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Woman calls 911 for help, is accused of DUI and Groped

newtboy says...

Not a law, but the rule because of incidents just like this.
I'll stick with TSA standards which forbid open palming a breast...because of incidents like this.

Can they legally ignore these 'rules'? Sure, but it leaves them wide open for a lawsuit, and public opinion is not on the officer's side anymore. Will he go down for molestation, probably not. Will she win her lawsuit, probably.

aaronfr said:

actually, there is no law requiring that a female officer be present or conduct a search of this type. If the search required the female suspect to remove anything beyond a coat, headwear, gloves, or footwear, than a female officer should conduct it as this is considered a strip search. However, a basic pat-down (which was being conducted in this video) can be carried out by a male officer to a female suspect.

Should he have used the back of his hand? Possibly. It's a good practice but once again not a specific regulation that officers have to follow. The back of the hand would not have been effective for the area of the body he was attempting to search. Perhaps he could have used the edge of his hand along the pinkie side. Regardless, there was nothing improper in his search methods, it just wasn't following best practices.

The real travesty here is the use of field sobriety tests being used/manipulated to wrongfully arrest a woman who called for help.

Woman calls 911 for help, is accused of DUI and Groped

newtboy says...

WTF?!? They still do field sobriety tests without a breathalyzer to back them up? That's moronic. They could supply the entire force with two breathalyzers each for what this one bad arrest is going to cost us.
....and WTF 2.0....
Aren't they supposed to have female officers search women. That was not a normal search either, you don't open palm the breast and rotate, that's copping a feel, not searching. Proper search method is to use the back of the hand across the under side of the breast, and maybe a pat to the middle/top if it's possible there's something hidden, not a grab and rotate.

She's going to get paid, no matter what the cops say. All her attorney has to do is ask the jury 'what if that was your wife, mother, daughter being molested over someone else's mistake?' They won't have to leave the court room to deliberate. Sadly, the cops don't seem like they'll learn a thing.

TSA Humiliates Denise Albert, Breast Cancer Patient

The Sinister Reason Weed is Illegal

Pogo: Trumpular (brilliant Trump song and dance)

newtboy says...

I still don't get how people have been duped into thinking he's not an insider. He had both Clintons at his wedding, and dozens of congressmen on his payroll, and has been pretty clear that he buys politicians often. That makes him the quintessential insider and the cause of corruption in our government.
It's like they're hiring a serial child molester as a daycare operator with the theory that he knows all about molesting children, so he's the best person to spot and stop it'. What!?!

Man Arrested & Punched for Sitting on Mom's Front Porch

Mordhaus says...

I disagree. Police are not supposed to be our masters, we are not supposed to bow and scrape before them in the hopes we don't get sent to the stocks (or worse). Police are simply supposed to enforce the laws that we, as a society, have decided that we all should follow.

The problem is, we have allowed the police to become more than that through our own lack of care and mismanagement. A policeman should have to undergo more rigorous training and background checks, mental and physical, than any other service we provide to ourselves. Instead we pay them about the same as teachers and we let bullies into the system. We also allow people with significant evidence that they should never have positions of authority due to mental issues to become police. We do not rigorously punish the bad cops, nor prevent them from seeking work elsewhere, leading to the same type of thing that led to catholic molesters being shuffled about to molest again.

As far as police fearing others, can we finally say that the number of police fatalities are far less than the the ones inflicted by police? Yes, we have many guns in the USA, but the few times I recall of a police person being killed by one seem to revolve around them experiencing a retaliation style attack when you would least expect it (and not on a call), or when they are alone and on a remote call location. Yet most of these controversial police shootings of suspects seem to happen when they are in a group of officers with weapons drawn, which I would consider far less of a jumpy situation than being alone on a highway. If I am an officer, with multiple other officers nearby, I have weapons on the suspect (taser or otherwise), why am I more worried than if I am alone with a suspect? It simply doesn't make sense.

Finally, referring back to your resisting comment, have we not seen lately that you can still be shot while doing absolutely no resisting? One man was laying on the ground, hands in the air, while telling a mentally ill patient of his not to do anything that would get him shot, and the man on the ground got shot. Here in Austin we had a mentally ill man running naked in the street and he was shot and killed versus being tasered or taken down. The use of force, and the extremity of it, have not been shown to be merited. So if you can be shot and killed for not resisting, or simply not understanding the commands in the short time you are given to do so, what can we do? Should we carry a pair of handcuffs and a taser so we can pre-apply these items and give the cops less to fear?

bareboards2 said:

The cop had every opportunity to check with Charlie. Another safety issue for the cops? Going to a house they don't know? In that neighborhood?

And crappy as it is, he was resisting. Don't yell at a cop. Even when they are dead wrong. Just don't. Unfortunately that is just the way it is. Life isn't fair. And I know it is on top of hundreds of years of unfairness. And still. Tug your forelock, look at the ground, seethe inside. And you don't get arrested.

