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Guns with History

bremnet says...

Congratulations. You've managed to capture the entire diversity of the US by visiting several times and not get shot or had a gun pointed at you. This is like forming an opinion about whether sharks will bite humans after you've laid on the beach once or twice and have never been bitten. Searching for some relevance here... and ... nope, none.

Agreed, if your gun is in a traditional safe, it's not much good when the burglars or home invasion psychos kick in your front door at 2 a.m. Jim Jeffries is indeed a funny guy, but like many who don't understand what "for protection" means to some homeowners here in the US, you might want to cite a bit more credible source or at least educate yourself.

Thanks to biometric safes and locking devices, it is quite easy to have a secured gun in a safe at arms reach, accessible to only one person, that can be unsecured, ready to fire in about 4 seconds. I know this to be true, because I have such a setup, and we practice what to do when the home alarm goes off just like we practice fire drills.

The distressing part is I absolutely hate having to be in such a situation. I'm no cowboy and this isn't the wild west, but when families around me are having their doors kicked in in the middle of the night by armed thugs, or having one or two fuckheads follow them up the driveway for an easy push-in robbery accompanied by beatings, shootings, molestation and sometimes killing, I decided that there would be no way I could live with myself if something tragic ever happened to my family at the hands of these nut jobs, knowing I might have been able to do something to stop it. And no, one can't relay on the local police to take care of these crimes. Around here, even with a top notch alarm system in the house that goes directly to dispatch, the cops usually arrive to clean up the blood and take statements, and almost never in time to stop the crime or catch the criminals.

Do you have house, car, fire or life insurance? Sure, but you hope you'll never have to use it. So, what's so unbelievable about a gun for protection? What do you suggest? You appear to think it's silly to state it's for protection... so does one simply relying on hope, faith or good luck in never having to witness your wife or child being duct taped to a chair while criminals rummage through your house, or having their head kicked in or bloodied on the end of a baseball bat?

Just a suggestions, but try to spend some time as an actual resident in a country before you pretend to understand it, consider yourself fortunate that you don't live in such a situation, and for fucks sake stop with the snide, morally superior judgement of those who do. If you can muster that, on a guess that you might be from NZ but really don't know, I'll stop telling everyone that Kiwi's really do fuck sheep, especially on National Lamb Day when it's a competition rather than just a hobby.

Have fun.

ChaosEngine said:

It always amazes me whenever someone says they want a gun "for protection".

The U.S. is not the wild west anymore; I've been there several times and no one shot me, shot at me or even pointed a gun at me.

In NZ, if you want to buy a gun, you have to apply for a firearms license. If you don't have mental illness or a criminal record, you then state your reason for applying:
Hunting? Sweet, get some venison!
Target shooting? Awesome, have fun on the range!
Protection? Licence denied. We're all good without amateur idiots running around being paranoid.

Because of this, if you have a gun it is legally required to be secured in a gun safe. As Jim Jeffries puts it, a gun in a gun safe isn't much good if you want it for "protection"

A song being denied airtime in Britain

eric3579 says...

When I got to the party
They gave me a 40
And I must have been thirsty
'Cuz I drank it so quickly

When I got to the bedroom
There was somebody waiting
And it isn't my fault
That the barbarian raped me

When I went to get tested
I brought along my best friend
Melissa Mahoney
who had once been molested
And she knew how to get there
She knew all the nurses
They were all really friendly
But the test came up positive

I've seen better days
But I don't care
Oh I just sent a letter in the mail

When I got my abortion
I brought along my boyfriend
We got there an hour
Before the appointment
And outside the building
Were all these annoying fundamentalist Christians
We tried to ignore them

I've had better days
But I don't care
Oasis got my letter in the mail

(Up-Beat Break)

When vacation was over
The word was all over
That I was a crack whore
Melissa had told them
And do now we're not talking
Except we have tickets to see 'Blue in October'
And I think we're still going

I've seen better days
But I don't care
Oh I just got a letter in the mail
Oasis and a photograph
It's autographed and everything
Melissa's gonna wet herself I swear

You have no right to remain silent in Henrico County.

newtboy says...

1. Was he filming people's children at a playground? No, he was filming adult public servants in public. Please stop coming up with red herrings that have nothing to do with this situation, it just shows you know you have no leg to stand on with your argument.

2.God damn right I'll protect you if you're attacked for just filming people in a public place. Are you the kind of person who would see someone attacked by a crazed mob and just walk away?! I'm not.
And yes, I'll stand up and support your right to be acting legally and reasonably in a public place, and I'll even put in for your defense fund for a portion of the enormous settlement you'll get from the city.
Now, if you wear a trench coat and nothing else and act like a child molester while you do it, handing out lollypops and asking the kids to accompany you to the men's room, I'll think you're getting attacked for looking/acting like a child molester, not the filming, then you're on your own.

