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Japanese are the politest drivers

One lucky truck driver

spawnflagger says...

it's for this situation that truckers in USA who are hauling pipes get a much higher "hazard" pay than those hauling regular loads. Of course they also have reinforced steel in front of the pipes, but its effectiveness depends on the speed of the impact.

he's lucky he didn't die, and could walk/hobble away from the accident, but unlucky otherwise.

HadouKen24 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I would hazard to guess that they do it to hide their own smell, the same reason dogs roll on dead things. If you smell like your environment, things that hunt with smell won't find you.

HadouKen24 said:

It's not trying to eat the finger or taste it. It's trying to anoint itself with the scent of the finger. There's another video by the same user (you can see it in the suggested videos) that's 4 seconds long showing the behavior.

Hedgehogs, when confronted with strange new scents, lick and gnaw on the object until they have enough of the scent in their mouth. They then foam up their spittle and reach around and spread the foamy stuff on their quills.

It's really weird. No one really knows why they do it.

Vaudeville Smash - Zinedine Zidane ft. Les Murray

oritteropo says...

Zinedine Zidane lyrics

In 1972, under a scorching June sun
In the French Coastal town of Marseilles
Two Algerian immigrants awaited the birth of their 5th child
Later that day, a star was born

Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Veron
Suarez, Van Basten, Gianluigi Buffon
Xavi, Iniesta, Drogba, Hazard
Tevez, Schweinsteiger, Steven Gerrard

Alessandro Del Piero, Neymar, Forlan
Ozil, Nakata, Jean-Pierre Papin
Ballack, Van Persie, Beckham, Giggs, Scholes
But the strongest of them all

Zinedine Zidane, Zinedine Zidane
Superstar, superstar
Zinedine Zidane, Zinedine Zidane
Superstar, superstar

Lionel Messi, Gareth Bale, Kewell
Nedved, Maldini, Aguero, Raul
Casillas, Cavani, Benzema, Mandzukic
Mario Balotelli, Zlatan Ibrahimovic!
Lothar Matthaus, Shevchenko, Cantona
Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Romario, Rivaldo, Robinho, Ramirez, KAKA
Falcao, Franck Ribery, Pirlo, Cahill, Kompany
But the strongest of them all


And he’ll burn through the dark like a fire (Puskas, Eusebio)
So much more than the world was dreaming of wa ya ya (Beckenbauer, Platini, Best)
He’ll fight (Charlton)
And his light (Cruyff)
Will shine on and on and on (Baggio)
Oh, why (Diego Armando Maradona)
With his will to survive (Pele)


Cannavaro, Karagounis, Chicharito, William Gallas
Sanchez, Mark Bosnich, Hulk, Alexi Lalas
Wilkshere, Honda, Busquets, DICKIE, Simao
Thierry Henry, Modric, Vidal
Park Ji Sung, Donovan, Eto'o, Zizou

Zinedine Zidane, Zinedine Zidane
He is a part of things, he is a part of things

Tailgating is bad, okay!

dannym3141 says...

Where exactly is tailgating involved? I see a Peugeot stopping in the middle of the road for no reason causing a major hazard whilst another car (not watching the road) smashed into the back of the recording car.

Edit: Guy is definitely not tailgating the Peugeot. Firstly the guy is easily able to see the brake lights (and he can see over the Peugeot from his cabin) and slows down safely when the Peugeot stops. There's more than a car's distance between them, from the start right down to the impact. I have a 40 min drive to university every day and you'd be lucky to get that much room behind you from someone with a baby on board. That's not counting the fact that the Puegeot is abusing the overtaking lane from the outset.

Dangerous Conformity

RedSky says...

That was morbidly hilarious. This would fit right in on a reality prank show with a laugh soundtrack.

I suppose the added factor here is the misunderstanding of fire as a hazard. I would suspect most people associate it with the risk of burning (which didn't appear imminent) compared to the perhaps more dangerous risk of smoke based loss of consciousness and suffocation.

Jet sucks a safety pylon into its engine

chingalera says...

Hapless birdlies' do it every day somewhere, zor....In turbine terminology it's called BASH (Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard) and on average about 65% of bird strikes cause little or no damage. A whole flock can seriously flock-up an engine though...

Looks like pilot ill-communication with ground crew or careless pilot-Guy on the ground probably didn't know the engine was about to be fired-up-There was after-all a cone in front of the right turbine already. He was cautious not to walk directly into the front of that thing, as entire humans have been sucked-into jet turbines in the history of their use...some have survived even after being spit-out the other side I've heard (though I don't believe it).

Butters does have a point though...

JustSaying says...

