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Meet Knickers, the 1,400kg cow from Australia

nanrod (Member Profile)

I'm God, B*tch!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Samantha Bee, Full Frontal - Voter Suppression

BSR says...

Very nice newtboy. Your restraint is admirable.

No harsh personal insults or name calling. Just facts.

There is iron in your words of truth.

newtboy said:

Just as incorrect as always, at least you're consistent.

1) All those things aren't rights, voting is. To remove a constitutional right should take more that a racist whim or the lack of a document. That should end your argument right there, but rationality and understanding my country's constitution isn't your strong suit.

2) buying smokes or liquor....not if you're over 25 or know a place.

3) getting a job....nope, only to get non cash job or benefits

4) getting a gun....not if it's a private sale

5)rent a house....nope, not true at all

6)get married....not common law or religious marriage

7) I doubt you have an honest clue what's required to receive public assistance, but it's not a driver's license

Poor people don't do much of the rest of what you mention, they use cash, don't own a car, and don't travel.

These false excuses for violating the constitution and placing targeted obstacles in the path of mostly minorities to keep them from voting are brought to you by the anti voting rights party, Republicans, every election since voter protection was lifted and they could legally go after minorities voting rights again.
Odd, they weren't an issue before the court removed the coverage formula, making it nigh impossible to enforce voting rights.....

Since that decision, republican led legislatures have tried everything but reinstating literacy tests to disenfranchise minorities. Voter id laws and voter purges based on minor clerical errors (errors made by the same people who then decide the error makes the registration invalid, errors that happen 3/4 of the time to minorities in areas with less than 30% minority populations, while whites in the same areas are 1/4 the errors caught, but almost 3/4 the population) these purely Republican sponsored laws are blatantly targeting minorities because Republicans don't represent minorities so don't expect their votes.

ILP Showreel 2018

ChaosEngine says...

That's true for a lot of things. Action scenes (particularly fight scenes) really suffer from this.

If you hand your fight scene off to the second unit and don't give the actors/stunt team time to prepare.... you end up with Iron Fist season 1 (credit to them for a massive improvement in season 2).

If you care about this stuff, take the time to set it up, do enough takes until you get it right... you get John Wick or Jackie Chan's early stuff.

CrushBug said:

That is the important point. Studio budget drives the quality of effects companies. Poor effects can be due to the limits of studio budgets.

When Juggling Knives Goes Wrong!

spawnflagger says...

would be ironic if he was distracted by the knife jugglers...

ForgedReality said:

I can't figure out what caused the cyclist to fall over. Was he intentionally swerving to trip that running lady? I have watched that bit over and over and I just can't get it to make any sense...

How Japan Keeps Millions of Residents Safe From Floods

Laxatives fed to Seagulls on the beach

StukaFox says...

I don't wanna be a 24kt dick here, but I fucking HATE seagulls.

Seagulls and Canadian Geese are both the assholes of the avian world and fuck 'em both. God was in a shitty mood when he created these flying abominations. Oh, and pelicans. Yeah, fuck them, too. A pelican took a shit the size of a dinner plate on my (at the time) brand new '97 Z-28 Camaro. Right on the fucking windshield, too. I mean, one minute, I'm enjoying myself at the beach and the next minute I'm looking at a greasy green rotten-fish-reeking shit covering half my goddamn windshield. I have no clue what pelican anatomy looks like, but they must be 99% rectum and 1% ill intents. What a wonderful time to discover I was outta windshield wiper fluid, too. Two little squirts and then my wipers were just smearing semi-digested fish across my windshield. Oh, that FUCKER! I know which one did it, too -- it was the one sitting on a post like three feet away laughing at me. Oh, sure, I could have beaten it to death with a tire iron, but then *I* would have been the one in trouble. You can't ticket a pelican for taking a massive dump on your car, but beat one to death with 2 feet of galvanized steel and you're the one who has to explain it all to a judge.

People feed those rancid fuckers, too. I hope the next cocksucker who tosses a Ritz in the direction of a pelican is staring at the sky with mouth agape when the damned thing decides to void its football-sized ass. That'd be karma right there, and fuck all the people right now going "that's not how karma works!" They can just start putting their Dharma-believing asses to work cleaning my windshield with their tongues.

Please forgive me: I've been drinking for the last six hours and I've gotten maybe a little feisty.

How Norway Reinvented Prison

Drachen_Jager says...