Daldain said:

I could provoke a reaction by filming a playground with strangers kids playing it, would you feel 100% comfortable with me exercising that right? Would you protect me when the parents rightly abuse me? How about when the police officer asks me to move on?

Cops doing good deeds

enoch says...

the common misconception by our lantern is that because we become outraged and incensed over the actions of bad cops being..well..bad,we do not have the capacity to understand that there are far more GOOD cops performing their duties with honor and conviction.

this is not only insulting and is dishonest.

while i can understand lanterns desire to defend his chosen profession,being motivated by his own,personal understandings.i cannot understand his almost knee-jerk reactions to criticisms when they are warranted and that somehow all of us harbor this incredibly small and narrow view of police officers.that we do not have the capacity to realize that not all cops are bad,violent,thuggish brutes.

what lantern fails to realize,possibly because he is so close to the situation,is WHY we become so outraged.
police wield immense power over ordinary citizens.they hold in their pocket the power and authority of the state.most cops are aware of this and act accordingly,with honor and integrity,the statistics bear this out.

so when a cop over-reaches said authority,or performs acts of violence against an unarmed citizen,or lies about his actions to avoid the consequences (be they malicious or accidental).

it really pisses us off.

the argument is still:power vs powerlessness.
or in many cases with police over-reach:power vs the vulnerable.

think about it this way lantern:
if a grown man abuses or molests a child,that man is vilified and condemned by society.hell,they KILL men like that in prison!


because it is a total abuse of power and authority,perpetrated upon the innocent and vulnerable.this act is viewed by society as to be so venal and grotesque as to warrant the most harshest of punishments.

that young child trusted the adult to protect keep them from harm.that adult betrayed that trust.

we even,in this society,blame the other adults in the situation for not interceding,because we view the protection of the vulnerable as everyones duty,and to abdicate that duty makes you complicit and henceforth....guilty.

now i am not saying that police are child molesters.
what i AM saying is that to abuse the power and authority of your station upon the innocent and vulnerable is the exact same betrayal of trust.

which is why we become outraged.

you also seem to miss why we become outraged at the supposed good cops looking the other way when bad cops break the law.basically you are the complicit housewife who allowed her baby to be share in the guilt,even though you did not perpetrate the offense,you allowed it to go unpunished.

choices have consequences and standing up and taking responsibility for those choices is the cornerstone of not only being a man but a decent human being.yet time and time again we see bad cops lying,creating false evidence,even having other cops as co-conspirators in their fabrications,all to avoid the consequences of their actions.

this is NOT what men do.
this is what children do and it is up to the parent to correct this devious,weak and irresponsible behavior.a parents job is to teach their offspring accountability.that their actions will have consequences...sometimes dire..and to accept those consequences like a man.

so when we see bad cops being irresponsible and suffering zero consequences..

it pisses us off.

and when we see you defend these bad cops.trying to perform mental gymnastics to abdicate bad policing,we take you to task.

yes yes...
we all know good cops can make a mistake.
that there are mitigating circumstances and that we were not there.some cops become so distraught over a single mistake that they may leave the force,or tragically,take their own life.

we all understand this and it is not we take issue with.
we take issue with the coward who will not take responsibility.
we take issue with the lying.
we take issue with the systematic refusal of a "justice" system which allows these bad cops to abuse their authority with impunity.
we take issue with the brutish and thuggish behavior.
we take issue with the unnecessary violence.

we are full aware that there are some fantastic cops out there,but we call out the bad cops for being bad.

and you should as well.
because they besmirch the very profession you are employed in and their behavior tarnishes the reputation of the job you perform with honor and integrity.

all good cops should be calling to the carpet every cop that over-steps his authority,abuses his power,perpetrates violence for no other reason than to be violent.if you guys did that we would have far less youtube videos revealing the subtle rot in your institution.(not so subtle anymore,thank you camera phones!).

we realize that these bad cops do not represent you lantern,so do not feel the urge to defend every single cop video.those bad cops can own their actions...if they had any balls,which they do not.

stop defending these pussies.
they are performing their duties poorly.they are making your job not only harder but less safe and they leave a stain on the job you love (at least i think you love it).

just stop.
and realize we totally understand and that we wont stop calling bad cops out for being bad.

/end rant


Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

FlowersInHisHair says...

Bob, it's been said a million times: you don't get your morality from your religion. If you did, there are all sorts of immoral acts that the Bible advocates (that you no doubt find repellent) that you would think is OK. The very fact that you have a conscience that tells you that slavery is wrong, even when you read it endorsed in both Old and New Testaments, should be enough to prove it. But I'm sure you'll find some way to wiggle out of that.