Regarding leg angle and and pooping:
If you do the Butters technique, you have the added benefit of facing a wall which gives you the opportunity of placing your feet up on the wall to improve your colon positioning and leg angle, therefore the straightness of the defecation vector. Caution is necessary, though, as you need to grab onto the toilet to avoid launching yourself backside first from the toilet in a motion resembling a jump from a squatting position. This is especially hazardous during difficult defecation acts involving constipation or any kind of pain. Also, you'd want to avoid to give the expression "skidmarks" a new definition as it might stain the Butters technique irreparably.

Engineer Bob Lazar's Hydrogen-Powered Corvette

AeroMechanical says...

The description rather misses the point. The electrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen requires a good deal of electrical power. It's not free energy--you actually get a good deal less out of it than you put into it. The advantage to hydrogen fuel is that it is energy dense and theoretically storeable and transportable much as fossil fuels are.

The problem, though, is that it is extremely hard to store and transport because it escapes so easy (hydrogen being so tiny). I'd hazard that, left alone, all of the hydrogen would escape from that car's tanks in a matter of days.

There really is no easy solution. If you could effectively store and transport hydrogen, and use nuclear power to create it, that would solve a lot of problems. It would create new ones too.

This is, of course, not to belittle what this man has done. It is a fine engineering project, and it is people like this who will, little by little, refine the techniques and solve the problems that are necessary,

Turn Up

newtboy says...

Um...I would hazard to guess that no one, guy or girl, wants to go out with people that act like THAT, which was not how most guys or girls act out of high school.
Just Sayin'
I was disappointed there wasn't really a clothes ripping C-C-C-C-Cat fight!

The Natural Effect or How False Advertising Has Conned Us

bcglorf says...

In the unlikely event you aren't just trolling, here goes. It would appear that you know nothing about Ag practices over the last 4-5 decades. Round-up is bar none one of the safest chemicals to humans and vertebrates that there is. One of the single biggest selling points of round-up ready GMO crops has been greatly reducing the need for other more expensive chemicals that are also more hazardous to humans.

Simply put, GMO crops will typically be exposed to lower quantities of less dangerous chemicals than non-GMO crops.

chingalera said:

Round up is fucking poison and deleterious to all soil, all food crops, humans, puupy dogs, gophers, and kitty-cats. I and I commend Percy Schmeiser on some guerrilla ball-sack-action against the assholes that are, Babylon Monsanto.

Patent infringer MY ASS Monsanto, he's a fucking hero. the skin of his teeth

bcglorf says...

If you can't safely turn across a lane of traffic then absolutely yes you do not make the turn. Even if the reason you can't safely make the turn is because someone else is speeding at some ridiculous pace, you still stop and don't turn.

My objection was the tone of the post I responded to suggesting only the the biker was at fault. I have no problem with declaring speeding putting someone partially at fault. I have a bigger problem though saying that crossing a lane of traffic when unsafe to do so is in any world a lesser danger, hazard and fault.

I'll agree to both at fault, but always more fault for crossing when unsafe.

robbersdog49 said:

I'd be very surprised if, if he had hit the car, the police didn't at the very least think his speed was a factor in the accident.

It's all well and good to say never, but there are obviously times where this would be stupid. If I was in a car making a turn across traffic in a position where I wouldn't be able to cross the lane fast enough if a vehicle came along doing 150mph, should I not take the turn? In that case you're saying if it did happen I would be at fault, but it would also be the case that there was nothing I could have done to avoid the accident other than not make the turn?

Whether or not this video is one of those incidents is debatable, but using absolutes is not the way the law, or common sense, works.

The biker is obviously speeding, the person in the car obviously didn't see them. The biker is breaking the law, the car driver is perhaps driving without due care and attention. Without seeing more of the road and knowing the speed of the bike it would be impossible to know the extent of any negligence. But it's not really unfair to say someone was doing something wrong when they're speeding.

Did Positive Thinking Wreck the Economy?- Barbara Ehrenreich

How to Fight a Baby

Sniper007 says...

Two weeks ago I got into an argument with someone on facebook (a total stranger) and they decided to call CPS to retaliate. They said the vintage barn wood bunk beds I built two weeks ago were an environmental hazard. CPS came, then a week later the cops came, trying to get in our house. My wife refused to let them in both times. We are still under investigation.

We are literally leaving the entire country permenantly as soon as our paperwork is in order (we've been planning this for some time).

Nothing I said is an exaggeration, it is all true, and your fears are 100% well founded.

brycewi19 said:

I honestly shudder to think that there is a stuck-up sensi-poo out there who would love to report this as child abuse to Child Protective Services.

Can you absorb mercury with a sponge?

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