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New Rule: Words Matter | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

bcglorf says...


Those have been attacked by extremely tiny, but vocal minorities on the very far left, not main stream leftists nor centrists. Just as all on the right aren’t raving lunatic Trumpists that gladly put orange daddy before reality, country, and democracy, all on the left aren’t as you’ve described them….very few are.

Wow, something we can agree on?

I do hope the aforementioned far/nutty left/right folks are the minority we think. Events like Jan. 6, or censorship, firings to appease fringes show the nutters on both ends holding more power already then I’m comfortable with.

Joe Rogan Clarifies His Vaccine Comments

Stormsinger says...

I've been forced to conclude that Rogan is just another Alex Jones. He's got nothing to offer except pandering to the lunatic fringe.

robdot said:

People who don’t get vaccinated are incubators for variants. Fuck you stupidass pieces of willfully ignorant shit.

Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

wtfcaniuse says...

I can see the reasoning behind your belief. The issue is that it stems from thinking the media YOU watch isn't fake or at the very least biased. You need to understand that mainstream media is biased but the sort of fringe media that you partake in (and others on the left) is pure unadulterated propaganda. If that is all you consume then you will have tunnel vision.

Lets agree some media wants Trump out and they are running stories that only show him in a bad light, twist the facts or outright lie in order to make him look bad.

What reason did they have to do similar stories on Trump's corruption, adultery and general cuntishness for decades before he was President?

bobknight33 said:

Sound like he has the smoking gun. Lets see it.

Yet not 1 FOX new clip confirming YTY.

Yet not 1 clip from any news source.


2 more months of lies from secrete source or Anti Trumpers,"close aids" etc etc etc.

Trump hates blacks
Trump hates women
Trump hates Gays
Trump hates military
Trump hates poor people
Trump hates everyone.
Trump raped more woman
Trump watches other men F his wife and J Off.
Trump raped little boys
Trump raped little girls
Trump has perverted sex dungeon in secrete side room in WH and many on this properties.
Trump and Putin lies
Trump and China lies
Another investigation by Adam Schiff

Fake news has no choice but to super dump on Trump next 2 months because they know he will win by a land slide and they need to stop it by all means necessary.

Florida Man 2

moonsammy says...

I've got a lot of respect for the interviewer. No way could I ever handle putting myself in any of the situations he does. And as ridiculous as his interview subjects are, they're also real people. I think it's worthwhile to document the more fringe / bizarre elements of society.

Meanwhile at a Democratic Socialists Convention...

Drachen_Jager says...


You support Trump, a guy who literally grins and gives a thumbs up for his photo op with a baby who's parents were likely murdered because of his own rhetoric. A guy who rambles on about absolute nonsense when he's not using a teleprompter. A guy who got recorded admitting he molests women. A guy who is so obsessed with his image that he takes drugs that make him impotent just so he can have a full head of hair. And the cast of characters supporting him is no better.

The difference between the left and the right now in America is on the left, the nuts are on the fringes, on the right, they're in Congress, in the White House, in the Senate. They're making policy.

Every house has a few nuts, most are smart enough not to put them in charge.

Can Alcohol Cause Cancer?

transmorpher says...

And what exactly does veganism have to do with alcohol consumption? The vast majority of alcohol is vegan friendly.

Vegans have nothing to gain from decreased alcohol consumption.

Also Dr.Greger makes no claims. He simply reads out the research from a world wide scope of researchers, none of which are vegan.

And cherry picking what exactly? He's presented literally 10s of thousands of research papers all from unrelated researchers. And it's not like he's picking out some fringe groups, he's quoting the biggest health organisations in the world.

While it's easy to call him a cherry picker, I challenge anyone to find any credible evidence of cherry picking. I'm yet to hear back from someone over the last 6 years.

And I also challenge you to find an article that isn't funded or tied to the egg/milk/beef/fish industry which claims that eating x animal product is healthy.

Even easier, find an industry funded study which shows the detrimental effects of their own product. You won't, because they are inherently biased - an industry would never publish something that would hurt their bottom line. And no he doesn't ignore or cherry pick around industry funded studies, he exposes their tricks and data manipulation as well. That's not cherry picking, that's proper analysis.

And actually thanks to the freedom of information act, we can see how many studies they hide from us (when they don't like the results), and only publish the ones that suit their revenue centered agenda.

And this is why he's labelled a cherry picker - revenue loss. Broccoli ain't making anyone rich.

Let me put it into perspective:

He did a few video on how those WIFI sensitivity diseases are fake, and the comments are insane - because it's hurting people's income. And this is a pretty niche market, so you can imagine what a billion dollar industry would attempt to do to discredit him. Of course, they never address the research, just him.

drradon said:

From Media Bias website: " Science Based Medicine debunks one by one, many of Dr. Gregers claims. They also claim that NutritionFacts cherry picks information that will always favor veganism. does provide some valuable information and certainly a diet high in fruits and vegetables is preferred, but Dr. Gregers claims are extreme."