And why do you constantly equate gay people with paedophiles? Nobody is advocating in favour of child molestation. Consent is everything. 12 year olds cannot cannot give consent (neither can animals) so your bringing up the "born this way" argument is a red herring. 12 year olds were getting married 150 years ago? We know better now.

bobknight33 said:

You don't " know" jack. You were told right from wrong.

Just because of men of GOD trip and fall does not mean that the bible should be discarded.

So when society finds it OK to be gay and when it becomes acceptable to have relations with children, you will have no moral standard to stand on.

Just wait for a child molester or rapist to claim " I was born this way".
Or will you just sit back and say yea, ok he was born that way. It ok to rape my 12 year old. no problem What if the 12 year old gave consent? You can't stand behind some old obscure law. 12 year old were getting married 150 years ago so why not now. Its ok.

You want America to be just like Sodom and Gomorrah?

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

ChaosEngine says...

No, the bible is fucked up all on its own.

That its adherents have made it worse is no surprise, when your moral code comes from a book that endorses slavery, rape, xenophobia, child sacrifice, genocide, war, homophobia, torture.

Oh and 12 year olds getting married? Oh look, religion endorsed that too.

And there's a reasonable argument to be made that rapists and child molesters were "born that way" in that they may have serious mental issues. That doesn't excuse them acting on it, but one day with enough study, we might be able to identify and treat them before it becomes an issue.

bobknight33 said:

You don't " know" jack. You were told right from wrong.

Just because of men of GOD trip and fall does not mean that the bible should be discarded.

So when society finds it OK to be gay and when it becomes acceptable to have relations with children, you will have no moral standard to stand on.

Just wait for a child molester or rapist to claim " I was born this way".
Or will you just sit back and say yea, ok he was born that way. It ok to rape my 12 year old. no problem What if the 12 year old gave consent? You can't stand behind some old obscure law. 12 year old were getting married 150 years ago so why not now. Its ok.

You want America to be just like Sodom and Gomorrah?

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

bobknight33 says...

You don't " know" jack. You were told right from wrong.

Just because of men of GOD trip and fall does not mean that the bible should be discarded.

So when society finds it OK to be gay and when it becomes acceptable to have relations with children, you will have no moral standard to stand on.

Just wait for a child molester or rapist to claim " I was born this way".
Or will you just sit back and say yea, ok he was born that way. It ok to rape my 12 year old. no problem What if the 12 year old gave consent? You can't stand behind some old obscure law. 12 year old were getting married 150 years ago so why not now. Its ok.

You want America to be just like Sodom and Gomorrah?

JustSaying said:

See, here's the difference between you and me: you need to be told but I have to know.
While you march wherever you religious leader tells you to ("Looking at those horrible gays! And pay no attention to the man behind the curtain or what he does with the altarboy."), I just ask myself how I'd feel if somebody treated me like I treat others. It's call empathy.
Of course you don't need that, you have somebody to tell you when it's ok to stone someone to death or how to treat your slaves. I actually have to think about that, consider my actions and try to understand how their consequences affect others. Sometimes I even have to be reminded I am an asshole and have to deal with the fallout of making the wrong choices but you don't have to fear that. You have a book that is several hundert years old written by various people who lived at a time where a Walkman would've been considered witchcraft. And since it has been translated and edited a couple of times, it got only better, especially in the expanded universe fan-fiction edition that you consider canon today. How dare those heathens to question you?
It must be great if everything is so clear cut, so black (phew, nearly typed a nasty word...) and white. I actually have to fear backlash if I mistreat the human beings around me. You on the other hand only have to fear that a man (of course, a man), who really, really loves you, condemns you to eternal torture because you kissed a boy and liked it.
You and your damned, old book. Your standard of morality is no better than that of the Quran.
I have to know I did the right thing, you just need to be told you did good. That's the difference between our morality. That's the difference between relying on your faith or relying on your humanity. That's why I refuse to tell a gay kid it's broken and needs fixing or strapping a bomb to my chest, because that shit is wrong and I just know it. No matter what somebody like you tells me.
Get the fuck out with your claims of morality and go clean your temple from the child molesters.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

JustSaying says...

