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Science Moms

ChaosEngine says...

@navlasop that's part of the problem.

For example, there is no doubt that pharmaceutical companies engage in some EXTREMELY shady shit. But when someone screams that vaccines are evil and "big pharma" is hiding the cure for cancer, it becomes difficult to discern the genuine issues (evergreening, etc) from the noise.

"Chem trails!
Global Warming!
9/11 was an inside job!
Aliens at Roswell!"

One of those is a real and serious problem, but if it gets lumped in with the orders, it becomes easy to dismiss it as nonsense.

We need to get better as a society at filtering the signal from the noise.

New Rule: Suckers | Real Time with Bill Maher

Sagemind says...

Um, you completely missed his point. Didn't you listen to him?

He's saying it doesn't matter what you do of what rules you use personally, it will make no difference if we don't have the proper leadership in government to make the right decisions in leadership is setting standards and solid decisions on how to clean our environment.

This video is about how, really, only government can effect the change needed to curb global warming.
Unfortunately the current US government is dismantling all those rulings and safe-gaurds, in the name of corporate money and greed over environment and the people affected by those decisions.

(His point was NOT that people trying to be healthy were dying young anyway. He was using them as examples to the fact that, no matter how hard you try on a personal level, it takes laws to make the bigger decisions to affect change)

transmorpher said:

I can play that game too Bill.

Dr. Elsworth Wareham, alive and literally kicking at 103.
Just another vegan heart-surgeon.......

What you eat really does matter. You don't get to choose your genetics, but eating unhealthy won't make it better. Duh.

New Rule: Suckers | Real Time with Bill Maher

New Rule: The Good Sex Economy

heropsycho says...

MAGA isn't anything. It's as vague as "Hope and Change". It's a slogan.

Starting trade wars that wreck the economy is a bad thing. Deregulation that harms the economy is a bad thing. A lot of his policies are bad things.

And before you say, "well, the economy is doing great!" or "black unemployment is at an all time low", or whatever fact that completely ignores the macroeconomic phenomenon known as the business cycle, remember that national economic policy takes time to take effect. Instituted properly, it keeps the economic dips at recession level lows and duration, not 2008 level catastrophes. Aside from emergency measures such as those instituted during 2009, the federal government can't generally have immediate impacts. It'll take awhile.

I'll even go on record as saying that a recession under Trump is virtually inevitable even if he conducted good policy. The measure of his policies will turn into how bad the recession ends up being, and how well the damage is contained.

And that's the problem. Because of his tax cuts, he's put us into larger deficit spending mode in a time that we didn't need it. Macroeconomically, it was time to run surpluses. But he didn't care. In fact, he cared so little, he didn't even just keep deficit spending at where it was. He made it worse.

So when the other shoe drops, there won't be many mechanisms left to do other than lower interest rates when they're already low aside from sacrifice future economic growth when we have to deficit spend out the ass to stimulate the economy.

And the worst part is his poor decisions, when it's evident they were poor, reversing them won't help end a recession. If you realize a trade war screwed us, removing the tariffs doesn't in the short run increase consumer spending because people won't have jobs to buy those goods, and if the recession is globally felt (which it will be), Chinese people will have less money to buy American goods.

Taxing the rich more in the short run doesn't put more money into consumers' hands who would actually spend it. In fact, that reduces capital at a time when capital would help build new businesses to hire more people.

Not that any of this is surprising. Trump has no idea how macroeconomics work. He talks like he does, but he doesn't. Just says stuff that sounds obvious and easy to understand, and too many people fell for it.

But the reckoning is coming. It always does.

bobknight33 said:

So MAGA is a bad thing? How foolish!

A Closer Look: Trump Meets Kim Jong-un

Spacedog79 says...

I don't get this line of argument, America has been propping up the Saudi regime since the 50's and they are the worlds leading sponsor of global terror.

America has been too reliant on the CIA to achieve it's geopolitical goals, and all they know how to do is spread fear and paranoia followed by screwing countries over with hired goons. It always ends badly. I'm just glad Trump is taking a different approach here.

vil said:

So now he is friends with two dictators, one has personally pledged not to interfere with US elections and another has promised not to nuke the US. That would be better if those same dictators had a history of keeping their promises.

Made in China

TRRazor says...

This is such a great feature.
Seeing him being confronted with the harsh reality, essentially breaking his heart, is quite a lot to bear.

I guess you could call this a lesson about globalism...

Second Ellicott City 'Thousand Year Storm' in 2 years

vil says...

Is it possible that we have missed important signs of global warming wherever it has caused local weather to be uncharacteristically mild and pleasant for extended periods of time?

It actually takes three of these events in close succession to make any claim that orthodox thousand year periods were violated. Perhaps it took a thousand years to wait for the first one, and now it will not happen for another thousand years again. Who knows.

Second Ellicott City 'Thousand Year Storm' in 2 years

Mordhaus says...

also @eric3579

To clarify a Thousand Year Storm isn't only going to happen once in a thousand years. There is always a probability that it can happen. Some of this could easily be 'bad luck'.

