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dannym3141 (Member Profile)

enoch says...

there doesnt seem to be anything to discuss further.
you found my apology insincere and i found your last comment on my post loaded and just itching to have a go.
i dont think anything positive can come of you?
we have never had a problem before i dont see any reason to start one now based solely on misunderstanding each other.
i respect a man who recognizes that.
peace brother.

TYT: American Cancer Society Refuses Money from Atheists

shinyblurry says...

The "anonymous" suggestion is a fair point. But that's the way that people donate to charity these days. Are you two prepared to say that about everyone else who donates and wants to see their name on the list? That everyone who doesn't donate anonymously is doing it for political reasons? I could understand how someone who donated, even if they didn't think about their name in print, would be upset if they got a call that said, "Sorry, but because of your beliefs, we can't put you on a pedestal like we do with every single other donor that contributes."

Well, the reason the FBB was donating was to be listed as one of the teams on the "relay for life" program. That's what they were turned down for. Not only that, but they used to whole thing to garner publicity. So I am not feeling too much sympathy for them at this point.

I agree that the reason many people/organizations who donate large amounts of money is specifically to get on those lists. So yes, I am prepared to say that many on those lists are doing so for political reasons. Perhaps not all of them, but I would say probably the majority.

We may live in a society where those with religious beliefs might feel that things are going downhill. But by and large, the majority of America is still very uncomfortable with Atheism. Something like 70% of Americans believe that Christ is the savior in one way or another. And most of the rest are still religious. So I think it's understandable that atheists feel the need to stick up for themselves. Especially in situations like this, where they can show that they still care for their fellow human beings, regardless of anyone's beliefs.

Well, I think the problem that most believers have is that the stated goal of many atheists and atheists organizations is to remove religion from the public sphere or irradicate it entirely. The mouthpieces for the New Atheism say in no uncertain terms that people who have faith are pinheads and that religion is the worst thing to ever happen. It's certainly not a live and let live kind of attitude that is being promoted as representing atheism.

Shiny! What a coincidence that I am just recently becoming acquainted with the first few verses of Matthew!

Ahh, but I don't believe in coincidence.

Someone was passing around a picture of this giant mega-church the other day that was all sparkles and spot-lights and looked like the bridge to the Starship Enterprise. Anyway, I found this reference to Matthew 6:6 and was very surprised by the fact that people don't seem to recognize it in their lives.

Yes, and sadly, that is just scratching the surface. The bible for many seems to be book of allegory, filled with mere suggestions on how to live our lives, rather than the direct commands of God. That's why you'll find Christians in bars, Christians smoking weed, and Christians cheating on their taxes. More than that, false doctrine has invaded the church. A very popular one right now is the "Health, wealth and prosperity" gospel, which teaches that God only wants you to be rich, and people who are poor and suffering just don't have enough faith.

Now, I understand that proselytizing and praying are two different things. So I'm not telling you to shut up. But the idea that praying should be done in secret, according to the bible, is something that I find remarkable given the televangelist America that we live in. And obviously, if people truly cared, they would apply that same idea to charity as well. Unfortunately, as QM said above, everything seems to be political, even praying.

That is the thing, that it is all being done for show. It is not about salvation, or sanctification; it is about sterling and silver. This is what is truly harmful, that the public face of Christianity is so far astray from the true teachings of the bible. Light years away from it in fact. The airwaves are saturated with false teachers, who proclaim that God is the great ATM in the sky, and if you only send in some money He'll give you the pin number. They are wolves in sheeps clothing, preaching a man-centered doctrine, to tickle the itching ears of people who seek out teachers who will tell them what they want to hear. "No, you don't need to change! God loves you the way you are!" The bible is not so kind to such people:

Galatians 1:8

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.