Not a consumer of alcohol myself, but this seems about right...

How Republicans Deflect Blame After a Tragedy

moonsammy says...

A shocking lack of regulation. Shameful, really.

I'd wager people crazy enough to plaster their vehicles with extreme fringe political stickers probably just print their own. Otherwise some goddamn globalist sticker company might track their purchases! They'd be in a deep state sticker database!

Nebosuke said:

What is up with sticker companies...

72 Hours Away From A Coup In Which Trump Will Be Decapitated

FlowersInHisHair says...

These assholes talked constantly about removing Obama from office. Their paranoid, homophobic histrionics should be fringe thinking, but people believe them. Perhaps it's that Christianist, rightist compulsion to always portray themselves as the underdog even when "their guy" is in power.

Man saws his AR15 in half in support of gun control

ChaosEngine says...

I don't really have a problem with owning guns and it's certainly not "all or nothing".

My issue with the gun arguments in the states is that they're asking the wrong questions. The problem isn't the guns, it's why you seem to think you need them.

No other developed nation has this issue. The rest of the world all have guns, we're just responsible with them. We're ok with reasonable legislation and we don't have a lunatic fringe screaming about tyranny if we can't own assault rifles.

Most importantly, no civilised country thinks you need a gun for self-defence. A) we have police for that and b) most of us just aren't afraid that someone is coming to kill us... because they aren't.

I don't think there's an easy fix to America's gun problems. Fundamentally I think the issue is cultural rather than regulatory, but honestly, at this stage, you're like a bunch of kids, who need their toys taken off them until they can prove they're mature enough to use them properly.

If someone is an alcoholic, the most important thing isn't taking the booze away, it's getting them to admit there's a problem. But sometimes, you need to take the booze away long enough for them to sober up and admit there's a problem.

cloudballoon said:

All good points, but that's another problem.

I don't think the vast majority of gun owners have government overthrowing in mind when purchasing guns anyway.

Why can't I own bombs & shoulder mounted firing rockets? That's because governments are sensibly enough to think these weapons don't belong in the public.

Should that bar for publicly-available weapons set above or below these AR-15 type assault rifles? I think that's the legitimate discussion. It's not "all or nothing."

VICE covers Charlottesville. Excellent

Jinx says...


I think of Megan Phelps-Roper, once prominent member of WBC, now "reformed". She was the sort of "Social Media Manager" for the WBC. She used twitter to further spread their message but, ofc, the world of twitter stares also into you. She began to engage in a sort of dialogue with those that responded to her hate filled tweets and over time the WBC grip on her was chipped away. In the end I think she actually married one of those that engaged with her on twitter. Cool Story. Bro.

Anyhoo. So it can be done but it doesn't happen on the picket line or in protests. I mean, with some of these people you can't even agree on the definition of "human"... I really strongly doubt the value of allowing such groups to have a voice for the sake of having an opportunity to denounce (ostracise?) them further. It takes carefully considered, long term, personal debate.

My feeling is that his is happening not because we have suppressed such ideas for too long and now they are boiling over...they are boiling over because where once discontented individuals were alone with their prejudices and fears now they can find in minutes a group online to agree with. The suppression of these fringe ideologies wasn't the cause, the cause is that the internet seems to have rendered such suppression ineffectual. How we now challenge these festering online dens I'm not sure...

Also, and I hate to go all reducto ad hitlerum here but if there was ever a time, discussing neo-nazis must surely be it.... Hitler spoke and spoke and spoke and his bad ideas didn't fall into the shitter fast enough to save the lives of all the millions of Jews and those that fought against them.

enoch said:

the alt right are a vile,vulgar and grotesque display of racist ignorance all gussied up as "patriots",as "white nationalists" whose only concern is the safety and prosperity of america.

pffffft../fart noise.

so would you PLEASE for the love of fucking CHRIST allow these nimrods to hold their little rallies,their little marches.let them speak and speak and speak.....

because,like anything..bad ideas have a way of falling into the shitter when those ideas are shoved into the open.

there is a REASON why we haven't heard from these shitbags for almost 35 years,and it ain't because somebody threw a punch,sprayed some mace,or drowned out their voice.

it is simply because we gave them a mic.
that's it..we let them talk,let them march,let them hand out their literature.

this ain't rocket science people.

Counter Protest Attacked In Charlottesville, Va

newtboy says...