The phenomenon that created this situation is known as cell training, and happens all over the place. However, it is worthwhile noting what else they say, "...scientific studies have shown a statistically meaningful uptick in the frequency of extreme rain events over the eastern United States. Statistically, over the long term, these types of extreme floods are probably becoming more common, in areas that are normally rainy as a result of global warming."

What this means, at least the way I understand it, is that statistically in this region we can expect a higher probability of these 'xxx year storms' every time conditions are favorable for cell training style weather.

We can expect more of these types of storms, simply because the climate is in a format that creates more ideal conditions. These ideal conditions are not limited to just this type of weather, either. Gulf hurricanes, tornado alley tornadoes, and other 'regional' weather patterns are also experiencing 'ideal' conditions to allow stronger, more damaging storms to develop.

Anom212325 said:

The comments in this thread is a perfect example of people not doing their own research and just believing everything they read or hear. attach a striking video or image to a comment stating some viewpoint/reason and 3 out of 4 in this case will eat it up as truth without thinking for themselves.

11 Year Old Naomi Wadler's Speech At The March for our Lives

newtboy says...

Kids Channel by James Roe
Sandbox for Sift Tots. This is a realm for videos that are suitable for children to enjoy. Non-kid-friendly videos that simply happen to contain a kid do not belong here.

He is intentionally posting adult content on the channel reserved for children after repeated warnings by multiple sifters and a short hobbling for the same thing. Perhaps another longer one is in order?

And because he continuously misassigns videos about racism as war on terror......

War on Terror Channel by raven

This Channel is for the aggregation of all videos related to the "Global War on Terror"...
As defined by
"The War on Terror (also known as the War on Terrorism) is a campaign initiated by the United States government under President George W. Bush which includes various military, political, and legal actions ostensibly taken to "curb the spread of terrorism," following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States... Both the phrase “War on Terror” and the policies it denotes have been a source of ongoing controversy, as critics argue it has been used to justify unilateral preemptive war, perpetual war, human rights abuses, and other violations of international law."

This Channel aims to become a place that will foster discussion of the war, and the numerous controversies surrounding it as well as the video material coming out of it; both in the form of News Media reports, and videos shot by the soldiers themselves.

CrushBug said:

Just asking for clarity. What is the definition for the Kids channel?

I disagree with putting it in War on Terror, since that channel is about something else than this.

John Oliver - Don Blankenship

PlayhousePals says...





John Oliver - Don Blankenship

How IBM quietly pushed out 20,000 older workers

bobknight33 says...

You don't think about this until you are in this "old" range.

As one who works for a top 10 global mega company and whose stock is 1/2 of what it was a year ago, this makes me wonder.

Full Frontal - Iraq War: 15 Years Later

Mordhaus says...

I'm pretty sure the stupidest war ever was the War of Jenkins' Ear, which not only was dumb in it's own merit but also spawned two additional wars that killed close to 2 million people.

Basically Britain and a trading company decided that a little war would help to spur trade, so they seized on an 8 year old incident involving the Spanish boarding a ship and cutting off the captain's ear to fan the flames of conflict.

While the casualties of this little conflict were only around 30k dead or wounded, and a paltry 500 ships, it nicely helped kick off the War of Austrian Succession. That fun conflict led to around half a million dead.

Not satisfied, the powers of Europe stewed over the previous two incidents and then decided to really get down and dirty. The Seven Years war was the first really 'global' war, involving every European great power of the time and spanning five continents. Roughly 1.25 million people got to shuffle their mortal coil off the world thanks, in part, to a little trade war over an ear.

Mash Report: Women Have Told Everyone to Just Fuck Off

00Scud00 says...

News update: Women telling everyone to just fuck off has set off a global firestorm which culminated in everyone in the world telling everyone else to just fuck off. Apparently for the human race, being a judgemental twat is second only to breathing, and that's only because we have to inhale before speaking.

Trump Uses Nunes Memo to Attack Russia Probe: A Closer Look

bobknight33 says...

Trey Gowedy did read the FISA documents and did provide great incite in writing the Nunes memo.

Don't think there was any direct reading of any part of the memo from fake news outlets.

As for the memo::: Bombshell.::::::

Comey own words indicated that this dossier is “salacious and unverified."
McCabe testified “that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information”

Yet both signed off to obtain / renew the FISA surveillance.

The fact that the FISA has to be renewed every 90 days and that top leadership ( FBI Director James Comey, McCabe,) and others. The fact that they had to re-sign off every 90 days makes this even worse.

James Comey signed three FISA applications
Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one.
Sally Yates, and Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of DOJ.

They all knew this was a bad document and this was for political reasons.

McCabe wife working for Global Fusion GPS worked on this steel document. McCabe’s wife received 500k for her political run from Hillary Clinton.

The Muller investigation was started due to this dossier. An un verified political slanted document.

Since this memo came out we find out that Hillary Clinton/DNC passed info to Steele to put in the dossier ..

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