the girl was in the wrong, everything in my post would still stand--it would still be completely wrong to cheer at her potentially getting seriously injured.

"Her hit ... really didn't need to be so hard."
How do you know it was that hard? The video starts with her hand practically already on the horse. The muscle shaking you see in the horse could easily be caused by the horse itself; they twitch their own muscles to shake flies off.

"I'd be pretty annoyed if someone hit me like that to get a fly on my back"
Perhaps you misunderstand when I say "fly"--I'm talking about horse flies. They are large, they live off blood like mosquitoes, and their bites can feel more like a bee sting than a mosquito bite.

"Her push was directly onto the horse's neck which as we all know is a very sensitive area... "
Hardly. First, while it's not exactly clear in the video, it looks more like she's pushing on the front of the right shoulder, not the neck. Second, a horse's neck is very muscular; a small girl pushing on it will not bother the horse. In fact, pushing back on the neck/chest is a common thing do when trying to back a horse up, into a trailer for instance. Everything you see the girl doing is absolutely typical of horse ownership. People will also use a horse's mane as a handle in the absence of a saddle and reins; horses are rather robust creatures.

"...over compensated with your prissy ... outburst..."
I don't think any of those words accurately describe my post.

I think my post was calm and concise, yet you accuse me of acting emotionally and in error. In the course of articulating your accusation, you employ baseless speculation, exaggeration, and name calling. I think maybe you have things backwards.

edit: removed a superfluous "not have" in the first paragraph.

Don't Be A Jerk To Horses

dannym3141 says...

>> ^sineral:
There's no evidence in this video that the girl did anything wrong. At the very start of the video it looks like she's slapping a fly on the horse--people with horses do that. Then it looks like she's trying to get the horse to back up--also something that people with horses occasionally want them to do. Just because an animal attacks a person doesn't mean the person did anything wrong; horses in particular can be moody and some of them just like to bite. Biting her like it did, the horse could have caused serious injury to her neck or head.
Last time I checked, life was not a sporting event, and the concerns of humans outweighed the concerns of animals. Cheering when an animal mauls a human(a child in this case even!) is ignorant and disgusting.

Oh mr. indignant. Just because you think the girl did nothing doesn't mean she did nothing! You enjoy getting outraged at people, i can tell.

If you are small, you should be extra careful to treat large powerful animals with respect. Something this girl's parents should have taught her. Her hit, while perhaps 'to get a fly' really didn't need to be so hard. I'd be pretty annoyed if someone hit me like that to get a fly on my back. Her push was directly onto the horse's neck which as we all know is a very sensitive area for all living animals because it houses the throat and the brain's blood supply, and it genuinely looked to me like the horse was reacting to that aggression towards its own throat.

You got indignant and over compensated with your prissy little outburst reaction, and that's just as foolish as cheering when you may not know the full story. You're right. Life is not a sporting event. And when a human considers itself so aloof to the situation of the animals which they tame, when a human underestimates and mistreats the animal, the animal is going to react, and you have no right to complain - because life's not a sporting event, you fucked up and ate the consequences. Our concerns outweigh theirs, but that's no reason to mistreat them.

Looks to me like just desserts for the little girl.

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