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Congress Under Armed Attack Live Stream

vil says...

Nice summary, Newt! My thoughts exactly.

The police seems to favour a bunch of (probably armed) hysterical Karens shouting incoherent nonsense over people who actually have reasons to protest and a clear reasonable agenda. Hockey mums shouting at the referee without understanding the rules.

The only slightly face-saving moment was the guy in Pelosis office writing a message and leaving her cell phone on the table instead of dropping his pants and defecating on it. It is possible that these people will yet come through to realize that no, once again, this is not the end of the world that their prophet is calling for.

Trump thinks this is a reality show and anything goes. Theatrical tactics to make it look like he was cheated out of a big win. Also always backs out of everything he says - not his fault this time either?

Security agencies from top to bottom made to look stupid and weak and slow to react. Look at how many police cars are there, how many policemen in fancy dress. It takes hours to control a few hundred Karens who could have been expected from the moment the president called for a march on the Capitol.

What shall you do with a president who calls for a march on the Capitol?

Edit: just found out there had been violent clashes on Tuesday already - what happened yesterday was either incredible incompetence bordering on mental retardation, or a purposeful extension of Trumps narrative. That the police favour Trump so they let the Trump mob storm the building is a nice scenario for some conspiracy theories of our own now :-)

lucky760 (Member Profile)


Lessons from 2,000+ Interviews with Broken People

BSR says...

I'm not sure "coddled" is the right word. I believe there are very deep reasons why bob is the way he is. One reason is I believe he loves his family and his friends. I also believe he is looking for real answers for the conflict in his life.

He wants something but he doesn't know what it is. This becomes a problem for him for which he has no answer. In his effort to find the answer to his problem, the only thing he can do is pass his problem onto others and see if they can give him the answers he is looking for.

My comment to bob that started this conversation was to illustrate the hypocrisy in his quote. My comment to him were HIS own words. Although the quote is a good one it can be looked at in two ways. Was it a light that just turned on for him or was it a message to the people who give him shit for his beliefs?

I don't hate bob. I also know he is in a deep hole where there seems to be no way out. I think bob also knows, deep down, that I would never hold anything against him because he is in tough spot.

He knows what good is but, he has to protect those he loves. He can't turn on his friends and family.

I think the real reason bob sticks around here is because he may find the answer he's been looking for. I think that day may come for him.

As far as lowering myself, sometimes you really need to reach deep.


Thank you @StukaFox. For me, Christmas is every day.

StukaFox said:

"(...) I wonder why you believe he should he be coddled?"

- I'm not saying he should be coddled anymore than anyone else here. He did something humane and cool, and that's what everyone here has been asking him to do (each in their own way; mea culpa etc), but instead of saying "hey, that was really a cool video. Thanks.", it was time to take shots at him. I make no secret of where my feelings are on him, his politics and the world at large, but I also feel that cool things should be rewarded, especially in this case and in this place and at this time.

"Are you saying he doesn't follow the golden rule, to treat others as you would have them treat you? I thought disingenuous discussions dripping with disrespect was what he wants."

- Congratulations, then, you just gave him everything he wanted and lowered yourself in the processes. It's not for others to follow the Golden Rule, the point is you're the one who's supposed to live by it even if others don't. If you blame him for not being the bigger man, you should at least try to be that man himself.

Christ knows there'll be enough ugliness for everyone involved the other 364.

FWIW, Merry Christmas to you, BSR, all the fun and raucous people who make Sift a daily view -- and that includes Bob.

19-Year-Old TikToker Realizes She Lost Her Sense of Taste

robbersdog49 says...

That's not what she says at all. It was the thing that alerted her to the fact that she has the virus so it's something she talks about. And I'm sure it's a pretty jarring symptom. But to think that means it's the only thing that's worrying her is not justified. I'm sure she's worried about all sorts of things. She's reacting properly, got tested, she's isolating.

