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Anonymous Video Submitter Contest Winners! (Sift Talk Post)

LarsaruS says...

I believe that people have been itching to promote videos. I mean the front page is plastered with videos atm... Guess everyone had time to get their power points back

Oh Yes...It Will Shred

Murdered Bodies by Syrian Secret Police *WARNING! GRAPHIC!*

Murdered Bodies by Syrian Secret Police *WARNING! GRAPHIC!*

blankfist says...

>> ^KnivesOut:



Just kidding. That's normally the response on here, isn't it? I'm still sipping my 1:00pm morning coffee so I don't have the stomach to watch it. I haven't eaten yet either. I like Froot Loops though I haven't had a bowl in probably a decade. My feet itch. Sometimes so bad I scratch 'til they bleed at the top where the foot meets the ankle. I'm curious if it's not mites. I've never owned a nice pencil sharpener. Always those cheap ones you have to twist yourself that tend to nick the lead in weird ways that makes grooves in it. You know? Seems to weaken the lead so it always breaks when applying normal pressure while writing. I drink my coffee out of cups that always allow it to cool too much before I'm done. I've put it in the cups that keep it warm longer, the ones with the lids, but somehow I always feel the coffee doesn't taste as good in those. I know it's not true, but it's comparable to eating a $50 entree on a McDonald's burger wrapper. That would seem like it would make my whole eating experience less enjoyable. Anyhow, this has been the inane musings of blankfist.

"Can I Scratch My Nuts? Will You Scratch My Nuts?"

TED: How to tie your shoe laces the right way

curiousity says...

I've been wearing only vibram five-finger shoes for over one and a half years now. I did wear some tennis shoes a couple of months ago for a couple of hours. It was the funniest thing how they made the top of my feet itch.

Sloth Crosses Road

Dive! Hungry Americans Scavenging For Food

quantumushroom says...

I could be wrong, but foods' expiration dates aren't the assumed date the food spoils, they are the last day supermarkets can legally sell it.

The simplest answer as to why it's all thrown out is lawsuits. There are certain people called "lawyers", just ITCHING to sue a grocery chain that gave food away to a homeless shelter and some bum got sick from eating a brown banana.

An important message from Batman (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Sarzy says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

Batman is probably my second favorite superhero, right after the Amazon princess. I don't compare superheroes with characters from other genres, like horror, science fiction, etc, because they're apples and oranges. He's not my second overall comic book character, but he's still high up. Do you read the new Batman & Robin, with Dick Grayson as the new Batman? I think it's pretty good.
And I read The Dark Knight Returns, and thought it blew. I can't stand Frank Miller, especially his Batman comics. Read this amusing critique of one of his Batman series. He deserves every bit of scorn heaped on him in that scathing review. >> ^Sarzy:
Batman is the greatest comic book character of all time. Of all time!
Yeah, that's right, I said it.

I actually haven't stepped foot in a comic shop in well over a year. Mostly because I'm absurdly broke at the moment, though I am starting to feel the itch to start picking up at least a few comics again.

I completely agree about the Dark Knight Returns, which I found to be kind of shockingly bad, given how revered it is by pretty much everyone. I did really like Batman: Year One, though.

Quiet these days .... (Sift Talk Post)

FBI Investigates Scientology -- aw, too bad

timtoner says...

>> ^shuac:

Awesome. The investigation won't be very impactful but the negative publicity will affect their membership drive. That's how the church survives. Any church, really.

Not really. If you read Jon Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven, about Mormonism, he points out that many religions THRIVE on perceived persecution. It scratches that, "What is everyone so upset about? Let me check them out for myself--they might be on to something" itch.

Adorable Chipmunk in Slow Motion

Slavoj Zizek: The Monstrosity of Christ

Slavoj Zizek: The Monstrosity of Christ

Christopher Hitchens: "All Of Life Is A Wager"

NinjaInHeat says...

Well, I'm just glad we reached this point. I don't really feel a need to "attack" your views, I just wanted you to play the "you can't understand" card. It's the kind of rhetoric I won't spend time arguing with. If I told you I experienced a revelation that led me to believe the universe is governed by an invisible unicorn in space you'd think I'm an idiot. Well, that's all I have for you in regards to "you can't understand it". You're right, I can't, I haven't experienced "spirituality" and as far as I'm concerned it's complete and utter BS.

>> ^shinyblurry:

I can tell you're itching to attack my views here, but since you're not sure, you can't unload the big guns. I'll make it easier for you. Yes, I believe in God. No, it isn't because I was raised with religion (i wasn't), nor was I indoctrinated. I was agnostic until a few years ago. I believe in God because of personal revelation.
Now you say God isn't likely. How would you know? If you want to look at it that way, everything is equally unlikely. Why should anything exist at all? I think you're having the problem that most atheists have, seperating the question from religious ideas about it. The question, "Was the Universe created?" is a perfectly reasonable one. I don't see why it seems so out there to some people to believe that the Universe could have been created. To say it all exploded out of nothing randomly I think is a much more bizzare (and ridiculous) thought.
The spiritual is not something you believe in, it's something you experience. It's not a matter of conceptualizing it, it's a matter of what is happening in actuality, real time, in the here and now. Before my beliefs changed, I had no clue what any of it was all about. I presumed people were imagining it. Not so. There are interconnections between us which transcend physiciality. There are parallel realities in which people can and do travel, in their dreams or wide awake. Until you experience it personally, you absolutely won't know anything about it what-so-ever. It's like trying to watch a football game from outside the stadium based on the noise the crowd is making.
I don't believe the things I do, or have the faith I have, because of some selfish need or weakness or fear. I believe as I do because of my personal experience. I wouldn't believe it, otherwise. It isn't arrogant of me to believe in something in which I have sufficient evidence personally. To me, truth is something tangible; it is not a vague conception. It is the framework of who and what I am. Regardless of whether it seems real to someone else, it is real to me, and the impact I have on the world is a direct result of that truth. So, either way you look at it, it's a real thing. This is what I meant about all the meaning out there. 7 billion human beings living out their truth. It is tangible to all of us.

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