What's a moderate to do?
Stand up and make your voice heard, making it clear that inclusion of fascism in the platform means you are out the door.
We must make it unavoidable that adding the ultra left to the party removes the moderates and independents, and undeniably kills the party. Have them look at Republicans as an example of what you get when you court the extremists, and show them that the gains moving towards center are far greater than those on the fringe.
It's outrageous to think they need to be told that, but clearly they do.

enoch said:


i think what bcglorf is suggesting,and correct me if i am wrong bc,is that the ideological intolerance that is permeating the far left,and creeping into the current media turning people away from the left and driving them further right.

that how the ultra-left deals with criticism by labeling ALL criticism as an attack,and not a functioning dynamic of dialogue,is counter-productive and again..drives people further right.

so what is a moderate to do?

on the alt-right they have a choice of a grotesque and vulgar racist political philosophy akin to the "aryan supremacy" of the 30's dressed up as nationalism and patriotism.

and on the alt-left they have an equally grotesque group who subvert freedoms and liberties all in the name of "equality" and "tolerance".while single-handedly being the most intolerant of them all.

fascists to the left of me..
fascists to the right..
and here i am..
stuck in the middle...

Bernie Sanders shows support for aims of Jeremy Corbyn

dannym3141 says...

The outcome was astonishing, even i couldn't believe it and i've been campaigning for it since 2015. All of this might be out of date 3 hours after i post it, because things are happening fast.

Theresa May has decided to go into government with the DUP propping her up. If you have kept up in the last 6 weeks or so with all the smears about Corbyn/IRA/Sinn Fein and terrorism, then you should understand that the DUP is basically the *other* side of the irish conflict. They are socially conservative and many of their beliefs fall in line with sharia laws; abortion illegal (including for sexual assault or incest cases), homophobia wrong and harmful to society, creationist beliefs, climate change deniers. That list might have less impact to some in the US but in British politics, it's out there on the fringe, quite extreme.

In a month from tomorrow there will be the July marches in Northern Ireland (and elsewhere in UK), and we already saw a march yesterday where unionists (~DUP supporters) trashed a nationalist pub (~Sinn Fein supporters).

So now consider. Nationalists have been dragged through the dirt by Conservative MPs and in the press; accused of being terrorists in order to smear Corbyn to stop him getting power. Whereas unionists are being courted by the Conservative government, and the press turning a blind eye to the DUP and their connections to domestic terrorism.

The northern irish peace process was a great achievement and still stands despite bad feeling on both sides. Part of the good friday agreement that ensures this peace says that the UK and Irish governments must act as neutral mediators in times of disagreement between factions in NI.

So now it becomes clear why Jeremy Corbyn refused to criticise either the unionists or the nationalists in particular - as a true leader with a fucking brain in his head, he understood that to take sides or score points would be to risk Britain's safety and the safety of communities in NI. The reason people were able to smear him as a terrorist sympathiser and danger to this country is *because* he refused to say or do anything that endangered this country.

And it becomes rather worrying that the tories have risked all of that hard work and all of our safety in order to keep power for just a little bit longer. There are already talks of a legal challenge from nationalists.

The good side to this is that it seems doomed to failure. May's credibility is broken, in the UK and in Europe. The alliance with the DUP almost certainly can't happen or last very long. The only alternative leaders to May would make the Conservatives less popular. Polls that saw this surge coming are predicting now that Labour would do even better if another election happened right now. The last time this happened was Ted Heath, whose minority government did not last long, and Labour took over after a few days, and won an election a few months later.

Austerity is well and truly broken as an ideology.

Oh, and all the talk of "the death of social democracy" in europe was actually the death of triangulating centrists who have become completely alienated from ordinary people. Socialism lives.

Euroversals - Are all European languages alike?

'Okja' (Giant Mutant Pig) Trailer Looks Awesome

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

I picked out this singular point of yours, because it seems like a very common issue getting worse over time.

The professional class has been rather successful at pushing a definition of "progressive" that is in line with their own interests. It's now mostly restricted to social issues, with SJW being the fringe element of it. Economic issues? Gone. Welfare issues? Gone. Foreign policy issues? Gone.

If you look at it that way, Obama has been good to the managerial class, the credentialed class, the professional class, the Silicon Valley types, the affluent liberals, everyone who was already profitting from the neoliberal status-quo. The rest, not so much. The opiod epidemic in the US, born out of mass despair, combined with your excuse of a healthcare system, is class warfare, plain and simple. "Die faster" is the message coming from not just the establishment, but also the professional class, aimed at the plebs, the servant class, the deplorables, the white trash, everyone not inside their bubble.

I've had more success in discussions by making it clear from the get-go that social victories mean very little when you are too poor to enjoy any of them. Your progressive issues mean nothing to me if you still insist on neoliberal economic policies that are a tool of class warfare against the poor.

It's as clear as day in France this days. The liberal intelligentsia calls you scum if you don't support Macron, the darling of the elite, who is liberal on social issues, but a hardcore neoliberal on economic issues. A spokesperson of the Melenchon campaign described his policies as "the Uberization of society", something in clear opposition of what the left stands for.

Describing my views as left rather than progressive or liberal has also helped in these discussions.

enoch said:

all because i had the audacity to point out that:obama is not a progressive

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