Just out of curiosity, do you have a favorite version/translation of the bible? Because even simple things like the verses we're discussing seem to be changed around quite a bit. I especially love the ones that read Matthew 6:6 as: "Go into your closet to pray."

haha, yes..some of these translations are very poor/strange. I prefer the ESV, it is probably the best modern literal translation. The KJV can be a good supplement, because although it used less accurate manuscripts, its archaic language preserved some of the meaning that the more modern translations may have glossed over. is a good site for comparing verses. Here's a good sermon on Matthew 6:5-6

>> ^Ryjkyj:
The "anonymous" suggestion is a fair point. But that's the way that people donate to charity these days. Are you two prepared to say that about everyone else who donates and wants to see their name on the list? That everyone who doesn't donate anonymously is doing it for political reasons? I could understand how someone who donated, even if they didn't think about their name in print, would be upset if they got a call that said, "Sorry, but because of your beliefs, we can't put you on a pedestal like we do with every single other donor that contributes."
We may live in a society where those with religious beliefs might feel that things are going downhill. But by and large, the majority of America is still very uncomfortable with Atheism. Something like 70% of Americans believe that Christ is the savior in one way or another. And most of the rest are still religious. So I think it's understandable that atheists feel the need to stick up for themselves. Especially in situations like this, where they can show that they still care for their fellow human beings, regardless of anyone's beliefs.
>> ^quantumushroom:
I don't pretend to know the atheists' true motives, but everything is political. Everything. This arrangement sucks and I wish it were not so, but it is. An anonymous donation would've been more apropos if the highest goal was really helping the charity versus branding positive atheism.
As we both know, that doesn't hold true online. Why, we may be the only two peeps online now who even admit to not having all the answers!

Shiny! What a coincidence that I am just recently becoming acquainted with the first few verses of Matthew!
Someone was passing around a picture of this giant mega-church the other day that was all sparkles and spot-lights and looked like the bridge to the Starship Enterprise. Anyway, I found this reference to Matthew 6:6 and was very surprised by the fact that people don't seem to recognize it in their lives.
Now, I understand that proselytizing and praying are two different things. So I'm not telling you to shut up. But the idea that praying should be done in secret, according to the bible, is something that I find remarkable given the televangelist America that we live in. And obviously, if people truly cared, they would apply that same idea to charity as well. Unfortunately, as QM said above, everything seems to be political, even praying.
Just out of curiosity, do you have a favorite version/translation of the bible? Because even simple things like the verses we're discussing seem to be changed around quite a bit. I especially love the ones that read Matthew 6:6 as: "Go into your closet to pray." <IMG class=smiley src="">
>> ^shinyblurry:
If they were humble, and this really was about helping cancer patients, they would have given the donation anonymously. Clearly for the atheists this was more about having a feather in their cap than helping people. Reminds me of this verse:
Matthew 6:2-3
Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3

jmd says...

>> ^NetRunner:

I'm starting to feel like Yahtzee is a bad reviewer of games.

Yahtzee is as much a games reviewer as the waynes brothers were movie critics in Living Color. They focused less on details (unless it was called for) and made funny comparisons instead.

And as an avid long time gamer, I DO miss the old days! I am itching to get into the new Tribes 4 game, and would love to see a new Unreal Tournament! Halflife 2 part 3 on the other hand, maybe if valve picked up one of the new cutting edge engines then yes, please. But the source engine is really dated for a standered shooter. I only accepted it in portal because portal wasn't a shooter.

Kirsten Schaal on The Daily Show - Big Mouth Billie Vagina

marbles says...

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^marbles:
>> ^spoco2:
Ha! She really got him with that last comment...
Where's marbles to arc up about vaccines then?

When you've got liberals quoting Rush Limbaugh as the authority, then you know something is seriously fucked up.

OR, if everyone INCLUDING Limbaugh admits that there is ZERO evidence for the claims then you know the claims are utter bullshit.

Ok pal. Gardasil contains aluminum, polysorbate 80 and sodium borate.

aluminum: Toxic. Linked to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Can cause memory loss and speech problems. Linked to a wide variety of other health problems. Side effects and severe allergic reactions include rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, nausea, slow reflexes, and vomiting.

polysorbate 80: Carcinogenic as well as mutagenic. When injected into prepubescent rats, it caused abnormal growth of reproductive organs and made the rats sterile. When used intravenously with vitamins it has been known to cause anaphylactic shock.

sodium borate: Roach pesticide, i.e. poison. Listed side effects include: vomiting, collapse, coma, convulsions, low blood pressure and twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs, and feet.

