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7 LIES You Were Taught At School

Sciency stuff about the American kilogram - Veritasium

ravioli says...

In Canada, we like to mix up both systems. We get our weather temperatures in Celcius , but we prefer our pool temperatures in Fahrenheit. Construction plans are laid out in millimeters, but materials are sold in inches (thank you USA). So, we have to be bilingual in units as well, eh.

Navy SEAL on real martial arts

A refrigerator that works by stretching rubber bands

The Fern That Cooled the Planet

How to Argue - Induction & Abduction

Why the suspended monorail failed

ravioli says...

A subway system is very expensive to build and they are all over the world. Also, subway lines are single lined, so when a failure occurs, the whole line, or a full section between two nodes is halted.

There is an interesting project in Quebec to develop a kind of intercity high-speed monorail system :
it is said to be cheaper than a high speed train. It would use shuttles and be installed above the expressway.

We want more monorails!

Bill Nye - 5 Things You Need to Know About Climate Change

ravioli says...

I wish the world community of scientists would say " f*ck that shit", unite and create an underground society to secretly infiltrate governments and eventually take control of everything.

The Real Reason Jaywalking Is A Crime

The Ingenious Design of the Aluminum Beverage Can

The Ingenious Design of the Aluminum Beverage Can

Incredibly precise archer ... in slow motion

Here's Everything You Wanted To Know About Steaks

ravioli says...

I checked and apparently red meat is made from cow muscles. wow, who knew???

artician said:

Right... how the FUCK, can you claim to have a "Steaks 101" video without showing where the hell they come from on the animal? Jesus.

What a Sword Really Sounds Like Being Removed from a Sheath

ravioli says...

hey it's missing the video montage with all the wrong sounds he's talking about, ah well...

i have the same frustration with car chase sounds : tires don't make a screeching sound when rolling on dirt!!!

What Is Light? Young's Double Slit Experiment

ravioli says...

Normally, the big hit with this experiment is that you put some charcoal dust on the viewfinder pad, and everyone looks up afterwards with a black ring around their eye. That's magical.

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