See, here's the difference between you and me: you need to be told but I have to know.
While you march wherever you religious leader tells you to ("Looking at those horrible gays! And pay no attention to the man behind the curtain or what he does with the altarboy."), I just ask myself how I'd feel if somebody treated me like I treat others. It's call empathy.
Of course you don't need that, you have somebody to tell you when it's ok to stone someone to death or how to treat your slaves. I actually have to think about that, consider my actions and try to understand how their consequences affect others. Sometimes I even have to be reminded I am an asshole and have to deal with the fallout of making the wrong choices but you don't have to fear that. You have a book that is several hundert years old written by various people who lived at a time where a Walkman would've been considered witchcraft. And since it has been translated and edited a couple of times, it got only better, especially in the expanded universe fan-fiction edition that you consider canon today. How dare those heathens to question you?
It must be great if everything is so clear cut, so black (phew, nearly typed a nasty word...) and white. I actually have to fear backlash if I mistreat the human beings around me. You on the other hand only have to fear that a man (of course, a man), who really, really loves you, condemns you to eternal torture because you kissed a boy and liked it.
You and your damned, old book. Your standard of morality is no better than that of the Quran.
I have to know I did the right thing, you just need to be told you did good. That's the difference between our morality. That's the difference between relying on your faith or relying on your humanity. That's why I refuse to tell a gay kid it's broken and needs fixing or strapping a bomb to my chest, because that shit is wrong and I just know it. No matter what somebody like you tells me.
Get the fuck out with your claims of morality and go clean your temple from the child molesters.

bobknight33 said:

Without Christianity you loose a standard on morality in which all morality is defined by oneself. Unless you desire to replace it with Hindu or Buddha or Muslim.

Since you are a firm believer of debauchery you would desire to pick none of the above and go with self determined morality.

suggest you read "The Myth Behind "Separation of Church and State""

The "wall of separation between church and state" phrase as understood by Jefferson was never meant to exclude people of faith from influencing and shaping government.

Real Time with Bill Maher: The Duggars

newtboy says...

What seems mostly overlooked in this is, the molester has, for years, made his living by insisting that gay people are molesters and should be shunned and not have the rights heterosexual people do.
How can we still be fooled by these people? When a person demonizes another group and tries to deny them rights due to a behavior, invariably that person is 'guilty' of the offence they complain about.

Secondly, isn't having more than two children really a crime against the planet? In my eyes, too many people is the root reason for every problem the planet faces today, making 19+ more is criminally selfish and should be punished severly. I think the Chinese had it right with one family one child, and we have it 100% backwards by giving tax breaks for having more children.

Lion feels earth & grass beneath his feet for the 1st time!

JustSaying says...

You realise the Freddy was burned alive because he's a child molester? And then came back from the dead to turn into a giant, teen-hunting cockworm.
He's pretty much the Anti-MC Hammer.

Fairbs said:

Less touching for you Freddy. Go hang out with your buddy Edward instead.

Louis CK Probably won't be Invited back to SNL after this

GenjiKilpatrick says...

But also, you're a racist.

And a cop.

At least you're not molesting anyone, I hope.

Maybe that's the common ground @kevingrr was talking about

But then again, you're totally racist which is kinda like molesting every non-white person you meet, so..

Iunno, just a reminder.

lantern53 said:


Now time to go look for a video which will explain your low-functioning intellect lol

WTF Cops?! - Two Racist Texts and a Lie

newtboy says...

?! Did he say that?! I missed some of it, so I really am asking. If HE said that's true, I'll take his word. What I said about his admitting he's mildly racist' above he actually said himself.
EDIT: Oh, I see now @heropsycho, you were just being smarmy and stupidly least I hope...because if you were serious with that, you can't be very smart.
Because he talked about others being molesters doesn't make him one...because he talks about himself BEING racist, he is one.
Because you pretend your level of racism doesn't make you at all racist just makes you a yourself.

heropsycho said:

I guess he's also slightly child molest-y?

WTF Cops?! - Two Racist Texts and a Lie

Payphone, What's A Payphone?

poolcleaner says...

The Kryptonian Mind Raper, standard issue personal retcon. It's like an emp blastwave except that it gives everyone within a mile radius crippling anxiety and false memories of rape and/or molestation.

Now Superman can change wherever he likes and no one is gonna say shit. Just slinging his super dickery dock around whenever and where ever he pleases without fear. Like dad after the midlife crisis.

The sight of Superman causes the afflicted to obey all commands, urinate uncontrollably, and even with 100 years of therapy and behavioral analysis, they will NEVER betray his most secreted lifestyle as Clark Kent, mild mannered asexual prick.

It's really an awful technology but it's either that or Superman has to be Superman all the time. Or he has to locate a photobooth or retro arcade with the Jurassic Park machine -- Para Paradise might work, but he would have to mask his intent by flapping his arms around wildly.

AeroMechanical said:

It just occurred to me, where does Clark Kent change into Superman these days? Maybe he's got an app.

Unreal Engine 4 Kite Open World Cinematic

00Scud00 says...

I was expecting a child molesting dragon. I think the kite should have finally ended up taking a nosedive into a kite eating tree. At the end we see the kid staring up into the tree and simply saying "Rats".

lucky760 said:

When he got into the cave I was expecting him to find a child molester or something along those lines.

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