According to VAERS – the following reports have been listed for HPV, HPV2 & HPV 4 and "mental disorders." This is an estimated 1 to 10% of the vaccine-injured population reporting:

    VAERS Analysis / HPV, HPV2, HPV4 – U.S. & Foreign / HPV4 U.S. Only

  1. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / 21 / 7
  2. Encephalitis / 53 / 27
  3. Demyelination / 60 / 28
  4. Psychotic Disorder / 14 / 5
  5. Abnormal Behaviour / 49 / 41
  6. Cognitive Disorder / 22 / 19
  7. Mental Status Changes / 41 / 38
  8. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging Brain Abnormal / 132 / 95
  9. Speech Disorder / 90 / 67
  10. Myelitis Transverse / 30 / 21
  11. Facial Palsy / 138 / 105

But hey, the government and big business says it's perfectly safe, so all those victims are probably just full of shit.


Cave Spider Hiding Itself - Surprisingly Cute

Cave Spider Hiding Itself - Surprisingly Cute

Cave Spider Hiding Itself - Surprisingly Cute

Taylor Swifts Wardrobe Malfunction

The Most Aggressive Defense Of Teachers You’ll Hear

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

At what point in this video does he do that?

End of the video. "I make a difference. What about you?" Implying the slimy lawyer doesn't make a difference, but the teacher does. The guy had a chip on his shoulder, and the hypothetical lawyer may have knocked it off but it was already there and there wasn't anything the guy said he wasn't itching to say - including the disparagment of lawyers joke. An easy target, and perhaps a valid one but nonetheless a hypocritical one.

Since that isn't happening...Pennypacker is lying

I see - so since the ENTIRE workforce isn't trying to be teachers that means that teachers don't make a decent living? This is typical neoliberal logic - which is to say - epic failure.

I didn't say teachers made so much money that everyone should be drooling over the prospect of being one. I said they made a decent living. I did say that teachers DO make a better living than quite a few professional jobs that pay less in total wages and benefits - including some attorneys. The image that teachers are penniless, unfairly compensated, toe-rags of society is the only lie here.

I am not saying teachers are not worth compensation. They have a hard job, and have to deal with a ton of crap. There are plenty of great teachers out there who really do the kind of God's Work that the guy in this vid is crowing about. But does that mean every teacher should be paid $250,000 a year plus benefits? Heck no.

The implication some of you have is "We'd get better teachers if we only PAID them more..." Bologna. Teacher pay has been increasing for years and teacher quality hasn't improved one iota because of it. If teaching was a $250K annual gig then you'd start getting worse teachers - not better ones.

Top 10 worst Christian song covers

Ron Paul & Barney Frank Introduce Law to Legalize Marijuana

MarineGunrock says...

Sorry. Sometimes I just get caught in the heat of the moment. >> ^blankfist:

>> ^MarineGunrock:
Ugh, you must be gay. I can tell because your cock tastes like shit.>> ^blankfist:
>> ^MarineGunrock:
@blankfist: I feel the need to point out that this does NOT legalize it.

And I feel the need to point out that my dick is in your mouth right now, jarhead. Would you mind scratching your chin? My balls itch.

So, I was fucking you in the ass and then you reached back and grabbed my balls and I was all like, "Whoa! Dude, what are you, gay?"

Ron Paul & Barney Frank Introduce Law to Legalize Marijuana

blankfist says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

Ugh, you must be gay. I can tell because your cock tastes like shit.>> ^blankfist:
>> ^MarineGunrock:
@blankfist: I feel the need to point out that this does NOT legalize it.

And I feel the need to point out that my dick is in your mouth right now, jarhead. Would you mind scratching your chin? My balls itch.

So, I was fucking you in the ass and then you reached back and grabbed my balls and I was all like, "Whoa! Dude, what are you, gay?"

Ron Paul & Barney Frank Introduce Law to Legalize Marijuana

Ron Paul & Barney Frank Introduce Law to Legalize Marijuana

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