She's doing everything right and putting the message out there for others to do the same. Why did you feel the need to take her out of context to try to belittle her?

Khufu said:

Oh wow, for her to say she's really starting to feel the gravity of what Covid means because she can't taste her damn chocolate peanut butter cups does not say a lot about kid's awareness at that age.

CIA - The American governments terroist organization

cloudballoon says...

Thing is, any American - be it Republican or Democrat-leaning - think that powerful countries/block of concern (i.e. the EU, Russia or then USSR, China, Japan, etc.) DON'T want to influence US presidential politics is a bloody fool. The US *IS* the #1 meddler of world politics by far, both overtly and covertly. And the US is not shy of using any means necessary: military, economic, culturally, sanctions, covert-ops. So what right does the US have to ask those countries NOT to do the same?

External meddling should be EXPECTED. Is foolish not to. To say there's no external meddling is to lie to its people.

To focus on external meddling is to lose focus. So it's up to the parties to work their political messages to counteract those noise. That how you win elections.

eric3579 said:

When i hear Americans and American government officials bitching and moaning regarding other government meddling in America and around the world, i think of these things.

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

newtboy says...

Oh no.....say it ain't so.....

A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations, according to three officials briefed on the investigation and a statement from a House congressional committee.

Richard Hopkins’s claim that a postmaster in Erie, Pa., instructed postal workers to backdate ballots mailed after Election Day was cited by Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) in a letter to the Justice Department calling for a federal investigation. Attorney General William P. Barr subsequently authorized federal prosecutors to open probes into credible allegations of voting irregularities and fraud, a reversal of long-standing Justice Department policy.

But on Monday, Hopkins, 32, told investigators from the U.S. Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General that the allegations were not true, and he signed an affidavit recanting his claims, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe an ongoing investigation. Democrats on the House Oversight Committee tweeted late Tuesday that the “whistleblower completely RECANTED.”

Hopkins did not respond to messages seeking comment.

This liar was cited in numerous Trump lawsuits as the best most direct evidence of fraud....they've got nothing.

Surprise surprise surprise. 🤦‍♂️

Edit: and more "evidence" turns out to be fake....a video claiming to show poll workers stuffing a ballot box turned out to be in Russia. At what point can we bar the Republicans and Trump from filing more lawsuits? After 20 frivolous lawsuits using fake evidence? We are past that point. Even these cost money to try, how about they pay 100% of court costs up front for any future cases? They're broke, so that would end the farce.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Affidavit alleging many laws broken in Detroit:

Backdating ballots, election workers urging people to vote for Biden or democrats, double votes being counted.

Trump: Biden Will "listen to the scientists"

Khufu says...

for many evangelical christians, science is seen as a sad secular attempt to make sense of god's creation and is actually viewed as the antithesis of christianity. Sooo, for his base this message made perfect sense. The odd thing is they can be very intelligent and still believe this is the case. It's not bound by logic.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol, more trumpets lies caught and shut much for your "I'm black and I'm voting for Trump" scam. Twitter just tossed all their accounts because, surprise surprise, they weren't actually black people, they were trolls and bots set up to push a ridiculous scam message that black people love trump and you should too.

It's looking possible for dems to take 10 Senate seats, and the Republican party will just evaporate in failure like everyone who's ever gotten into bed with Trump. ROTFLMAHS!

Sorry sunshine.....not really sorry though.

Guy has a truly horrible airport experience

newtboy says...

And they think they deserve ANOTHER multi billion dollar handout/bailout from taxpayers, another socialist handout for free, no strings attached at all, but won't commit to upgrading service or even keeping employees employed (considering their competence level, that's reasonable, a monkey on meth would do better).

Same story at United. Fly Southwest.

If one of these customer service crews was just found at the ticketing desk torn limb from limb by hand, customer service would improve instantly. A carry on bag full of sodas makes a great weapon, and drawing and quartering sends one hell of a message....just saying.