"You can't do that." Yes, unfortunately they can.

Did you hear what the female officer said at the very end? She told a fellow officer to "watch your back" when a car pulled up. Why? Because they might have a gun. These officers do live in fear for their own lives -- because we insist on "second amendment rights" and our streets are flooded with guns.

And does anyone think that the female officer was in the wrong here? She tried to calm everything down. She had no control over the cop who freaked when he thought the scary black man was calling on his friends to show up. And she resigned, lost her job, lost her income. I think she did the best she could under the circumstances.

The Good Ole Days! Make America Great Again

bobknight33 says...

Trump stands for better woman's rights that Clinton, who defends her husbands raping / molesting women.

Have to down vote on general principle.

If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans

transmorpher says...

The the vegan ideology is: to not exploit any animals unnecessarily.

It doesn't matter if someone or something is not aware that it's being exploited, it still is wrong. If I steal money from you, and you never find out, does that make it OK? If you tranquilize a person and molest them so that they'll never know, does that make it OK? Of course not.

Also you can't really exploit plants, since most of them have evolved to be eaten as part of their reproductive cycle.

You are right though, there are definitely some blurred lines in some areas.

Mordhaus said:

I don't consider the chemical reactions of plants to be the same. I said that 'even' plants have a response to negative stimuli. Animals have instinct, a response coded into their DNA, that allows them to respond to negative stimuli. Does that make them a fully sentient being, capable of self-awareness and logical thought? No, it doesn't.

Do insects have rational thought? Do clams or lobster have rational thought? If your entire goal is to avoid (formerly) living matter that can respond to negative stimuli, then why draw the line at plants? Do you really believe that a sea urchin has more capability of self-awareness than a head of lettuce?

This is the fallacy of logic that lies at the core of vegan ideology. Vegans say "I will eat this item because it doesn't understand pain!" when there are, in fact, many life forms that do not understand pain beyond a stimulus reaction.

A brief history of America and Cuba

MilkmanDan says...

Very, very interesting -- thanks for the sift!

I'd love to see more, specifically about the US / Cuba talks and the Pope's involvement. As an atheist, I tend to think of Catholicism / the Pope / organized religion in general as generally having a primarily negative influence on world affairs (Crusades, Inquisition, birth control, anti-condoms, molestation, homophobia, etc.), but negotiating peace and better relations between the US and Cuba is a pretty undeniably positive thing.

I knew Latin American countries were highly Catholic, but I kinda figured that some of the USSR anti-religious stance would have rubbed off on Cuba. I guess maybe it did, but the missile crisis and fall of the Berlin wall / end of the cold war was long enough ago that Cuba has greater freedom to make up their own minds on this sort of thing.

Enough so that perhaps the Pope's involvement was necessary, or at least very helpful, to act as a mediator between the two sides. Props where props are due.

Anyway, all quite interesting.

Burger King Employee Pranked To Break Windows

newtboy says...

Jobs that pay minimum wage are (at least according to most who oppose higher minimum wages) supposed to be for the brain dead, lazy, and/or 'the shunned' (like child molesters that can't get any other kind of job, no matter what their skill set).
Jobs that require more than average intelligence should absolutely pay better than minimum wage. Intelligence is a valuable (and rare) commodity.

iaui said:

Lol. Being paid a living wage shouldn't have anything to do with intelligence.

Pig vs Cookie

eoe says...

As I said to @newtboy sometime ago in a similar(ish) conversation, I appreciate your responses. It's nice to talk to someone not just spitting bile (which you'd do less if you ate a plant-based whole food diet ).

Those 'multiple phases of science' saying some food was good or bad at various times of your life is mostly the lobbyists and corporations making smoke screens. It's been known for decades that a plant-based whole food diet is protective against the #1 killer in the Western world. Again, it's the same as the tobacco companies. When the science disagrees with you, you cause a confusion smokescreen so people say exactly what you just said. And evidently it worked -- until the last few years when the internet and a handful of movies and books have started making it very clear what's going on. If you have a short attention span, I suggest you watch just a few 5-min videos on NutritionFacts. The guy is funny and has videos about just about everything in nutrition. And he takes everything from the newest studies. He also has a great book that came out recently, How Not to Die which is a fun read considering it's a diet science book.

Re: personal choice -- I understand you annoyance at being belittled by vegetarians/vegans, but you have to understand that we don't see it as a "personal choice". We see it as a moral one. Why is it not a "personal choice" to molest children? What if someone likes to molest children? It doesn't matter because, morally, you should not. And you're causing harm to another. The question is why are animals not allowed inside our moral-consideration-circle. Why are they excluded?

I personally think that vegetarians are hypocrites if they're doing it for moral reasons alone. You could argue that meat is murder, but dairy is torture. But, you gotta take whatever steps you need to get there. It's hard, I know. Giving up dairy was really hard.

My argument usually isn't about sentience. It's about choices. Why cause harm to something you don't need to just for your pleasure when there are literally better alternatives? We do, indeed, have to eat, so I eat the lowest form on the food chain that I can to survive. They just also luckily happen to be the most nutritious.