Frankly, it was insane to go down that road in the first place, but Americans have had it drilled into their heads millions of times that the free market is always more efficient than government.

That statement is 100% true, while being completely misleading.

Incandescent light bulbs are extremely efficient... at producing heat instead of light.

Private enterprise is very efficient at creating short-term profits for their shareholders.

Yet Americans seem to think it'll somehow save tons of money so they don't have to pay their precious taxes and everyone can go out and individually buy services for 10x the price they'd pay through the government.

Classic example is GM buying up public transit in the 30s-50s and bulldozing the facilities so everyone has to buy a car. Great for GM, terrible for everyone and everything else (including, ironically, GM in the long run).

newtboy said:

Step one, eradicating for profit prisons.

This single idea was the worst thing that ever happened to our legal system, imo. It created billion dollar companies who's product is incarceration. Like any for profit company, they minimize their costs by warehousing people in illegally crowded cells as cheaply as possible with little or no treatments or support during or afterwards and maximize their business by lobbying for ever more incarceration. The prison guard union is the best funded lobbying group in Washington, and created minimum sentencing so every convict becomes a customer.

Make prison a government function again, who's goal is turning out functional citizens, not warehousing as many bodies as they can get paid for, and we might turn a corner.....but that won't ever happen, there's no multi billion dollar prison reform lobbying group to bribe senators into doing the right thing.

Journalist gets fed up w/ Piers Morgan, calls him an idiot

newtboy says...

Another deaf moron who's ears don't work when his lips move, which is constantly, but he might still be the best listener at Fox....but realize that bar rests so low it's somewhere within the iron core of our planet.
Like the rest of the right, they invite other opinions to speak not in order to listen, but solely for the opportunity to talk over them smugly and create red herrings by not paying attention and making up claims about what the other said or believes out of thin air.
I sometimes hope Trump can enact some truth in journalism law like he says he wants but with a real, unbiased referee deciding what's proven fact and what's ignorant opinion masquerading as fact, and public consequences for the networks at the very least amounting to unimpeachable fact checking, because that will end right wing media outlets day one. They all do this, rant loudly over guests they don't agree with, because their arguments can't withstand honest debate with knowledgeable people, so those people can't be allowed to be heard by their audience.
Why they still give Faux those opportunities is beyond me, Faux must pay lefties a mint to come on.

But Intelligent People Believe in God...

shinyblurry says...

I wasn't raised in the church nor did anyone ever tell me about the Lord. I came to believe in God and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior entirely by personal revelation.

The information bubble that he talks about equally applies to secular society. Many elements of our society, be it entertainment, media, or education all point to the secular creation story. Watch basically any nature video and you'll see the indoctrination "blah blah evolution blah blah deep time blah blah deep time blah blah evolution" etc

I never had a Christian or spiritual friend, my friends and family all believed what I did. That wasn't by design since no one ever brought up God or spiritual beliefs to me. There was zero information coming into my life about God.

I developed an arrogance towards believers although I was incredibly ignorant about what they believed. I had cherry picked a few bible verses which I thought disproved their religion, and that's about all I had.

The majority of unbelievers are in the position I was in. I would have gone that way forever if God hadn't revealed Himself to me.

This video is partly true, as beliefs can develop in a bubble. Then it brings up the "truth" as the antidote, yet what is the truth according to the creators? They failed to define what it is, only that it wouldn't be a belief in God, with no proof for that at all. True believers in the secular story don't see that as faith, because of the indoctrination, ironically

But Intelligent People Believe in God...

heretic says...

The furthest a true scientist can get away from the belief in God is as an agnostic. All other proud claims of knowledge that He doesn't exist are just as religiously dogmatic as those this video claims to describe.

Which ironically is the only ridiculous claim.

The Predator | Official Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

I know I'm in a minority here, but I liked Iron Man 3, and he wrote the screenplay for Last Action Hero, not the story and the screenplay was fine for what it was (come on... Ahnold as Hamlet? That was genius!! ).

As a counter, I would say Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Nice Guys... both of which are excellent.

Basically... this

It won't be as good as the original Predator, but that's like refusing to paint 'cos it won't be the Mona Lisa.

Mordhaus said:

No offense, but he also wrote and directed Iron Man 3, as well as wrote Last Action Hero.

Tater Tot Grilled Cheese & Bacon Waffle Sandwich

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