Just a side note, while airports screech at you to social distance every thirty seconds, airplanes are flying at capacity with zero possibility of any social distancing, instead you're forced to have physical contact with other passengers. Don't fly during pandemics unless it's absolutely necessary.

Shopping While Black in Beverly Hills

Mordhaus says...

Here in Austin, when Covid isn't around, you can go downtown to the campus area and see almost everyone jaywalking. I've even come close to hitting a few idiots that had their face buried in their phone and stepped out almost in front of me while I was doing 30.

Like you said, it's never enforced unless the cops want to either send a message or want an excuse to do a 'stop and search'.

kir_mokum said:

i mean, both experience are absolutely ridiculous and indicative of how broken policing in the US is. j-walking is one of those laws that's only enforced so as to fuck with people.

Shopping While Black in Beverly Hills

newtboy says...

Dude....when you just got harassed like that for a minor infraction, don't drive away while filming yourself, which is a serious dangerous crime akin to driving drunk.

I was stopped as a mohawked teenager in Palo Alto for being "suspicious" by taking two minutes to drop my girlfriend off at her house, and ten minutes later across town I was surrounded by 11-12 cop cars, lights on, and 18+- police who detained me for 45 minutes but had nothing to charge me with. Compared to that, this seemed benign (don't get me wrong, I see this as a blatant racist action, the message being "you don't belong here, boy", but I expected much worse).

Joe Biden On Masks: ‘Not About Being A Tough Guy,’

newtboy says...

Of the near 210000 deaths, >181000 would have been saved, never infected, if everyone had worn masks and the "lockdown" was actually implemented two weeks earlier and was followed.

Trump's "nothing burger" claims and "wear a mask if you want, or not" and slow reactions, lack of concern, complaints about states that did lockdown, and contradictory messages directly caused >90% of all cases and deaths according to the CDC before he removed the real scientists and replaced them with Trump spokesmen who only repeat Trump, not science or facts. Politicizing the CDC is criminal.

Now, if Trump hadn't defunded and disbanded the international pandemic team Obama put in place, the virus likely wouldn't have made it out of China, making all deaths on American soil direct results of Trump's insecurity and inability to lead. Had he used the pandemic plan Obama left that they ignored and claimed didn't exist through June, America might have had a few cases, but not an epidemic. Trump's idiocy, his 80 IQ that seems genius to your ilk, caused it. It's poetic justice it's likely to take him down.

Btw, dumb shit, non n95 masks don't protect the users, they just help control the spread. Not a bit surprised you don't understand....but 3rd graders can.

Side might notice, Trump is on a huge cocktail of drugs, vitamins, and anti viral medications, but not hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine. Why not, @bobknight33? He's pushed it for months as a perfect cure, but won't take it himself. Don't tell me he lied about it's efficacy and safety!
Also, his doctors admitted he's been on them for 72 hours as of Sat morning, so they've known he's infected since Wednesday morning but he still handed out maga caps with bare hands at rallies and pressed the flesh indoors with his major donors during the most infectious period of his infection. He didn't care if he infected all of

bobknight33 said:

Of the 6 Million nicked by Covid and 200K dead how many wore masks?

makach (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

I think you can use a proxy server on the web to change your country. I have a VPN which allows me to do the same thing.

Nothing you could have done with this video as the message made it seem like it was dead and not just region blocked.

makach said:

thanks. frustrating, is there a way to check region before I declare them dead?

Doc Rivers

surfingyt says...

There's also a number of 3rd-party voters that will be voting "the lessor of two evils" this election. These videos help ease their minds too.

When Trump loses this election by a very wide margin it will send a huge message to those in charge and those who lost.

newtboy said:

My take is it's for people who were Republicans before the party lost it's mind. I know many who say they didn't leave the Republican party, it left them. They need to be reminded of how God awful Trump is on every topic so they can palate voting for a Democrat, even a middle of the road Democrat like Biden is hard for them to swallow, but better than Trump.

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