Mordhaus said:

It makes sense that we would process plants somewhat better than meat, as meat in a survival situation is hard to come by compared to vegetation. However, it cannot be denied that we evolved as omnivores and still are such barring a personal choice.

A plant based diet may be more healthy for you, I don't care to argue the science of it. I would note that science, at least in regards to our diets, continually changes. I went through multiple phases of science saying that a certain substance (alcohol, chocolate, eggs, butter, etc) was bad, only to reverse the decision as time went on and further studies were done. I don't say that as an excuse or to deny which diet is best, simply that we have a long way to go in determining what is best for one of us versus another.

My complaint about vegans is that they usually slam anyone who doesn't choose to be vegan over their choices. I've had many vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian friends tell me that the food I choose to eat is sentient. Where do we draw the line on sentience, I usually ask them? For a vegan that seems to mean on any non-plant product, even honey. A vegetarian might choose to drink milk or eat cheese, since nothing is being killed. A pescatarian obviously thinks fish are the cutoff for sentience. But if we are going to cut to the nitty gritty, insects that most any scientist would agree have no idea of what is going on other than an instinct to perform a set series of actions are consumed in mass quantities for their protein. Worms, insects, crabs and lobsters don't even have the pain transmitting chemicals that allow a creature to feel pain. Of course, they do react to stimuli, but so do plants.

Basically we all individually make a determination as to what we consider to be truly sentient and able to understand the far reaching concepts of death and pain. Some people draw the line at plants, others at lower level life forms, but in the end it all comes down to what you believe.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Judge Dismisses Case Of Cop Molesting A Little Girl

Mordhaus says...

The problem with this is not so much the child's testimony. The problem is that the girl was molested, physically confirmed by the hospital, and there was evidence that the police official burned her clothing/diaper after the fact. If the offender had not been a former high ranking official, but instead just a regular person, then the circumstantial evidence would be sufficient to continue the case.

The judge did order the defendant to stand trial for a much lesser charge of lewd molestation. Clearly this was a case where the buddy system came into effect. Corruption exists even now in the legal system, but I had hoped that it had changed in the years since I had an issue with it.

When I was just turned 17, many years ago, I was dumb enough to help a friend retrieve a deer he had illegally shot. He was not strong enough to pick it up into his truck. I wasn't a hunter, so I didn't take into account that he might have broken the law. In any case, we were both arrested after he tried to flee the scene in the truck and outrun the game warden. When we went to trial, I was shocked to learn that I was being charged with the poaching of the deer and fleeing the police, both misdemeanors with high fines, and my friend was only charged with crossing the center line and speeding (in his flight attempt). My PD told me to take a plea and get reduced fines, so I did. My friend got even less in the way of fines and only traffic violations on his record. After the fact, when I got him alone and beat the crap out of him, he told me that his dad was a coffee buddy of the precinct judge and that was why he skated on the charges.

It is these types of situations that make it necessary for courts to be monitored by another method then just appellate courts, especially since most cases that appear before the higher courts are denied out of hand the majority of the time to avoid setting precedents.

draak13 said:

I find cenk and his crew difficult to listen to, but I watched long enough to listen to the actual 'meat' of their discussion (the first 20 seconds of video). They stated that the judge threw it out because the kid was unable to describe in detail what had happened. They then went on to describe how a kid that young might have a hard time testifying, and for the rest of the 12 minutes of video (I assume) added as much knowledge to the matter as any other group of people sitting around drinking beer.

IF cenk and his crew, the judge, the lawyers, or anybody in that courtroom had taken introductory level psychology in college (and I think they must have!), they would know that kids are the most unreliable witnesses possible. Their testimony should absolutely not be used as credible, because they will say whatever nonsense. For whatever deficiency anyone's college had in basic human psychology, if anyone had the computer skills to go to WIKIPEDIA, all of this could have been avoided:

With all the access people have to knowledge these days, the most tragic part is that nobody involved in this thought to actually verify their laymen ideas. The critical thinking skills displayed here is in high disproportion to the level of education.

marc maron-no safe spaces for men anymore

artician jokingly says...

@enoch I believe him! you are!

Though truly, something like this happened to me as well, but it wasn't this confrontational, and it was totally my fault. I was taking photos of a bunch of kids playing in the park. It was during a community concert, in the daytime, where my partner was playing in the band. It was great, lots of action, good lighting, fun times, etc. One of the parents just approached me at one point and chatted to me a bit, which I realized later was probably a family representative making first contact with a potential threat to the community.

Ha ha! Prison-sentence: Avoided!

As a 'friend of the band' I usually volunteered to photograph their concerts, which probably helped get me off the hook. Regardless, the atmosphere was such, and those moments were so timeless, that it just didn't feel wrong.

(which is *totally* what a molester would say!)

Payback said:'re kinda sketchy to begin with.

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