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Thug Cop Smashes Woman's Face Over DUI

JiggaJonson says...

"I pay for the police state then complain that it shouldn't exist and that people should vote with their dollars instead. Embrace the free market like I do and vote for the police state."

"When I can't actually argue well, I call people Statist and make fun of their grammar. I'm so fucking smart for that."

Thug Cop Smashes Woman's Face Over DUI

Rebel Rocket Attack - Banksy

Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

shinyblurry says...

It's interesting that you would mention DNA because there is more evidence there of intelligent design than anywhere else. Did you know that DNA is more sophisticated than any code we have ever developed? It has digital information storage and retrieval, optimization, redundancy, and error correction.

DNA is also a language, and it has an alphabet, a coding system, correct spelling, grammar, meaning and intended purpose. Because DNA can be both classified as a code and a language, both of which we know only come from minds, we can reasonably conclude that DNA was intelligently designed.

Here is a book you might enjoy on the subject:

"Also, the complete and total lack of any empirical evidence of a supernatural creator."

I would pose the would you tell the difference between a Universe that was designed and one that wasn't? How would you know which one you were in?

StukaFox said:

The discovery of the DNA molecule and genetics in general.

Also, the complete and total lack of any empirical evidence of a supernatural creator.

Why I Hate Composing E-mails

Lann says...

@enoch The whole "you have to stop" makes me think you don't really get the feeling that @eric3579 @lucky760 and other people who relate to this video have. It's similar to telling someone with an anxiety to just stop worrying. Doesn't really do anything.

I know you can just flow though words like whatever but for me (and I'm sure many other people) commenting can become draining. Also, some do take great care in their comments because they want their point to come across. That is another reason why grammar has become more and more important to me. Not looking for perfection but I do want people to understand me.

Please don't take this as a criticism of your commenting style. It's fine. Not all of us are like you though.

That's One Seriously Creepy Dude. Who Does That?

Aquaponic Gardening ~ Hydrophnic Aquaculture System

chingalera jokingly says...

Thanks, but the sentiment is better expressed in my adjusted opening, sentence-I was thinking of, "that which is the grocery man's to peddle" (veggies, to be specific), and wasn't really concerned about perception. Both uses are proper without contextualization, eh? Oh, and yer joke, it missed me.Thought you were one of those peeved grammar-types....Oh, and if ya hadn't noticed already, I ass-rape the English language much to the dismay of my non-existent readershipz...Go fuck yourself

Yogi said:


Driving on the highway when all of a sudden

Japan You So Crazy!

oblio70 says...

Wow, the cultural aire of superiority they exude...REGARD! The eyeball skirt she wears, is a pop transliteration of pop-cultural critique/artist Takashi Murakami, whom thought contemporary Japanese art to be “a deep appropriation of Western trends.” He sought to bring ridicule of this tendancy to embrace the non-Japanese through both classical and pop cultural grammar. Much of that same disdain for the foreign is displayed here, so our "WTF"- response is deeply appreciated. Hurray! We don't Get it!!!

The photo booth prank

dzonny says...

is calling "fake" on VideoSift the same as making grammar corrections on Facebook? depending on the answer, i have a comment i'd like to make about this video.

How to properly exit a freeway

Pump-Action Shotgun Fail.

newtboy says...

Um...what? Didn't the pot just call the kettle black here?
Shall I ask you chingalera to please make it your mission to stop trying to look intelligent by either using words you don't know or instructing others on the rules of grammar that you can't follow yourself. Your rambling is not in complete sentences, or is in run on rambling sentences without a complete or cojent thought. Your punctuation is atrocious. I am fairly intelligent and well educated, but I can't follow your disjointed writings enough to adequately "pick it (them) apart and feed it to the squirrels".
Try again.

chingalera said:

Please, make it your mission to answer each point in the above solicited inquiry in some internationally recognized form and with complete sentences that anyone would give a fiddler's fuck about picking apart to feed to squirrels!??

Afford me this indulgence if you would, after my having spent otherwise wasted time reading your particular view from the precipice??

-Jesuscornbread and a rusty badge, ad infinitum

Best Polish harlem shake

chingalera says...

COSTUME.....This Costume is "what they were"(YOU did that, zebishop ) in church in Poland-It is my CUSTOM to shy away from grammar correction and to down vote Harlem shake offerings according to rottenseed's mandate....

This is what it looks like to learn a language in one year

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